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  Boot Loop
Posted by: mmeadows - 04-28-2016, 06:21 AM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (5)

Hey All,

I've tried the Ubuntu image and the Android image. Android gets to the starting app screen then immediately bounces back to the previous splash screen and loops. Ubuntu begins to load then shuts down.

I've tried 3 different power supplies (now using a raspberry pi 2.5 PS) I have no network or peripherals connected. I've tried 3 different displays.

I'm using the 2Gig board. Any help would be appreciated.

  what is the root password for debian?
Posted by: piahoo - 04-28-2016, 06:11 AM - Forum: Debian - Replies (5)

i was able to run Debian Linux with Mate GUI 20160422 by lenny.raposo with Longsleep kernel (yaay) and login using following credentials 

  • username: pine64user

  • password: password

    however, after issuing:

pine64user@debianpine64:~$ su root


it keeps asking me for password

any ideas?

  Overlapping partitions on latest RemixOS image
Posted by: EricL - 04-28-2016, 05:51 AM - Forum: Remix OS - Replies (7)

Hi all.

So, I've been tearing my hair out trying to get RemixOS to behave on the PINE A64.  I tried downloading the latest image from here, which has changed in the past day or so and thankfully doesn't require PhoenixCard anymore.  However, it seems geared to 8GB MicroSD cards and I can't for the life of me figure out how to expand it.  Both Parted and GParted complain of overlapping partitions, so a simple resize of the filesystem doesn't work.  What's more, removing and re-creating the partition doesn't work, because the first block is actually overlapping with the last block of the extended partition.  This thing has the most bizarre partition table I've ever seen. Short of hacking away at the partition table with a hex editor, is there any way I can clear the overlapping partition problem?

  Any luck using GPIO's ?
Posted by: Skivholme - 04-28-2016, 05:06 AM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (2)


Did anybody had any luck using the PI GPIO ?

As far as i can se the GPIO module is not added in the kernel? /sys/class/gpio does not exist..

Is there a way of adding it?

  generall network interface issues
Posted by: Sandman01 - 04-28-2016, 04:31 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (9)


My name is Mario and I'm new to the Pine64 but I'm familiar with
2 RaspberryPi1 B
2 RaspberryPi2 B
1 RaspberryPi3 B
1 LattePanda (x86 dev board)

I received my The PINE A64+ w/ 2GB SDRAM 2 weeks ago and I'm still unable to use the Pine because of the overall stability,... issues.
1st the pine needs a power supply >= 2A
Ok mine has 2A and it works, my second one with (nominal rated) 2,4A won't work stable

I managed to get the images booting (most of them) but all images are unable to connect to my network (dhcp server running on my router for IPv4)
also my additionally order WiFi module creates bootloops on all images exept arch linux which do not detect the module (so also no networ)

Is there an test I can process to check if ther is something wrong with my whole board?
I prefer ubuntu linux images to make my test and ther the eth0 interface is shown


however no inet (IPv4) network address if assigned to it
The ethernet cable and the router work like a charm because (I use  the cable also for my other dev boards)
Also tried to set the ip static in


but without luck, tha adress is assinged correctly but no connection could be astableshed by tesing to ping my router (internally activated to answer on pings)


would be nice if someone could give me a few opportunities what I can test to get any network up and running because without network the Pine is useless (no updates, Android,....)

For my boot loops with the WiFi module I will make an additional battery pack that shall support my power supply or test an supply that is pluged in over the RasPi connector because Power supplies for micro USB are mostly limited to max 2,4A (due to standard USB cable requirements limited crosssection)

best regards,
Mario Holzinger

  PineA64 Getting Started Guide
Posted by: khgoh - 04-28-2016, 03:50 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (12)

We have created a Getting Started Guide on out Wiki page. Please refer to the link below,

  HDMI Overscan / Underscan
Posted by: Dygaer - 04-28-2016, 03:42 AM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (1)

Currently the screen clips off edges of the console. Is there a way that I can change the over scan setting in the /boot/uEnv.txt file? The Raspberry Pi has something like this with their /boot/config.txt file using the following settings.

These are the one's that I would be interested in using with the uEnv.txt file.

    Set to 1 to disable overscan.
    Specifies the number of pixels to skip on the left edge of the screen. Increase this value if the text flows off the left edge of the screen; decrease it if there's a black border between the left edge of the screen and the text.
    Specifies the number of pixels to skip on the right edge of the screen.
    Specifies the number of pixels to skip on the top edge of the screen.
    Specifies the number of pixels to skip on the bottom edge of the screen.
    Specifies the console framebuffer width in pixels. The default is the display width minus the total horizontal overscan.

[Image: IMG_1080.JPG]
[Image: IMG_1081.JPG]

  Bluetooth not working
Posted by: reesh95 - 04-28-2016, 01:29 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - No Replies


i have run into a problem where the ubuntu image is not detecting the bluetooth adapter . I had ordered the stock wifi + BT module that fits into the pine64 and wifi is working properly. what can i do to solve this ?
Thanks in advance

  No sound. Need help to resolve
Posted by: jsyu - 04-27-2016, 11:17 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (4)

Received my 2G board yesterday. Tested with Unbuntu, Arch Linux and Android, all works fine except there is no audio output from on-board audio plug. Don't know whether this a hardware flaw or a software issue. Should I send it back for RMA or there is anything I can do to fix? Please advise.

  using dd to clone image
Posted by: jproffer - 04-27-2016, 06:29 PM - Forum: Archlinux - Replies (2)

Hi all,

I'm trying to burn arch to a microsd via 

dd if=arch-pine64-bspkernel-20160403-1.img of=/dev/sdg1 bs=1M

the image burns fine, but once i eject/reinsert the microsd, my OS cannot mount or recognize the FS on the microsd.  Any help?
I run arch linux with XFCE here, and my kernel supports all the common FS's up to ext4fs, reiserfs, and ntfs.