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  official images...
Posted by: chrwei - 05-04-2016, 08:42 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - No Replies

it's my understanding that the general Android image is "official", but what does that mean?  just that Pine64 people are making it, or is Allwinner supporting it, or at least supporting the people doing the build?

why is the camera app installed when there's no camera option?  why isn't something to access clean reboot and power off installed since there's no buttons?  how does one accidentally disable bluetooth, and why didn't that info get put on the wiki immediately?

when I told people I was getting a pine64 some said "allwinner's are slower than their specs suggest, and their support is terrible" and I'm starting to see that too. So far I am quite unimpressed.  the Pi Zero feels faster than this thing.  I'm getting a ton of not responding messages.  I have a class10 card that passes the tests, and while it's a slow one at 6MB/s writes, the operations I'm doing here don't need any writes.  I can't think of any good reason why things should lag this much when navigating settings, or loading the home screen.  it's terrible.

I'm frustrated, and the lack of attention to detail and lack of communication is getting to me.  

I don't want to dev on the android OS itself, so should I just put this in a box for a couple months and hope it gets better?  is it actually going to get better?

  Dokuwiki on the Pine64
Posted by: JCMPine64 - 05-04-2016, 08:31 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (6)

I got Dokuwiki running on PHP7 and Nginx, and it rocks.  I have my main wiki running on a RasPi2 and page loads take a second or two and page saves take 2-3.  On the Pine64 2GB it is under a second.  What a difference!

If anyone is interested, I can post the instructions.

  play store auth issue
Posted by: chrwei - 05-04-2016, 07:49 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (29)

twice now the lay store says I need to authenticate when I try to install something, and then it doesn't.  all other google sign in stuff seems to work fine, just the play store.  only a reboot fixes it and then the thing installs fine.

arg! now it's sucessfully installing one thing, then nothing else!

I'm also now getting a generic error with a link to a web page that tells me how how ot make sure my network connection is OK. a web page. on the internet. that loads fine. thinks my network isn't connected.

I realize that one is all google's fault, but damned. this is nuts.

  EXP Reset pin
Posted by: jproffer - 05-04-2016, 07:31 PM - Forum: Pine A64 Hardware, Accessories and POT - Replies (2)

Does the reset pin on the EXP connector (2x5 pins) need to be high or low to reset the board?

Exclamation Stagefright Vulnerabilities!
Posted by: hyperlogos - 05-04-2016, 06:01 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (3)

I ran the Stagefright Detector app against my Android install and I got back vulnerable to CVE-2015-3876, CVE-2015-3864, and CVE-2015-6602. CVE-2015-6602 in particular makes the system vulnerable to malicious MP3 and MP4 files!

Stagefright patches are freely and publicly available. Not applying them is dangerous. Will these vulnerabilities be addressed any time soon?

  OS Suitable for 2GB MicroSD?
Posted by: MonarchOfLight - 05-04-2016, 05:20 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (2)

Hey guys, I received my Pine in the mail yesterday only to discover that I've misplaced my wondrously important 8GB card. Only one I have on hand until my Amazon order comes in is a 2GB one, and I'm curious if there's an OS image out there yet small enough to run on it.

Doesn't have to be anything special, even just a command line to tinker with would be fine. Preferably Linux based.

All help is appreciated  Cool

  Crash with Wifi/BT module attached
Posted by: CHeitkamp - 05-04-2016, 04:18 PM - Forum: Wifi/BT Module - Replies (15)


my Pine doesn't boot as soon as I connect the Wifi/BT module.
Linux does a cold reboot when starting the kernel module for Wifi/BT (~15..20 after power on).

I tested different Images (Arch, Debian, Android) with different Pine A64 (1GB and 2GB).
Did I miss something or is the Wifi/BT module defective?

Thank you.

  HDMI frequency
Posted by: Ziehlneelsen - 05-04-2016, 02:25 PM - Forum: Remix OS - Replies (6)

Hi! I've tried Remix OS, Android and Ubuntu on my Pine 1GB.  Every OS has only one trouble: display settings. I've tested 2 TVs. 1st one (Samsung) got error in every case (unavaliable mode), 2nd one (NONAME) shows every OS, but the resolution is very hi for it and picture is not very good.

Samsung have supported every mode before it, and I was looking for a reason. I've conected my nootebook and started to try every mode. Resolution doesn't depends on it, TV keeps every resolution good. Problem was in frequency rate, in low resolutions high frequency rate was good, but for high resolutions max frequency is 30. If set frequency >30, TV sets off and shows message: Unavaliable mode.

Sorry for my english. 

Is it possible to solve this problem? How can I change resolution or frequency of HDMI on PINE?

  android WiFi dongle support
Posted by: flash - 05-04-2016, 12:36 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - No Replies

any ideas will this thing ever be supported, at least for main WiFi chips? Confused

I ordered board without WiFi, now it hurts when I have to add 100Mb switch just for Pine, as my Gb isn't working.

  When Will the Heat Sinks From Pine be Available?
Posted by: Bob123456789 - 05-04-2016, 11:08 AM - Forum: Heat Dissipation and Overclock Topic - Replies (3)

When will the heat sinks from Pine be available? 

Where can I look to find them when they are available?

Thank you.