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  (ARCHIVED) Debian Jessie Images (3.10.102 BSP Kernel) New Release
Posted by: lenny.raposo-pine64.pro - 03-30-2016, 12:24 AM - Forum: Debian - Replies (259)

Debian Jessie Base & Mate Images June 30th 2016 Are Up

I have built a new Desktop based image and Headless image for the Pine A64 and A64+ Models (512Mb, 1Gb and 2Gb). These works are based on longsleep's kernel/uboot build and come with his scripts for providing future updates to uboot, kernel and future fixes (such as PulseAudio).

The Headless release (base) is without a desktop UI.

The Desktop release comes packed with the following:

Mate Desktop Environment
Bluetooth Enabled
Hardware Video Decode (VDPau)
FBTurbo Xorg Package
Sunxi Display Tool (Thanks to longsleep)
Display Resolution Set To 1280x720p60 On Boot
Sound Is Now Fixed (Using PulseAudio Instead Of ALSA Only)

Latest longsleep Kernel (3.10.102)
Kodi 16.X (Works In Windowed Mode View Screenshots Below)
Midori & Firefox
The GIMP & Inkscape
and more...

To Download visit

This time around the username and password has changed

Username: debian
Password: debian

Don't forget to resize your rootfs with resize_rootfs.sh on first boot.

As always feedback is welcome

Tutorial And Resource Site Is Up

As I have mentioned before I have been working away on a Tutorial/Resource site for the community and I am glad to say it is up but not entirely completed.

I have a few tutorials in the works (screenshots and all) that are undergoing the editing process not to mention some of the site mechanics that are in the works. Thus far I have documents and every image available for download from my servers and some news items (Backerkit news) posted already.

The intention of this site is to share information and provide resources in a more refined manner and not to take away from the Forum or Wiki. Anything and Everything that goes up on the Tutorial/Resource site will be duplicated and added to the Official Pine64 Wiki and/or Forum where ever applicable.

Furthermore, as this is a community effort, myself and a select group of individuals will be taking in any tutorials, OS images, software and useful information from those of you who wish to add to the knowledge base for the Pine64.

Please note that this is not an Official Pine64 site, but I will be providing a level of access to the Pine64 Team in hopes of doubling our efforts in building a large and prosperous community. Think of it as Debian/Ubuntu or Android/Linux kind of relationship.

With that all being said let me introduce you all to

Bug Reports Forum Is Up

Please post any issues to the Linux 3.10.65 BSP Kernel Build Bug Reports forum. Be sure to read the first post before posting.

Thanks everyone Smile

Tutorial/Resource Site Coming To The Web Near You

Just wanted to let everyone know that aside from putting together images and helping folks in the community I am also developing a website for all sorts of Pine64 related news, tutorials, software and showcases.

I hope to have something up by next week Tuesday.

So hang tight and remember if I can help you I will do my best to do so. Also remember to give longsleep, apritzel and umiddelb a high five for their contributions in the Linux ecosphere for the Pine64. I know that without them I would not have been able to put most of this together.

Also thank the Pine guys that actually spend time to interact with the community, it's great to see them take the time to get involved in their current busy schedules.

  PS1 Case project
Posted by: HeadShot - 03-29-2016, 01:50 PM - Forum: Game Station Emulation - Replies (8)

My plan is to use an old PS1 case and controllers with the Pine64+.  It will be used as a PC and an game emulator.

[Image: 25516891653_731dc23de8_c.jpg]

I've gutted the case except for the power supply and the the input slot for memory and controllers.  The PS has an 8v line I've attached to a DC-DC step down 5V.  The nice thing about this is I can still use the actual power button and rest.

I've added a pig tail added for LAN port.  Waiting on HDMI pigtail from ebay.  

Siimple USB hub is being used to attach external storage.  Paper printout is standing in for Pine unit.

[Image: 26093586936_fd8b0477e5_c.jpg]

The front ports for the PS1/PS2 controllers will run through a USB adapter.  I hope this works, as I have no way of testing it.
[Image: 25846678300_931ecaf886_c.jpg]

I'm also working on converting the standard PS1 memory modual into a USB SD card reader.  While still plugging into the front of the PS1.  I used an old ISA card edge modem instead of destroying the existing memory card.

[Image: 26094136646_0677b7578e_b.jpg]

  What happens if you under-power voltage?
Posted by: GoZone - 03-29-2016, 08:44 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (3)

If you have 2.1 V versus 5.1 V, does it not boot or is it very slow?  Huh

  Cyanogenmod 13
Posted by: GoZone - 03-29-2016, 08:42 AM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (2)

Hearing rumors about the development of Cyanogenmod 12/13 in the Pine64, if it's true this will be the best budget Android device ever.  Smile

  Idle Temp
Posted by: scnd - 03-28-2016, 09:48 AM - Forum: Heat Dissipation and Overclock Topic - Replies (2)

I was wondering about operating temperature, idle temperature, and upper and lower limits of the pine. Has anyone done any testing on this?

I'd like to use mine as a media server, but if it runs too hot on idle, the place that I'd like to put it may not be wise. 

Honestly, this is probably all in the faq, but it at least gives me an excuse to interact with the community.

  Any Progress?
Posted by: GoZone - 03-28-2016, 08:25 AM - Forum: openHAB - Replies (2)

This area is so empty. #maketechnologygreatagain

  hdmi output problem
Posted by: izotop - 03-27-2016, 02:12 AM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - No Replies

hello, I have a tv with hdmi input ( only 720p ressolution ), I have connected an android tablet with hdmi output and a nintendo wiiu and I can see them in my tv with 720p 60 Hz  ressolution option. I have a pine64 with android and I can't see it in my tv ( I have changed the ressolution setting to 720p 60 hz in the pine64's android display menu hdmi output), can anyone help me?

  When will my board ship?
Posted by: shockr - 03-26-2016, 06:28 AM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (13)

It's almost the end of March and I chose the February early bird 1GB option.

I added the following modules on Backerkit:
- Bluetooth + WiFi module
- RTC battery
- Camera module

However, I have not received a shipping tracking number yet. This is very disappointing. What is the point of the early bird option?

  Anyone else disappointed?
Posted by: MarkS - 03-25-2016, 12:33 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (42)

The Raspberry Pi 3 is about to be/is released with many of the same features as the Pine 64. On top of that, the Pine 64 is more than double the size of the Raspberry Pi with a board that is too thin, causing warping. It looks and feels "cheap". The board could have been laid out better with additional layers and, thus, thickness with components on both sides, reducing board size. The main selling point to me is that Raspberry Pi doesn't (yet) run Android. Other than that, they are not dissimilar enough to choose the pine 64 over the Pi.

If I had known about the Pi 3 when I found out about the Pine 64, I wouldn't have backed the pine 64.

Anyone else feel disappointed?

  Remix OS Running on Pine A64
Posted by: Hexydes - 03-25-2016, 11:57 AM - Forum: Remix OS - Replies (44)

For those of you interested...yes, it works. Well...mostly. Wifi not so much, but the rest of it looks pretty good! This is the 1GB variant, which seems ok, but I'm guessing the 2GB will be the sweet-spot for good performance.