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  Boot From USB
Posted by: Jon_30 - 04-27-2016, 06:37 AM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (4)

Just wondering if it's even possible I tried it once and it didn't work. Thank you  Big Grin

  How to connect with wifi ?
Posted by: yirmidokuz - 04-27-2016, 02:06 AM - Forum: Debian - Replies (27)

Hi all,

I got my pine64 + 2gb model.

I boot the pine64 with Debian Linux with Mate GUI 20160422 by lenny.raposo with Longsleep kernel.

I have no experience with any of the Linux OS'.

How can I activate the wifi, and connect the internet ?

  Bluetooth not working
Posted by: reesh95 - 04-27-2016, 12:55 AM - Forum: Ubuntu - Replies (11)


i have run into a problem where the ubuntu image is not detecting the bluetooth adapter . I had ordered the stock wifi + BT module that fits into the pine64 and wifi is working properly. what can i do to solve this ? 
Thanks in advance

  How to setup VNC on your Pine64 (Debian, SSH, headless)
Posted by: pine64nutz - 04-26-2016, 08:06 PM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials - Replies (20)

Since I couldn't find any info here about this I was thinking to write a little tutorial, maybe it going to help.

I got my Pine64 recently and I don't have any display or keyboard available so the only way to get desktop environment was over VNC (or RDP). This tutorial is for Debian 8 Jessie with MATE and how to VNC.

How to VNC

1: login into terminal via SSH

2: update server packages

sudo apt-get update

3: install vnc4server 
apt-get install vnc4server

4: create a password for your vnc server

5: setup the xstartup script to get mate environment on VNC
sudo nano ~/.vnc/xstartup
 overwrite with this code

# Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
# exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &
-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x20+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
mate-session &
mate-panel &

6: start the vnc server with vnc4server -geometry <resolution> -depth <16,24 whatever depth you want>
vnc4server -geometry 800x600 -depth 24
 you should get a message like this
New '<hostname>:1 (<your_username>)' desktop is <hostname>:1

Starting applications specified in /home/<your_username>/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /home/<your_username>/.vnc/hostname:1.log

this means that a VNC server has started on your at port :1 (5901) if it said :2 in means port 5902 and so on...
user a VNC viewer (Real VNC, Ultra VNC) to login to your VNC server, usually is <your_local_ip>:5901 

If you get only a grey screen change the permissions on xstartup file

first stop the server 
vnc4server -kill :1

sudo chmod 755 xstartup

start the server again

Update #1
How to run VNC server as a service automatically

make sure you kill the server first
vnc4server -kill :1

make a new script where you can setup the VNC server
sudo nano /usr/local/bin/vncserver

paste the code bellow (here you can put your desired resolution and depth)
OPTIONS="-depth ${DEPTH} -geometry ${GEOMETRY} :${DISPLAY}"

case "$1" in
/usr/bin/vnc4server ${OPTIONS}

/usr/bin/vnc4server -kill :${DISPLAY}

$0 stop
$0 start
exit 0

save the file and make it executable
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/vncserver

now make a unit file, that will describe the service and tell the server how to work with the service
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/vncserver.service

paste the code bellow (make sure to put your user under User=)
Description=Manage VNC Server

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/vncserver start
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/vncserver stop
ExecReload=/usr/local/bin/vncserver restart


reload systemctl and enable VNC server
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable vncserver.service

reboot and see if it's works

Coming next: connect to VNC server over SSH.
Have fun!

  Missing SD Card
Posted by: Chris_Mc11 - 04-26-2016, 06:02 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - No Replies

Perhaps I missed something somewhere in the updates but I received my Pine64 1Gb board today and it did not include the micro SD card I had ordered with it. In my backerkit I ordered a second board with a case and a couple of other things so I know those are coming separately but I thought the SD card with Android preloaded on it was coming?

  Bug Reports - Remix OS 2.0 - Report Them Here
Posted by: lenny.raposo-pine64.pro - 04-26-2016, 05:26 PM - Forum: Remix OS - No Replies

Bug Reports - Remix OS 2.0
Last Updated - May 5th 2016 - 12:35pm EDT

How To Submit

To help facilitate things please include the following information when submitting a bug report at www.pine64.pro
  • Pine 64 Model (A64 512 MB, A64+ 1 GB, A64+ 2 GB)
  • Operating System (Debian, Ubuntu, Arch)
  • Equipment Involved (Routers, Switches, Peripherals, Etc)
  • Issue (Whatever It May Be)

Before submitting a new bug report please check to see if there is already an issue listed in either the Bugs Reported, Bugs Confirmed or Bugs Repaired section that matches yours. If an issue that matches yours has been submitted then simply Contribute to that report.

If there is not an issue that matches yours listed then please submit a new bug report via the form included in the New section.

Pine64 Pro Team.

This section contains bugs that have been reported but not confirmed. When enough community members and the Pine64.Pro team have confirmed the existance of the bug(s) posted here it will then be moved into the Bugs Confirmed section.

Play Store Loses Authorization
  • Reported By: beiriannydd at pine64.pro
  • Reported On: April 29th 2016 - 1:02pm EDT
  • Pine 64 Model: Pine A64+ 2 GB
  • Operating System: Beta 1
  • Equipment Involved: Storage

I think this is an OS bug rather than a kernel bug. Play reports "requires authorization" or more esoteric errors after a few minutes of not buying things. removing account and re-adding is a work around.

Total Reports: 2
View full report here www.pine64.pro

Gigabit Ethernet Issues
  • Reported By: moondarkx at pine64.pro
  • Reported On: April 26th 2016 - 10:59am EDT
  • Pine 64 Model: Pine A64+ 2 GB
  • Operating System: Beta 1
  • Equipment Involved: Network

Gigabit ethernet on Pine A64+ 2GB is not working using Remix OS or Android, it detects IP but has no communication. Tried several other combinations of gigabit switches and connections (for instance, directly connecting to a computer). Using a 100mbps switch seems to solve the case, however some routers do not have the option to use 100mbps instead of gigabit (for instance, airport extreme/express). Also, some bakers brought the more expensive boards for projects that need gigabit ethernet and android/remix os system. Gigabit seems to work just fine in Linux.

Total Reports: 2
View full report here www.pine64.pro

This section contains bugs that have been confirmed by various sources. Details and explanations of these bugs will be provided to further enhance the knowledge base of the community until a solution is developed and fully tested.

No Confirmed Bugs

This section contains the solutions and workarounds for bugs that have been confirmed. These solutions may be operating system specific or will work in general for all systems.

No Repaired Bugs

  Bug Reports - Android Lollipop - Report Them Here
Posted by: lenny.raposo-pine64.pro - 04-26-2016, 05:21 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - No Replies

Bug Reports - Android Lollipop
Last Updated - May 5th 2016 - 10:43am EDT

How To Submit

To help facilitate things please include the following information when submitting a bug report at www.pine64.pro
  • Pine 64 Model (A64 512 MB, A64+ 1 GB, A64+ 2 GB)
  • Operating System (Debian, Ubuntu, Arch)
  • Equipment Involved (Routers, Switches, Peripherals, Etc)
  • Issue (Whatever It May Be)

Before submitting a new bug report please check to see if there is already an issue listed in either the Bugs Reported, Bugs Confirmed or Bugs Repaired section that matches yours. If an issue that matches yours has been submitted then simply Contribute to that report.

If there is not an issue that matches yours listed then please submit a new bug report via the form included in the New section.

Pine64 Pro Team.

This section contains bugs that have been reported but not confirmed. When enough community members and the Pine64.Pro team have confirmed the existance of the bug(s) posted here it will then be moved into the Bugs Confirmed section.

Wacom driver rotates, should not
  • Reported By: hyperlogos at pine64.pro
  • Reported On: May 5th 2016 - 10:43am EDT
  • Pine 64 Model: Pine A64+ 2 GB
  • Operating System: Release 3
  • Equipment Involved: Input Devices

Wacom graphire on Android build 20160428. When the screen rotates, the tablet input also rotates. It should not do this. This was supposed to be fixed in the wacom driver for Lollipop, according to Wacom... this makes it impossible to click on items at the "bottom" (right) of the screen.

Total Reports: 1
View full report here www.pine64.pro

Problem placing widgets
  • Reported By: fsa317 at pine64.pro
  • Reported On: May 3rd 2016 - 7:03pm EDT
  • Pine 64 Model: Pine A64+ 2 GB
  • Operating System: Release 3
  • Equipment Involved: Choose Equipment Involved

Most widgets, when I try to place them on my home screens hang and fail. I found this in the log (similar messages for lots of widgets):

This is consistent whenever a widget has a "configuration" screen after placing it. Widgets without a configuration screen seem to work OK.

05-03 15:20:07.758: E/AndroidRuntime(18457): Process: com.android.launcher3, PID: 18457
05-03 15:20:07.758: E/AndroidRuntime(18457): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean com.android.launcher3.CellLayout.findCellForSpan(int[], int, int)' on a null object reference
05-03 15:20:07.758: E/AndroidRuntime(18457): at com.android.launcher3.Launcher.completeAddAppWidget(Launcher.java:1623)
05-03 15:20:07.758: E/AndroidRuntime(18457): at com.android.launcher3.Launcher.completeAdd(Launcher.java:727)
05-03 15:20:07.758: E/AndroidRuntime(18457): at com.android.launcher3.Launcher.finishBindingItems(Launcher.java:4516)
05-03 15:20:07.758: E/AndroidRuntime(18457): at com.android.launcher3.LauncherModel$LoaderTask$10.run(LauncherModel.java:2764)
05-03 15:20:07.758: E/AndroidRuntime(18457): at com.android.launcher3.DeferredHandler$Impl.handleMessage(DeferredHandler.java:51)
05-03 15:20:07.758: E/AndroidRuntime(18457): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
05-03 15:20:07.758: E/AndroidRuntime(18457): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
05-03 15:20:07.758: E/AndroidRuntime(18457): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5254)

Total Reports: 1
View full report here www.pine64.pro

Bluetooth not working
  • Reported By: Tarjei85 at pine64.pro
  • Reported On: May 1st 2016 - 12:09pm EDT
  • Pine 64 Model: Pine A64+ 2 GB
  • Operating System: Release 3
  • Equipment Involved: Bluetooth

Not able to enable the BT in build **0428 [BETA].
When I try to enable it it stays in the on-position for a coupple of seconds before snapping back to off.

Total Reports: 2
View full report here www.pine64.pro

Screen Cropped
  • Reported By: al at pine64.pro
  • Reported On: April 27th 2016 - 2:29pm EDT
  • Pine 64 Model: Pine A64+ 2 GB
  • Operating System: Release 3
  • Equipment Involved: Video/Display


i'm experiencing a cropped display on all 4 edges so the available OSs are note usable.
at least 50px are missing on each side.

tested hardware:
-HP w2448hc (1080p-compatible)
-3 different HDMI cables

i tested the following OSses and the behaviour is the same for all:
-xubuntu-xenial-20160421-longsleep-pine64-8GB (already cropped while booting)

On another Samsung tv (720p-compatible) the TV gives me a "not supported display mode" for all cables and all OSses.
So there is no chance for me right now to use the PINE at all.

I'm hoping for a fix!

Total Reports: 3
View full report here www.pine64.pro

Google Play Services Crashes
  • Reported By: CptMonkeyFist at pine64.pro
  • Reported On: April 25th 2016 - 11:58pm EDT
  • Pine 64 Model: Pine A64+ 1 GB
  • Operating System: Release 3
  • Equipment Involved: Choose Equipment Involved

I booted up the 20160303 Android image, connect via WIFI (worked great), and start chrome to test internet connectivity. It crashes so I check the forums which say to uninstall+reinstall Chrome. I open up google play, search for chrome, uninstall it from google play, and reinstall. Everything is working fine so far. I can open chrome without crashing, BUT it says that to use Chrome I must have the most recent version of Google Play Services.

I ignore the "Google is enforcing their verified devices, DON'T DO IT" feeling in my gut and update Google Play services. Chrome now works, but Google play crashes whenever I try to search or open details of an app saying "Unfortunately, Google Play Store has stopped". I've been wanting to try Remix OS for a while and it will probably suit my purposes better anyway. I'll post more details if I run into the same problem with that OS.

Total Reports: 1
View full report here www.pine64.pro

This section contains bugs that have been confirmed by various sources. Details and explanations of these bugs will be provided to further enhance the knowledge base of the community until a solution is developed and fully tested.

No Confirmed Bugs

This section contains the solutions and workarounds for bugs that have been confirmed. These solutions may be operating system specific or will work in general for all systems.

No Repaired Bugs

  Pre-purchaser info
Posted by: MattBSG - 04-26-2016, 04:42 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (1)

I pre-ordered the pine after the kickstarter from the website. I am willing to get an acrylic casing for it (full enclosure), and a touchpanel. Everywhere I have seen there have been instructions to buy these and other accessories at store.pine64.com . I either get a no dns resolution, or a no name resolution error. If that is the wrong site, please provide the correct one? Also, are there any suggestions for the full acrylic case I'm looking for (OK with getting it 3d printed if necessary)

Sad IR Receiver installation
Posted by: JoeDirt - 04-26-2016, 03:30 PM - Forum: IR Receiver - Replies (1)

I received the remote control with my Pine 64 shipment. Remote control box had an IR receiver taped on the outside of the box and that was it. Not even a hand drawn schematic explaining how to hook it up.

Which pin is GND? Which pin is VCC?

Has anybody hooked it up?

Could you please post a picture or diagram?


  Is Remix OS rooted?
Posted by: gschanuel - 04-26-2016, 01:58 PM - Forum: Remix OS - Replies (5)

Title says it all.

Is Remix OS rooted?
Is it possible to root it (steps)?

Thanks in advance