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  Owncloud Experience Anyone?
Posted by: JCMPine64 - 05-31-2016, 04:45 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (17)

I've been trying to get ownCloud running on my 2Gb Pine64 but it's pretty buggy.  Anyone have any luck getting a solid instance of ownCloud running?

Everything seems to install correctly and the server seems stable, but the Windows desktop client crashes on a regular basis when I'm trying to sync 140Gb of music files.  Sometimes it just hangs and sometimes it aborts in an ugly fashion.  It seems like the desktop client works for others, I can only assume that there's something wrong with my server setup, so I'm hoping someone here has been able to do it successfully and can show the way.

  LCD Enclosure on a budget!
Posted by: ajsullivan - 05-31-2016, 01:47 PM - Forum: Enclosures - Replies (2)

I love my pine, but I was getting fed up of having the LCD panel dangling from the acrylic enclosure. I will be purchasing the playbook case as soon as it is available but until then I decided to MacGyver one using the existing pine64 carboard box.

I used the bottom of the acrylic enclosure to give it a little bit of stability but you can do this without it. I screwed small screws into the cardboard to keep it sliding around (which is where I added the acrylic base). I cut out holes for all the ports, and then made small indentations for the LCD screen to sit in. I have used elastic bands to fix the screen.

I hope you like it, and it makes you smile, I am quite please with it! Check out the pics.


[Image: WP_20160531_20_34_14_Rich.jpg]

[Image: WP_20160531_20_34_20_Rich.jpg]

[Image: WP_20160531_20_34_28_Rich.jpg]

[Image: WP_20160531_20_34_38_Rich.jpg]

[Image: WP_20160531_20_35_03_Rich.jpg]

[Image: WP_20160531_20_35_21_Rich.jpg]

  Accessory: IR Remote
Posted by: tcmsurfer - 05-31-2016, 11:36 AM - Forum: Accessories - Replies (9)

Hi everybody,

after a long waiting time, I finally got my Pine64 in the mail. Sadly I don't have everything to test it. I also ordered a remote due to my wish to use this as a media center. According to this recent thread a 3 pin add-on is to be delivered with the remote, however I don't see one in my package.  Huh

(02-22-2016, 10:51 PM)tllim Wrote: The 3pin IR receiver device will include together with IR remote control.

... TL Lim

Anybody who also ordered the accessory and got the IR receiver? Am I the only one?

Best Regards,

  Receipt printer?
Posted by: ColorblindMonk - 05-31-2016, 10:47 AM - Forum: Accessories - No Replies

Hey guys, my boss is trying to get a project going, can't say what it is currently, but we would need a cheap computer to get things started. Of course, the Pi came up in the discussion, but he's interested in using the Pine if it will wind up suiting our needs better. What we need along with it is a touch screen panel and a thermal receipt printer. The LCD panel seems to be covered by the shop, but does anybody know if there's any reliable receipt printer that will work with the Pine?

  Is there a temperature sensor on Pine?
Posted by: Informatica - 05-31-2016, 10:13 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (12)

I installed CPU-Z (android) for monitoring processor and memory and I noticed that in the "Thermal" tab, the application show a specific value of temperature (about 50°C). It grows up (about 54°C) after video playing.

So, is there a temperature sensor on Pine or it is a fake temperature?

  Pushing notifications from home network to cell phone
Posted by: wahdooyah - 05-30-2016, 08:25 PM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials - No Replies

This may be one of those uses that most people wouldn't find too useful, but I thought I'd share the setup since it helped me to solve a problem that had stumped me for awhile.

There are various reasons one might want to push notifications from your home network to your mobile device (notifying of changes in your dynamic IP address, alerts from smart home sensors/smoke alarms/security alarms, etc.), and while there are some easy ways to do this using third-party services, I dislike solutions that rely on third parties too much.

So for this example, I check whether my ISP has changed my home IP address, and if it has, I push a notification to my cell phone in the form of a text file with the new IP address. For the Pine, I'm using the latest Debian image from here, with Tor installed:

sudo apt-get install tor

Then, on my Android phone I have installed SSHelper, which I obtained via the f-droid repositories, but you can also install from the Play Store I believe. I also have installed Orbot, which I recommend getting from the official Guardian Project repository rather than the Play Store, though I believe it is also there.

To set up SSHelper to run as a hidden service, you will need to open the settings dialog in Orbot, and scroll down to the Hidden Service Hosting section, and check the box for Hidden Service Hosting. Click on Hidden Service Ports and pick whatever port you have selected in SSHelper (for this example I'm using the default, 2222). Next, you need to shut down Orbot and restart it so that it will generate your .onion address. Go into the hidden service settings again, click on the .onion hostname, and copy that address. You might want to write it down or save it as a text file since you'll need it later.

Next, on the Pine, attempt to access the Android phone using the .onion hostname:

torsocks ssh -p 2222 123456abcde.onion

Once you've confirmed this works, you need to set up the SSH server to use  a keypair instead of password, so on the Pine type these two commands:

ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa -N ''
torsocks ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub -p 2222 12345abcdef.onion

Type in the password when it prompts you, then exit once the devices finish the key exchange. Now, on the Android phone, enter the SSHelper settings and check the box Disable password logins.

Next, I wrote a perl script that checks with a public site and creates a text file containing the IP, as well as a log of prior IPs and when they changed:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $nip;
my $now = localtime();
my $ipcheck = "http://ipecho.net/plain";
my $result = qx{curl --silent $ipcheck};

if($result =~  m/(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/) {
 $nip = $1;
else { die "regex failed to match an IP: $!"; }

open(LAST, "<lastip") or die "Can't open lastip";
my $lastip = <LAST>;

unless($lastip eq $nip) {
open(LAST, ">lastip") or die "Can't open lastip";
print LAST $nip;

print qx{torsocks scp -P 2222 /home/pineuser/lastip 12345abcdef.onion:/sdcard/ipchecker/};
open(LOG, ">>history") or die "Can't open history";
print LOG "$nip\t[$now]\n";

print qx{torsocks scp -P 2222 /home/pineuser/history 12345abcdef.onion:/sdcard/ipchecker/};
else {
open(CHECKED, ">checked") or die "Can't open checked";
print CHECKED $now;
print qx{torsocks scp -P 2222 /home/pineuser/checked 12345abcdef.onion:/sdcard/ipchecker/};

Now, all that's left is to create the three files and set the script to run periodically via crontab:

touch lastip history checked
crontab -e

I set the cronjob to run hourly at five past the hour (because why not?), but obviously anything would work:

5 * * * * /home/pineuser/notifier.pl

Assuming everything went smoothly, you should have three files created in your SSH root directory: checked lets you know how recently it was checked, lastip should be the most recent IP address, and history should list each prior IP address.

As I indicated at the beginning, this particular script is just an example of one use, but once you have the SSH hidden service running, you can push any notifications or files you might want to that folder.

  Received package but missing accessory
Posted by: mhrsz17 - 05-30-2016, 07:53 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (8)

Any idea on how should I file a report for missing item? I pledged for Pine64+ 2gb and accessories but the 2nd USB cable was not in the parcel.

p.s. How can we identify the difference between 64 and 64+ board just by looking at the board? 
The details on parcel only stated '1 x PA642GB'

I'm still waiting for my sd card to arrive, so as for now I cant really do anything to check. 

thanks in advance Big Grin

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

  Wifi/ Bluetooth chip
Posted by: abba2566 - 05-30-2016, 11:20 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (4)

Possibly a stupid question but, I've slotted the wifi/ Bluetooth chip onto the pins labelled wifi+bt on the board, but there's a grey cable that doesn't seem to attach anywhere, should it?

  wget not working?
Posted by: slerched - 05-30-2016, 08:31 AM - Forum: Debian - Replies (3)

I am a 90% n00b when it comes to Linux.

I got my Pine64, I got a non-counterfeit SD card, and put the Debian install on it.

What I am trying to do now is get JRiver Media Center for ARM installed using these instructions:


Problem is, I open the terminal, I try to use wget and it says it doesn't recognize the command.

Not sure where to go from here.

Here's the command I am trying to use:

wget -q "http://dist.jriver.com/mediacenter@jriver.com.gpg.key" -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Any help is appreciated!

  LCD Pannel working... Touch screen NOT working?? Why
Posted by: Chopshop13 - 05-30-2016, 02:00 AM - Forum: LCD and Touch Panel - Replies (3)

As the title suggests My Pine 7" LCD is working (showing graphics) but not responsive to touch at all. Im booting the LCD android 5.1 from the wiki. 
The only thing I can think of, is look how sheet the ribbon cable plug was attached to the board from factory. I couldnt say If its the problem but Its suspicious.
 [Image: 13313604_1183537048365249_91336053_o.jpg]