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  Secure Payment
Posted by: batman - 03-01-2016, 04:31 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - No Replies

I don't see any secure payment method...
I saw Paypal is coming with the store but what about https or other secure payment ?
I am ok with CB transaction but is doesn't seem secure, isn't it ?

Thank you

  what if not purchased thru kickstarter?
Posted by: whttrsh - 02-29-2016, 11:58 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (5)

Hi there, just had a question ...  I didn't purchase through kickstarter or backerkit,  I went the old fashion way of hearing about it, coming to pine64.com and clicking buy now,  I got a an email to say that order had been placed, then another to confirm that my payment has cleared.  Thats the last one I got, I havnt received anything about filling out a survey to add on components and any info I can find on that process says I'm meant to do it through backerkit using my pledge etc..  Therein lies my problem...  I have no way to check on my order (except to login to celery and basically see a paper invoice) or add any components and was wondering if a way is even possible as when I bought it, it had no option to add extras  ?

It said expect delivery by may which is fine by me, I'm in no real rush, but id like to know my order still exists somewhere


  [Question] Migrating to Pine64.
Posted by: VectorJones - 02-29-2016, 08:39 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (3)


I have a few collection of SBC's and some are running the OLD Raspbian Wheezy. My question is simple, is it possible to migrate from one of the other boards to the Pine64 by simply moving the microSD card? Or is there another way? I need a little more kick for my servers, I think the pine64 is a safe bet.

Thank you.

  Raspberry Pi 3
Posted by: jl_678 - 02-29-2016, 07:35 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (9)


I am a backer of the Pine 64 and am looking forward to the arrival of my unit board in March.  It is always interesting to see what other companies are doing and I noticed that the Raspberry Pi Foundation release the Raspberry Pi 3, and it has some interesting specs.  Here are some highlights:

  1. 64 bit Quad Cortex A53 @ 1.2GHz
  2. 1 GB SDRAM
  3. 40mhz VideoCore IV
  4. Integrated WiFi and Bluetooth
  5. Price - $35
I find these specs to be interesting and the cost is competitive to the Pine considering that it includes WiFi and Bluetooth.  I am curious about other people's perspectives.

I have multiple RPi's and love the strength of Linux and community support.  The SBC is an interesting alternative.  Do you agree?  Why or why not?

  Reason for 64bit
Posted by: NWUK - 02-29-2016, 06:27 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (3)


As a long-time Raspberry Pi fan I jumped on this, mainly because I just wanted to have a bit of a play around.

Once these are delivered , I'm sure people will find many uses for them but I was wondering for what applications the 64-bit part actually is useful given the memory limitations. I write a lot of code but I practically never have to worry about 32-bit / 64 - bit as the libraries I use are available in both. It is onyl useful to me because I find more than 4 GB RAM very useful. 

I didn't find any threats here on the specific uses for the 64bit-ness, so if there are some I missed, please link.

  Shipping service used in Canada
Posted by: MikeJewski - 02-28-2016, 06:17 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (6)

I was wondering if there is any information on what shipping service will be used in Canada

  (ARCHIVED) Ubuntu Xenial Image (BSP Kernel)
Posted by: longsleep - 02-28-2016, 03:07 PM - Forum: Ubuntu - Replies (337)

I also built a mimimal Ubuntu image combined with the the BSP Kernel and my image building gear. Similar to the Arch Image **this image is intended for developers. If you are looking for accelerated 2D/3D or video decoding use Android** and do not bother with trying this image.

What you get:

- HDMI at 1080P
- HDMI analog audio (alsa, pulseaudio)
- Ethernet (including 1000M)
- Wifi
- Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) aarch64
- BSP Linux Kernel 3.10.65+ (see http://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=293)
- BSP U-Boot (see http://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=99)
- Support for all Pine64 models (512MB, 1GB, 2GB) with auto detection so Ethernet works with the same image on all models

It works good enough so it can be used as headless server, as compile platform for aarch64 or as virtualization host. You can even install a desktop environment if you wish.

These images require a 4GB medium (3700 MiB rootfs). Extend the partition with `sudo /usr/local/sbin/resize_rootfs`.

Download (for instructions see README.txt)

Starting with Kernel 3.10.101 it is possible to lower HDMI resolution from 1080p to 720p. See http://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=980 for instructions.


- Initial publish release
- Known issue: console-setup.service fails to start
- Firefox is very unstable

- Updated U-Boot and device tree to 20160306-1
- Updated Kernel to 3.10.65-2-pine64-longsleep-39-1
- Ethernet MAC address is now persistent (added to uEnv.txt on first boot)
- Added system service to reenable CPU cores
- Added helper Pine64 platform scripts to /usr/local/sbin
- Serial getty no longer waits on rc.local service
- Linux Kernel firmware and headers are now installed

- Added support for Pine64 512MB model (auto detected)
- Updated U-Boot and device trees to 20160319-1 (2014.07-3-pine64-longsleep)
- Updated Kernel to 3.10.65-3-pine64-longsleep-2
- Wireless tools are now installed by default (iw, rfkill, wpasupplicant)

- Updated Kernel to 3.10.65-4-pine64-longsleep-16 (fixing Pine64+ 2GB model Ethernet crash)

- Updated U-Boot and device trees to 20160423-1 (v2014.07-4-pine64-longsleep)
- Updated to Kernel 3.10.65-7-pine64-longsleep-28
- Initrd updated to support root= Kernel parameter and wait for rootfs delay (thanks to j0zzy)
- Ubuntu rootfs updated to 16.04 Xenial Xerus final release
- Platform scripts were updated to latest
- Mackeeper service was updated (thanks to sWski)
- UART2, UART3 and UART4 are now enabled (thanks to Martin Ayotte)

- Updated to Kernel 3.10.101-0-pine64-longsleep-39
- Alsa-utils are now installed by default, including sane mixer settings
- It is now possible to change the HDMI resolution via uEnv.txt (sunxi-disp-tool installed by default)
- Default hostname is now "pine64"
- Locale en_US.UTF-8 is now pre-generated

- Updated to Kernel 3.10.102-2-pine64-longsleep-66

- Updated to Kernel 3.10.104-2-pine64-longsleep-113
- Backports repository no longer enabled by default

- Ubuntu 16.04.1 base rootfs without proposed repository (was nightly before)
- Proposed repository no longer enabled by default

Released images are signed with a detached GPG signature (.asc) signed by my personal key 0x090EF0DB. Get the key and verify that the download is intact and unmodified.

gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 090EF0DB
gpg --with-fingerprint xenial-pine64-*.xz.asc

Let me know what you think.

Posted by: JulianM - 02-28-2016, 11:43 AM - Forum: POT modules - Replies (11)

Hi there!

I noticed the 8.000 mAh Lithium Polymer Battery can be delivered to certain europe countries too!
Can you please tell me which countries are these "certain countries"?

Btw: I'm from Austria and I saw the following right now...
So, the main question has been answered by myself, but I would be still interested in which other countries are these certain countries.

Best regards

  Heat-sink as add-on?
Posted by: longsleep - 02-28-2016, 04:16 AM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials - Replies (47)


have you considered adding a heat-sink recommendation to Backerkit? It would be wise to do so, as many Linux users will require a heat sink to avoid thermal throttling, especially when using the Pine64 as base platform for virtualization or similar use cases.


  Unable to lock down your survey
Posted by: preimmortal - 02-27-2016, 07:30 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (4)


I had a February order for the Pine64, but today I received an email saying my order couldn't be locked down.
I went through the survey and entered the exact same information as last time (even the add ons were saved).

Any idea why it couldn't be locked down?
At what date will orders unable to be locked down be re-checked and shipped?
