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  Large multi touch touchscreen for P64?
Posted by: vedranius - 04-14-2016, 03:59 PM - Forum: LCD and Touch Panel - Replies (5)

Hi all!
I need a large multitouch touchsreen for my project. At least 20", but 24-27" would be ideal.
Not sure how touchscreens works with P64, but it should work with Android games, and needs to work with multitouch.
Thanks! Smile

  Getting Android source under version control
Posted by: jonsmirl - 04-14-2016, 03:38 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (4)

If people are going to contribute code back to Pine, the source has to get under version control. Without version control is is chaos to contribute code back since you never know what to base it off from.

Currently you are posting tarballs...

Some places like Gitlab allow repos up to 10GB in size. Can someone from Pine get this code checked into a version control system?  Pine people need to do this so that you will be the owner of the accounts.

Maybe an Android expert can help out with this. If should be possible to do a reposync to the main AOSP repository and then apply only the deltas needed for Allwinner A64 and Pine support.  These device specific delta should be fairly small. Is someone experienced at turning these tarballs back into deltas against the AOSP repos?

Music No Hdmi sound on android
Posted by: bukharovsi - 04-14-2016, 01:39 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (2)

Sound plays fine over 3.5mm jack. But over hdmi it is no sound.

Does anyone has sound over hdmi?
OS: Android 5.1 release  20160216.  Pine64 2GB. 

Or anyone know how to change sound output? 

  Intel launches $250 kit to build robots with Kinect-like vision
Posted by: Shady2tree - 04-14-2016, 11:15 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (2)

I was reading on Geek.com [a great nerd news site if you do not already know] about this Up Board by intel. Now from a quick read as im in class  this seems to be twice the power of the PINE by that I mean the ram and usb ports [not x64 to x128 I know x128 is not real just a joke] . Now as an IT student I am still new to these mini computers and just wanted to know what people think of this "Up Board" this forum seems to give some great pros and cons to products Heart . and also project ideas Heart . I want to hear ANY AND ALL feed back you have on this as I am working on a "smart drone" and a cluster computer to process the information my drone will see and wonder if this would save me some effort in the long run. Or maybe I am just trying to do to much with my drone Huh haha but any feed back will help as even mistakes are not really mistakes when learning. 

[sorry for the rant but again im in class]

  WiFi module causes boot loop
Posted by: BnEc - 04-14-2016, 01:51 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (17)

So I received my pine the other day, it looks amazing though I'm slightly disappointed, I had added to my pledge the WiFi module and that lovely looking acrylic case.

No case in the package but everything else was present. However having formatted a 32Gb Samsung SD card with archlinux veriant, I have found that if the WiFi module is plugged in to the board it refuses to boot, it goes through the process of loading the kernal, then just restarts always at the same point. However if I remove the WiFi module, happy days it boots fine. 

Any suggestions would be welcome. Or if this a case of the WiFi module being DOA?

  Question about Ubuntu
Posted by: skardoska - 04-14-2016, 01:39 AM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (12)

I'm currently using the Ubuntu image of Longsleep but I'm getting these errors and it takes quiet sometime then to boot. Is this normal or a bug and is there anyway how I can fix this?

[Image: 536d0f0f37e46e9cdf8015d3f9120bb5.jpg]

  HDMI CEC on Android
Posted by: fneves - 04-13-2016, 05:45 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (39)


Is there a way to have HDMI CEC on Android? Smile


  How to handle a Pine64 correctly
Posted by: gbjensen - 04-13-2016, 12:42 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (6)

I think many of the Backers are not used to handle unprotected highly integrated electronic PCB's without encapsulation. 

There are several issues to consider, but first of all:

Electrostatic protection:
The board and component added to the PCB (Printed circuit Board) can be very sensitive to electrostatic discharges. 
Sources of electrostatic discharges can be YOU or the materials you use together with the Pine 64. 

If the Pine 64 is exposed to electrostatic discharges can the result be a defect Pine 64 - ether immediately or latent - waiting for a moment when it is absolutely not wanted or expected to fail. 

Protect it against electrostatic discharges. The board comes wrapped into a anti electrostatic bag and whenever you handle the board makes sure that you and where you place it have the same electrostatic potential as the Pine 64.

If possible, handle it at a protective work space away from chargeable materials like carpets, nylon, plastic bags etc. 
When you want to remove it from the bag, place it on a protective surface (e.g. on top of the anti static bag).
If you do not have an electrostatic save work desk (I do not suppose you have!) use a table made of non conductive materials ( e.g. wood or glass. Cardboard is also usable) but keep it away from electrostatic chargeable materials like nylon. Also think about what you wear. Prefer cotton, avoid synthetic materials.

Discharge your hand by touching the work area and the Pines anti static back. When removing it from the bas, grab it by one of the metallic connectors and the edges of the PCB. Avoid to touch the electronic circuits. (Both with and without power connected to the board.)

Make sure your pine and your other connected equipment have the same electrical potential. Use the ground / shield connections for this. If possible mount it into a conductive box (isolated from it naturally ) connect the GND or shield to the box. Thereby will you protect against electrostatic discharges but also limit the HF radiation from the Pine a bit.

  Minecraft: Pi Edition
Posted by: cbogdan - 04-13-2016, 12:01 PM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (2)


I've seen that a few people have Minecraft running on Pine with Ubuntu. Did anybody try to install and run Minecraft: Pi Edition? If you were successful, please include detailed instructions.


  ABS Case
Posted by: MikeJewski - 04-13-2016, 08:55 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (6)

I know the Pine team is exteremly busy with getting everyones orders out, but has there been any more information released on what is going on with the ABS case? I know there was talk about shipping the case separately, as well as just waiting until the new batches come out.