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  Android Image Release Version 20160112
Posted by: khgoh - 01-12-2016, 08:33 PM - Forum: News - Replies (10)

We are please to announce the latest release of Android Lollipop Image Rev 20160112.
At the moment, the file can be downloaded from baidu cloud storage. We are in the process of uploading it to the Google drive and torrent. Once it is ready, we will update it on to our wiki download page.

The download page are as below,


KH Goh

  Question about Shields
Posted by: monmoonmooonmoooon - 01-12-2016, 05:23 AM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials - Replies (2)


I think I already know this answer after looking for GPIO differences between RPi and Pine but I will ask anyway.

Will a shield from RPi work in Pine? If not, is planned something to run RPi shields?

If is not possible, why you guys don't make it compatible?


  Will Android be open source too?
Posted by: pjt - 01-12-2016, 04:25 AM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (6)

This is the third time I've asked this, first in message, then as a comment after the pledge, but still nobody could or was willing to answer me if Android sources will be published or not. Well, the kernel sources will have to be published but I don't know if the AllWinner Android source is proprietary or not. the Mali source is closed source, if I'm not mistaken.

So please somebody tell me if there will be repositories to build Android for then PINE 64 from the AOSP source, or not.

  Collaboration from Allwinner
Posted by: tllim - 01-11-2016, 06:12 PM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (43)

Dear Folks,

I have already managed to get Allwinner president to assign an resource to deal with open source community. His name is Mr. Xiong and software director level. I will start engage with him tonight and explore how to work together. However lets set 3 simple ground rules first:

1. There is no conspiracy theory between Pine 64 and Allwinner. Daniel Kottke, Steve Jobs good pal, passed me an Allwinner A64 web posting (http://www.allwinnertech.com/plus/view.php?aid=527) and ask me to check on this $5 quad core 64-bit ARM SoC, this is how the Pine64 journey begins. During this journey, I discovered the open source community concern towards Allwinner and I ask my China friend (ChipHD GM, Mr. Liu) to introdcue Allwinner President Mr. Teng. We meet, have lunch together on December 2015 at Allwinner HQ. I ask his support on open source community and he agreed. This is the story.

2. We try to collaborate together. This is not a court case, no "witness", no "defender', and nobody should plays 'judge" role.

3. From my selfish role, I will start with A64 SoC support first. Once and if this collaboration goes smoothly, the other board using Allwiner SoC in market will enjoy the benefit.

BTW, I am a system guy. Hopefully somebody from Sunxi can help me up.

TL Lim

  Got my Pine 64 today
Posted by: KryPtAlIvIaN - 01-11-2016, 02:45 PM - Forum: Game Station Emulation - Replies (48)

Got my Pine 64 today! My GF thought it would be fun to torture me since I'm still at work.

Thanks again TL!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

  About the camera
Posted by: robopo - 01-11-2016, 11:12 AM - Forum: Camera Module - Replies (11)

Some questions about the Pine camera:

- What is the status of the camera module, when will it be available?

- Is the camera connector perhaps the same as in Raspberry Pi 2 and if so can Raspberry Pis camera be used with Pine while waiting for the pine camera?

- can the camera video be synced with external pulse? This would make the pine camera extremely useful and the lack of this is perhaps the major deficiency in the RPi camera system.



  Android Rooted?
Posted by: monmoonmooonmoooon - 01-11-2016, 07:39 AM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (82)

Hey guys,

Will the Android version for Pine64+ rooted? Could I install for example Xposed?


  Ubuntu 14.04 Support
Posted by: s001911 - 01-10-2016, 06:33 PM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (1)

Hi Backer here,

I've been reading some of the threads here and I'm a little confused. I am purchasing this to play around with some things and all their support is for Ubuntu 14.04 so I'm going to make the move from Fedora 22 to Ubuntu 14.04 for use on my PINE+.

Essentially my concern is Will the PINE+ ship with native Ubuntu 14.04 support? If not will there be a "guided tutorial" or will it be a caveat emptor "have fun" kind of situation? I'm not opposed to either but it's just a lot more fun with the unboxing if you can load everything and play with it instantly as opposed to spent [insert time frame here] mucking about to get your OS seated.

Sorry if this came accross as overly critical and/or abusive. It wasn't really my intention.

Anyway, regardless I'm rather excited for the delivery of my PINE+ and can't wait to have a play with it.

Posted by: Rhetoric - 01-10-2016, 05:57 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (19)

I was just wondering if there will be a port on pine64 that we will be able to plug something like a cpu fan into? Thanks!

  Operating systems
Posted by: Rhetoric - 01-10-2016, 11:18 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (7)

Hello, I was just wondering if we would be able to add on a micro sd card at the end of the campaign that would have an os like lubuntu already installed? Thanks!