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  Anyone seeing occasional display stuttering?
Posted by: rakib-hasan - 04-29-2016, 03:33 AM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (2)

I am seeing the display to stutter occasionally on my Pine64 2GB. Anyone else seeing this?

The issue doesn't seem to be any app specific. It happened to me while I was using ES Explorer, Google Play Store or even when I was on the home screen without any app running in the background.

I installed Android-03032016 and Remix-04152016 on two different SD cards. Ran into the same issue with both OSes. Tried two different HDMI cables, still same.

Can anyone suggest what might be wrong? Is this a driver issue?

If others are seeing this issue, we can report a bug.

  anyone has any success in creating a media center with this yet?
Posted by: xrez - 04-28-2016, 09:56 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (20)

Hi guys. I was just wondering if anyone has any success in creating a media center with this, especially in:

1. Playing/streaming HD files from a network
2. Running 1080p content with proper surround

I have successfully tested remixos and android and i must say remixos seems to work a lot better especially if you got the airmouse with the pine64. I have had issues whereby my videos only output stereo via the hdmi cable, and trying to get passthrough audio (which i could only get done by kodi for android) was very stuttery. So if anyone has tips on how to succesfully turn this board to a full hd surround sound media player please post your tips here

  adb access? or root to writable system?
Posted by: chrwei - 04-28-2016, 07:45 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (10)

I have a kl file I'd like to install for a joystick, but the typical install instructions say to use USB and ADB, but that won't work since the USB port is power only.

I also don't see any options for ADB in the settings, or any developer or debug settings.  what can I do to get this installed?

  Remix OS Issues
Posted by: sivavel - 04-28-2016, 07:09 PM - Forum: Remix OS - Replies (2)

I am using a 2gb board.

Most of the issues seems to be already found

1. Internet speed issue
2.  Cannot install any apps from play store,just keeps saying downloading,
3. Screen size issue.

Overall responsiveness is ok to me

  Strange Issue backing up disk images
Posted by: FangZor - 04-28-2016, 07:04 PM - Forum: POT modules - Replies (2)

Hello all! 

  I got my Pine64+ 2GB model this morning, and set it up with Debian Linux with MATE GUI (From the Pine64 Wiki), did the usual update/upgrade, then installed and configured SSH, Samba and CUPS. I felt I made a good setup and wanted to make a disk image of my work so I could start from that point if I made any mistakes and/or wanted to revert to an updating working image. I plug the microSD card back into the computer I used to put the image on in the first place, and Windows (10 Pro) asked if I wanted to format it and at that only wanted to format it at 50MB capacity. The card in question is a 32GB Samsung EVO microSDHC card. I got worried and thought the card was a dud, but plugging it back into the PINE64 shows that it still works fine (as far as I know). 
  So my questions are, is there a way I can still backup the image on windows (10)? Do I need to back it up under a Linux distro? Something else?

  LAN/NIC problem
Posted by: xrez - 04-28-2016, 04:17 PM - Forum: Ethernet Port - Replies (217)

I have a 2gb pine64 board. I have managed to load up remixos and android on it without issues. However i found that the NIC does not connect well when using long cables. I have cat6 cables going throughout the house and when i connect the pine64 directly to my router with a 2-3m network cable it works and connects fine. However when i move it to my living room where i would like the device to be, it doesn't connect. On remixos i can see that it gets an ip address, but does not connect to the internet or even the router page. Is there a design flaw for the NIC or would it be android related?

  cant seem to get 5.1 surround output
Posted by: xrez - 04-28-2016, 04:11 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (6)

Hey guys

I have tried to use a couple of players to try to get 5.1 surround from the pine64. I tested it with kodi, mx player and the native players both in remix and pure android. It just outputs stereo sound via hdmi although its DTS audio. On Kodi for android i tried using the audio passthrough to an amp i have (which can decode dts, as done by my old boxee box) but the audio cuts off every 3-4 seconds. Has anyone have any luck in running this as a true media center? Or has anyone managed to get 5.1 output out of a dts/dolby audio? 1080p video plays fine though.

  Can't boot Remix OS
Posted by: arpanj2 - 04-28-2016, 03:28 PM - Forum: Remix OS - No Replies

Hi Guys,

I have tried every way of installing Remix latest version - using Phoenix or DD 8GB image onto a 64Gb card, but no luck. Its stuck for hours together on the flashing RemixOS screen. I have used DD image from the software page as well as from one of the posts, but no luck. 

Earlier, when the version was made available, I was able to boot it but it was sluggish - but now its just stuck at the RemixOS screen - any help?


  Power supply questions
Posted by: montero65 - 04-28-2016, 02:44 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (36)

I've seen a number of posts about people having issues with booting, and one thing brought up a lot is not using a good power supply.  I ordered one of the Pine power supplies as an add on, but don't have it yet.  In the meantime, I've ordered from one Amazon that was marked as being for Raspberry Pi 3, rated at 5V, 2.5A, by CanaKit.

What I want to know though, is how high of a current rating can be used?  I don't know if higher current rated power supplies are out there, but if so, could I use a 5.0A, or even a 10.0A?  What is the limit?  I've read that plugging in externals like USB stuff could draw more current and cause voltage drops, so I'm wondering if I should be trying to find a higher current power supply if I plan on plugging in stuff.

And if a supply is rated for higher current, does that mean the current is available if necessary, or will it be always cranking out that much?  If the board is only trying to draw 2.1A, will a 5.0A supply only supply the 2.1A?  I don't want to get a supply that risks burning out the board.

Sorry if these are obvious, I'm not great with electrical stuff.  Thanks!

  Why no DVI-HDMI video?
Posted by: Sequence - 04-28-2016, 02:08 PM - Forum: Ubuntu - Replies (1)


So I recently bought a new monitor for my Pine64 that has a DVI in. HDMI and DVI are both digital, so I bought a converter cable to connect my pine to the monitor. It doesn't work unfortunately (black screen.) I just googled it today and found on the wiki that...

"Do not use a DVI-HDMI adapter. If you want video output, use a HDMI cable direct to a HDMI monitor or TV. This may change as development continues."

Why is this? Would it work if I installed a different flavor of linux on my card instead of using the image given?