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  openHAB Packaging for the Pine64
Posted by: kai - 03-31-2016, 02:17 PM - Forum: openHAB - Replies (19)


Just to give you a brief summary of what we plan for the openHAB distribution:

We want to use Debian as a Linux distro together with Docker and deploy the openHAB 2 Docker container to it.
As a JVM, it will include OracleJDK 1.8 to have best stability and performance.

It should be noted that openHAB 2 is not yet final and as such there can be bugs and there is a very quick evolution of the code base.
Nonetheless, with all the new features that openHAB 2 brings, I am convinced that this is the better choice. I am planning to release a beta3 by end of April, which will then be the version for a first SD card image for the Pine64.

Best regards,

  Ethernet --> Causing boot loop
Posted by: podtofs - 03-31-2016, 02:10 PM - Forum: Ethernet Port - Replies (3)

Anyone else with the 2GB module experiencing issues with an endless boot loop whenever Ethernet is plugged in.  I am using a 5v 2amp DC power supply and everything works fine until I plug in ethernet.  I also tried Remix OS / Android Lollipop with the exact same symptoms.  Any help is appreciated as I would be disappointed if I am unable to use the full potential of the board Smile

  Successful Bootup
Posted by: montyflange - 03-31-2016, 01:09 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (23)

OK got it to boot now into Remix OS but all the menu bars and that are on the outside of the TV edge. I have managed to right click and get display settings but there is no option to change resolution, refresh rate etc . How can I get it to change those now ?

Exclamation Shipment Tracking LPT!
Posted by: pine.tree - 03-31-2016, 11:15 AM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (8)

I know this will work with USA customers, other countries may have similar systems but i'm not sure.

Sign up for a MyUSPS here. If you get past the long (but thorough) signup process, you should be able to get text or email alerts for any package coming to your address, no tracking number required. This way, you won't have to rely on Backerkit or the overloaded Pine64 team to give you your tracking number, you can just get a notification straight from the mail carrier.

I've signed up, and i've got it showing a couple eBay orders i have coming in, but no Pine shipment (yet!) Hope this helps someone. You may see that your Pine is already on its way!

  The 6 most common reasons why Pine64 won't boot
Posted by: Andrew2 - 03-31-2016, 10:03 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (109)

The order of the reasons is not intentional, it's just the order things come to my mind based on Forum posts:

  1. The official Android and RemixOS images can't be burned the usual way to an SD card (dd, Rufus, WinDiskimager) but need Phoenix Card instead (Windows only and causing all sorts of troubles for users that do not use this strange operating system). Burning an Android image the wrong way will result in the Pine64 waiting endlessly while showing already a red led lighting. PhoenixCard images can only be burned with the PhoenixCard software. DD images can be burned using the dd command (Linux/Mac) Rufus, Win32DiskImager (Windows), Etcher, ApplePi Baker (Mac). Attempting to burn a DD image in PhoenixCard will result in a 'script not found' error. Likewise attempting to burn a PhoenixCard image with one of the above-named DD processes/applications will not work either.
  2. Data written to SD card got corrupted either because you unfortunately bought a counterfeit SD card or the card is faulty. Another common problem are SD card readers that start to overheat when used with a fast card and corrupt data 'on the fly'. Checking for both problems is simple: Never use any flash based media without verifying it before.
  3. Insufficient power supply: unfortunately Pine64 uses Micro USB for DC-IN, many USB cables have a resistance way to high (leading to severe voltage drops) and this combined with crappy PSUs (the old phone charger you found in the drawer) will lead to the Pine64 crashing in early boot stage
  4. HDMI issues: You connected a screen but Pine64 and display disagree about settings (no idea whether EDID is implemented in Allwinner's 3.10.x Android kernel that is currently also used for all available Linux images)
  5. The Pine64 boots fine but you don't notice still staring at the red led indicating 'error'
  6. You use either the RemixOS or an Android image and have Ethernet connected at first boot. This will prevent the board from doing so, so please consider disconnecting Ethernet after burning an Android/RemixOS image and only connect it back when you already see the desktop.
What to add?

Important to know: 
  • pre-production samples were equipped with a green led, the production batch replaced this with a red led. So red doesn't indicate failure but 'power available' instead. Unfortunately you get no other feedback whether the Pine64 actually boots or not. The red led will light even if the A64 waits patiently for a bootable OS available on a SD card an hour or endlessly.
  • combining 'smart USB chargers' with devices that are 'dumb' on the other end of the cable might not work: If you use a 'charging hub' to power your Pine64 then chances are pretty high that the charger only provides 500mA (max. current defined by USB2.0 specs) which might be not enough to allow the Pine64 to boot (5.1V/2A!). Most 'smart chargers' will only provide more than 500mA if the device in question implements any of the USB power specifications (Pine64 implements none of them since it's just DC-IN)
  • 2GB boards suffer from crashing or rebooting loops when Ethernet is connected since there's a integer overflow present in older kernel variants. Fixed by longsleep in early April, so Linux images can be updated using the instructions from "Linux Development" forum an a new RemixOS release should fix this also.

  Creating bootable SD card on Mac OS X
Posted by: colinj - 03-31-2016, 09:33 AM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (13)

Howdy all, 

I just got my Pine A64+ in the mail yesterday and I've been looking around for instructions on how to burn an SD image so that I can boot it.

With other boards (Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone Black, etc.) I'm able to use something like:

dd bs=1m if=/path/to/image.img of=/dev/diskN

When I try and do this with the available Pine A64+ Android images the resulting SD card will not boot the A64+. 

Should this work? Is there another way that the SD cards need to be created to work with the Pine A64+?

Please and thank you

Colin J.

  Simple Question, has anyone successfully booted a 2Gb Pine?
Posted by: rahlquist - 03-31-2016, 08:53 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (24)

So has anyone had any success with getting a 2Gb pine to boot and/or work with the onboard Ethernet either used or not? If so which of the OS's?

Posted by: hazerty - 03-31-2016, 05:28 AM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - No Replies

any one porting Linuxium to the board ?

Linuxium it is Bootloader software to dualboot Android and Linux

  Youtube video on PineA64 Development Board
Posted by: khgoh - 03-30-2016, 11:25 PM - Forum: Getting Started - No Replies

Michael Larson has come out a series of video on the PineA64 Development Board and posted at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL...fy_I6b5UJW   

The link is also posted on our wiki site under Other Resources in the Net  Section. Feel free to check it out.

Thanks Michael.

  Android and Ethernet
Posted by: W1SPY - 03-30-2016, 09:06 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (54)

I successfully installed Android on my Pine64 (2gb) with a 32gb Sd card. My usb wifi module doesn't seem to be recognized, so i tried using the ethernet port with no luck Sad i know my Computer is setup properly to share internet (Raspi) i just can't seem to get it going, any suggestions?