I'm pretty new to Linux, but I loath Manjaro.
How can I *easily* install Ubuntu as every route seems to lead me to a build script that complains about aarch64 comparability.
I just want to book from a USB image and wipe the eSSD with Ubuntu Arch64
Help please!!
1. Download and burn whatever OS you want to boot from SD, flash it to SD, boot from the SD.
2. Grab one of ayufan's Ubuntu images while booted into the SD OS.
3. Verify the eMMC drive designation. Disks should make that nice and easy.
4. In terminal from your SD boot use: pv your-ubuntu-image.img > /dev/mmcblkX
5. Shutdown, pop out the SD, boot up from the eMMC. You should boot into your chosen Ubuntu image.
Many thanks - I'll post back with the steps I took for other newbs! :-)
Why do you hate Manjaro? Just out of interest...
I just feel it's targeted at "proper" *nix users, rather than those Windows users dipping their toes in Linux (like me)
Isn't this rather a Gnome vs KDE feeling ?
Because if a user comes from Windows I don't really see how he/she makes the difference between Ubuntu and Manjaro if it isn't for the DE...
And a lot of newcomers don't realize you can change the DE / WM whatever on linux if you don't like the default (which you aren't used to if you come from Windows).