(09-11-2018, 07:06 AM)z4v4l Wrote: A64 does support 3GB at maximum. But for RAM to be "upgradable", it apparently has to have SODIMM slots. it could, but the price won't be as it is now. happily RAM is a quite long living thing. and 2GB is a gewd amount.
Thank you, I had put my order and paid, now waiting my Pinebook should be arrive in mid of Oct.
(09-11-2018, 08:51 AM)Luke Wrote: 3GB of RAM have been discussed. In general, having weight in on the pros and cons, and considered what is worth upgrading while keeping the price at approx $100, the decision was made to improve the LCD. If there ever will be a higher-end Pinebook, then I think that will likely have more RAM, but it will also cater to a different-end use case.
Understand, 1GB of RAM is expensive, but an empty slot is cheap, may be you can add a slot in furture.