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  Facebook page for Germany, Austria & Switzerland!
Posted by: JulianM - 03-05-2016, 02:42 PM - Forum: Community and Events - Replies (2)

[ English version below ]
Hallo Zusammen!

TL Lim hat mir erlaubt, eine Facebook-Seite für deutschsprachige Pine64-Fans zu erstellen! Vielen Dank dafür!
Diese Seite soll als Austauschplattform rund um den Single Board Computer Pine64 in deutscher Sprache dienen.
- Pine 64 - DACH

Freundliche Grüße


Hi all together!

TL Lim has allowed me to create a Facebook page for german-speaking Pine64-fans! Thank you very much!
This site is intended to serve as an discussion platform for the Single Board Computer Pine64 in german language.
Pine 64 - DACH

Best regards

  Establing a Build Environment
Posted by: Milo Kim - 03-05-2016, 12:40 PM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (3)


If you're interested in using a Docker for Pine64 kernel development, please take a look at the page below.


I hope it would save your time to set up build environment such like installing a cross compiler, getting mainline source and making a kernel image.

Best regards,

  Danish user group
Posted by: gbjensen - 03-05-2016, 05:08 AM - Forum: Community and Events - Replies (1)

i have created a danish Pine A64 user group at facebook.

If interested please check this link and join the group:


Cheers, gbjensen

Posted by: hazerty - 03-05-2016, 01:27 AM - Forum: POT modules - Replies (11)

I don't buy battery for the moment, but later in june ou july.

I would like to know the consumption of the board, and approximately how long we do with the battery ( 8000mah) for video use.

thank you.

  Supported 4:3 and 16:10 resolutions over HDMI on Android
Posted by: karlitos - 03-04-2016, 04:05 AM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (26)


I would like to know if the Pine64 will support the standart 4:3 and 16:10 resolution modes (1024y768, 1280x800, 1440x900 ...) running Android.

At the moment there is almost no platform supporting resolutions beside 16:9 which would allow Android development. Which is very missfortunate, because it will be great to use stripped, resource saving android together with hardware accelerated WebView to create hybrid applications with tools like cordova/phonegap ....

  Shipping Progress
Posted by: TerryB - 03-03-2016, 05:10 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (1067)

Got a reply off FB as to shipping speed:

"We are currently shipping 500-700 orders a day"

So by my math they have about 4-5 people working at shipping them out.

  chrome os [chromium] in the works!
Posted by: ronj1950 - 03-03-2016, 10:15 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (20)

Hello fellow Pine64'ers>

Google news picked this up for me>  The founder of Chromium OS said that their project is expanding and they are looking forward to bring the OS to all the major SBCs out in the market. The Chromium OS will be now available for Pi Zero, PINE64 and C.H.I.P and many more SBCs.


The fun goes on .. I did order the pre-loaded android, remix {use already} and ubuntu microdisks...and of course 2 boards, and set up for tablet.



  Which OS will you install into your Pine 64?
Posted by: 7777777 - 03-03-2016, 03:01 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (21)

Remix OS is on the way to be created and may be ready soon, one admin said

I feel like installing this Remix OS for a multimedia-like PC to view streaming and so on

However I believe Remix OS will be more resources-greedy than linux distros for example...

Anyways, which OS will you install, and if you want briefly explain why, thanks

  Real-time linux kernel
Posted by: Artyom - 03-02-2016, 09:54 PM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (45)

Development of real-time kernel.

This thread created for all those interested in the development of real-time kernel. real-time Linux kernel will allow to extend the scope of possible application Pine64. For example in avionics (autopilot for drone), automation systems, etc.

  PINE64 Acrylic Open Enclosure
Posted by: jmc - 03-02-2016, 12:57 PM - Forum: Enclosures - Replies (9)

Is the PINE64 Acrylic Open Enclosure case hardware designed in such a way as to make them stackable similar to the below image?

[Image: 51CIdDlsEFL.jpg]