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  Media server
Posted by: montero65 - 04-27-2016, 02:20 PM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials - Replies (3)

My plan is to set up my Pine to use as a media server, mostly for video.  I've been digitizing my DVD collection onto a 2TB external hard drive, which I would plug into the USB port.

I do have a question though.  I bought 2 boards, both with the wi-fi/bluetooth chips.  If I have one board plugged into my TV out front, with the hard drive attached, could I use the 2nd board, connecting over the wi-fi, to access the data on the hard drive from another room?  Basically, wondering if I can have the 2nd board setup in my bedroom and still access the movies on the hard drive connected to the 1st board, without having to move the hard drive between boards.

I plan to run this on Android, but wondering if it will be the best OS for me for a media server?  Is there a different OS that would work better?  I don't really know what all the OS's are, so if someone else is doing a media server, I'd be interested to know how you are setting it up.  Thanks!

  Use Audiojack instead of HDMI audio
Posted by: pictus - 04-27-2016, 12:45 PM - Forum: Pine A64 Hardware, Accessories and POT - Replies (55)

i installed longsleep´s Ubuntu and added xubuntu-desktop. i can´t find an option to enable the audiojack on the board, it always uses the HDMI audio.


pactl list cards

Card #0
    Name: alsa_card.platform-sound.7
    Driver: module-alsa-card.c
    Owner Module: 6
        alsa.card = "0"
        alsa.card_name = "sndhdmi"
        alsa.long_card_name = "sndhdmi"
        device.bus_path = "platform-sound.7"
        sysfs.path = "/devices/soc.0/sound.7/sound/card0"
        device.string = "0"
        device.description = "sndhdmi"
        module-udev-detect.discovered = "1"
        device.icon_name = "audio-card"
        output:analog-mono: Analog Mono Output (sinks: 1, sources: 0, priority: 200, available: yes)
        output:analog-stereo: Analog Stereo Output (sinks: 1, sources: 0, priority: 6000, available: yes)
        off: Off (sinks: 0, sources: 0, priority: 0, available: yes)
    Active Profile: output:analog-stereo
        analog-output: Analog Output (priority: 9900, latency offset: 0 usec)
            Part of profile(s): output:analog-mono, output:analog-stereo

is it possible to enable the Analog Audio output through the audiojack?

EDIT: it works, big thanks goes to longsleep for his great support

Update to latest Kernel Version! (i use  3.10.101-0-pine64-longsleep-39)

Step by Step guide:

cat <<EOF >/etc/modules-load.d/pine64-audiojack.conf
Run this as root. On Ubuntu you need to enable SU! (thanks longsleep)

Download this file https://github.com/longsleep/build-pine6...ound.state and put it under (thanks longsleep)

Reboot, now it works!

I use a desktop enviroment and can switch between output devices in Soundsettings (PulseAudio Volume Control - pavucontrol)

  WIFI board information?
Posted by: queonda - 04-27-2016, 12:01 PM - Forum: Wifi/BT Module - Replies (4)


Looking for the information on the WIFI board.  Is it possible connection an external antenna?

  PiVPN: Simplest setup of OpenVPN
Posted by: Rocky-IV - 04-27-2016, 11:39 AM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials - Replies (3)

Good Day

Subject OpenVPN
Since this project is setup for the RasberryPi, I'm suggesting that Pine A64 adopt this also if at all possible.

PiVPN: Simplest setup of OpenVPN

POLL is Essential for Action! - Please Complete
Lets see if we get enough interest from our community and forums members.
I'm in total agreement to contact the the Dev of PiVPN.


  Acrylic Case where does the rubber rings go?
Posted by: MegaMech - 04-27-2016, 11:10 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (5)

Where do the rubber rings for the bolts go?
1) On the inside
2) On the outside

I don't want to screw in the bolts because the sharp edges might scratch the case. Currently I've placed them on the outside

Ex. Screw head>Ring>Acrylic Panel>Rest of the bolt
bolt head|ring|acrylic panel|bolt (OUTSIDE)
bolt head | acrylic panel | ring | rest of bolt (INSIDE)

Posted by: kdarius - 04-27-2016, 10:01 AM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - No Replies

Hello I was wondering if anyone is having issues of the Pine running android hooking up to the internet.  I tried a wifi usb and also a hard line in and neither work.  Is it something I am missing?

  Archlinux up and Running
Posted by: scnd - 04-27-2016, 09:43 AM - Forum: Archlinux - Replies (4)

I just wanted to announce that as usual, the Archlinux Arm port works freaking great. Brand new sandisk 32g card from brick and mortar, a check and format, and things are working just dandy.

I'm still getting everything configured, but so far I've done the following:
Powered on
Set up Wifi
Set up SSH
Pacman Init
chmod & chgrp & chown for /tmp/ and /var/tmp
set up external storage
set up smb
user settings

The thing is nice and fast, seems to work pretty well so far. I only had about an hour to interact with the thing, so i couldn't get through all the things that I wanted, but I think this is a good start.

  RemixOS - slow download speed in OS
Posted by: mkyb14 - 04-27-2016, 09:26 AM - Forum: Remix OS - Replies (9)

Anyone else experiencing a slow download speed within RemixOS... app store, chrome etc?  Connection is wide open at 50/5mb and just updating within the google app store, hardwired look to be going barely above 100k/sec.

2GB board
Asus RT86U router
Cat 6 cabling
Bare OS

Posted by: hyperlogos - 04-27-2016, 09:00 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (5)

Why are we not supposed to use HDMI to DVI adapters? When will this be supported? Every display I want to use only has DVI input.

  [28/03/2017] openSUSE Tumbleweed Images for Pine64
Posted by: Terra854 - 04-27-2016, 08:42 AM - Forum: openSUSE - Replies (44)

[Image: rwMBVAb.png]


- Initial release
- Kernel based on 3.10.65-7-pine64-longsleep-28


- Kernel updated to 3.10.101-0-pine64-longsleep-39
- Changed ownership of /home/pine64 to the pine64 user so that you can download/create/edit your stuff in it
- Changed hostname to pine64


- Kernel updated to 3.10.102-3-pine64-longsleep-98
- Image has been rebuilt from the ground up.
- All software has been updated.
- Includes the pine64-config tool


- Kernel updated to 3.10.104-1-pine64-longsleep-103
- All software has been updated.
- Image with LCD support (but with no touchscreen capability) is now available


- Kernel updated to 3.10.105-0-pine64-longsleep-3
- All software has been updated.
- SoPine images are now available


Direct download from the project page

Login details

Username: pine64
Password: pine64linux

Root password: pine64root

Known bugs and Workarounds

Currently, there is no known bugs in the latest image.

If you can come out with a fix for any problems whether or not they are listed here or if you found new bugs, post them on this thread so that I will be able to patch the image and the entire community will benefit.