new pinebook help
So I just got a pinebook. Not even sure which model it's the first version (non pro) 11.6" 1080 screen. Is this known as the pinebook or pinebook 1080? 

Anyway. It has android installed to the emmc. I followed some forum advice and got the pine 64 installer tool to try to flash a distro to SD then to Emmc.  The installer tool kept giving me errors.

So I downloaded kde neon from the pine 64 neon and selected the image in the installer tool. Flashed to SD card fine booted up. I was looking for on screen instructions to pop up, but only thing I saw was a shortcut titled "run this first time".  It basically set language, timezones, etc.

And I popped out the SD card and still booting android from emmc.  I never saw any on screen instructions can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Is there another way to flash this os from my SD card to the emmc? I've searched quite a bit and keep seeing that the installer tool is the go to, but for some reason it's not working out

Thanks for any help you can give me

Sorry for being a new haha
Your model can be referred to as a PineBook or PineBook 1080.

What you need to do is either:

Create the SD, boot to it, then use dd to write a .img to your emmc


Use the Pine64 Installer/Etcher and the emmc-to-usb adapter to write the .img directly to your emmc.

The first method is likely the route you want to go, since you haven't indicated that you have the emmc-to-usb adapter.
Boot into your Neon SD, and go to the wiki Software Releases page for the Pinebook/PB1080. Download the image you want, and use terminal to write it to your emmc. This wiki page should have any answers you need concerning this method: Use section 3.2
(12-16-2020, 08:42 AM)tophneal Wrote: Your model can be referred to as a PineBook or PineBook 1080.

What you need to do is either:

Create the SD, boot to it, then use dd to write a .img to your emmc


Use the Pine64 Installer/Etcher and the emmc-to-usb adapter to write the .img directly to your emmc.

The first method is likely the route you want to go, since you haven't indicated that you have the emmc-to-usb adapter.
Boot into your Neon SD, and go to the wiki Software Releases page for the Pinebook/PB1080. Download the image you want, and use terminal to write it to your emmc.  This wiki page should have any answers you need concerning this method: Use section 3.2
Thank you so much. I will give this a try been pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. Hopefully I can get this thing doin linuxey things.

Thank you. The dd method worked.

I am not sure if the way I did it was optimal. I flashed the os I wanted to a usb drive.  Booted from sd card and used dd to copy image from usb drive to the emmc. Worked out nicely.

For future reference, can I boot from the sd card and use dd to copy the image from the sd itself to emmc?

Anyway thanks for the help. I cannot get the pine 64 installer to work at all and thought I was doomed. For some reason it will finally download the OS, and when it goes to flash it gives me a rediculously huge error. Has anyone heard of this type of issue before?
(12-16-2020, 06:48 PM)ron_burgundy Wrote: Tophneal,

Thank you. The dd method worked.

I am not sure if the way I did it was optimal. I flashed the os I wanted to a usb drive.  Booted from sd card and used dd to copy image from usb drive to the emmc. Worked out nicely.

For future reference, can I boot from the sd card and use dd to copy the image from the sd itself to emmc?

Anyway thanks for the help. I cannot get the pine 64 installer to work at all and thought I was doomed. For some reason it will finally download the OS, and when it goes to flash it gives me a rediculously huge error. Has anyone heard of this type of issue before?

That's probably the best way to do it.

Generally it's discouraged to copy/clone drives you're booted from. It introduces more opportunities for failure.

I would forego the use of the Pine64 Installer app. It's pretty outdated by now. Grab Etcher instead (the Installer app is based on it anyway.) Then when you download an img you want to write to emmc, you can do what you did: write it to SD and copy the file onto a USB to write from the booted SD.
Thanks for the help. I'm sure this topic has been pounded into the ground by now but your input really helped me figure it out. Really appreciate you taking the time to respond.

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