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  Ordered plastic case
Posted by: Topgun505 - 07-01-2016, 07:35 AM - Forum: Enclosures - Replies (9)

Has ANYONE received the plastic case from PINE (the one that can enclose the 7" LCD screen) as of yet?

  Kickstarter but no Pine.....
Posted by: JohnConner - 06-30-2016, 11:56 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (7)

Here the last thing I have the support written:

Dear support-team!
I am writing regarding to your answer concerning my computer, that has
never come to me.
I have already written with the BackerKit service. They have told me to
contact your support.
Because it is obviously, that there are some issues with sending my
computer to me, I am asking you for my money.
Yours faithfully.

> -- Please reply above this line --
> Hello,
> Thank you for contacting PINE64. Due to the high volume of emails we are
> currently receiving, please expect about 7-9 business days for a team
> member to respond to your inquiry. 
> - If you have questions regarding your shipping status, please email
> shipping@pine64.com 
> -For order numbers beginning in #102, your preorder will begin shipping
> out the last week of May 

> On Tue, May 31 09:54:14 UTC 2016  wrote:
Unfortunately, my Pine64 still has not arrived.
That's the message I got at 2.4.2016:
> Hi Andreas ,
> Your order for PINE A64, First $15 64-Bit Single Board Super Computer has
> shipped!
> china post : RI894213321CN

Please can you help me?

Photo Kickstarter Backer Broken Touchscreen
Posted by: CJ Morin - 06-30-2016, 04:31 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (1)

I finally received my Pine A64 and the touchscreen is cracked.  I must say I was disappointed in the shipping envelope used to ship a touch screen panel, now trying to find contact information to get it exchanged although I am not entirely to thrilled about waiting for a reply from them.  I for some reason cannot get the photo to attatch.

  Remote Not Working?
Posted by: mesaxi - 06-30-2016, 04:30 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (2)

I received my Pine today. 2GB board with a pre-installed Android OS card. I plugged in the board and have it running, there's an image on the screen, but the Pine A64 remote does nothing and I can't find anything. Not surprised Pine sold accessories without any explanation of how to use them.

  OpenHAB Up - Getting My Bearings - Questions
Posted by: doundounba - 06-30-2016, 04:15 PM - Forum: openHAB - Replies (4)

Hi all!

So I (finally) received my two 1Gb boards yesterday, along with a 16gb microSD with the OpenHAB image (and a few other items). Popped the wifi/bt board on one board, put it in the open acrylic case, put the microSD card in the slot, plugged in a USB keyboard and HDMI to the TV and then powered on...


Got a console login prompt on the TV, the OpenHAB server is up on port 8080 and I can ssh into the Pine64 from my main Linux box. Cool 

Now, I'm just getting my bearings. I've been reading around, but please do forgive me if these questions are "basic".

1) As far as I can tell, OpenHAB is a set of services running on top of, for example, Linux. In this case, what I have received appears to be an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS installation (with OpenHAB 2.0.0.b3 pre-installed). Is that correct?
2) If that is correct, does that mean that I can "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" to get a GUI going?
3) The wiki page for OpenHAB talks about running resize_rootfs.sh, but unless I am mistaken, the image I got already uses the 16gb of the card, no? In fact, I did run resize_rootfs.sh and I believe it exited with a message that there was nothing to do. Might want to update the Wiki I guess?

4) Perhaps a bit less easy to answer but... I also ordered (and received) the temperature and humidity sensor. I didn't realize there is not an i2c port on the Pine64 board itself, so I did not get Multi I2C Bus card. Can anyone provide a pointer about how to go about getting i2c communication going between the board and sensor? I'm prepared to buy a breadboard and some parts, but I'm a noob at all this...

Overall, fairly happy with the experience so far! Some hiccups in getting the hardware out (my package was untrackable and took about a month from shipping notice to me receiving something, and there's still no zwave on the horizon, AFAICT), but nothing unexpected given that this is a Kickstarter project...

Thanks for any pointers on my questions!

Information Non-backer Pine A64+ recieved
Posted by: jayare69@pacbell.net - 06-30-2016, 03:37 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - No Replies

I just missed the Kickstarter program, ordering my Pine A64+ on Feb 9th.  And of course, was not able to order any accessories to go with it due to the store not being open yet.  Also not having any idea what I was going to need because that information was not posted on the website. Store opens on what May 2nd, however I dont know when I will be getting my board and I also don't know what products I am going to need for a computer browser and a media center having never messed with Android, Remix OS or Linux, and reading the forum I got kinda scared.... so I waited, now ordered items on June 26 and will not receive until mid July......

Feb   9, 2016                  Ordered Pine A64+
May 24, 2016                 Received e-mail from Pine with USPS tracking #, Order has been sent.
May 25, 2016                 Pre-Shipment Info Sent to USPS
June 2, 2016 5:49 pm   Accepted at USPS Origin Facility, MILPITAS, CA 95035
June 2, 2016 7:04 pm   Arrived at USPS Origin Facility, SAN JOSE, CA 95101 
June 3, 2016 1:11 am   Arrived at USPS Facility, WEST SACRAMENTO, CA 95799
June 3, 2016 2:38 am   Departed USPS Destination Facility, WEST SACRAMENTO, CA 95799
June 3, 2016 7:36 am  Arrived at Post Office, MODESTO, CA 95350
June 3, 2016 9:11 am  Sorting Complete, MODESTO, CA 95350
June 3, 2016 9:23 am  Out for Delivery, MODESTO, CA 95350
June 3, 2016 12:40 pm  Delivered, In/At Mailbox, MODESTO, CA 95350

My point is that there are BACKERS  who have not yet received their BACKER KITS, yet I have received my board already.  Just doesn't seem FAIR AT ALL. Huh

And I do understand other items are back-ordered but I am sure those BACKERS would like to have communication on the status of their boards....

Computers are in fact a communication device Idea

I don't know, maybe I am the odd thinking one.......... Cool

and I live not 80 miles from the company, could have driven there and picked it up long ago if possible.....

  Kickstarter Items Recieved Damaged
Posted by: dicecca112 - 06-30-2016, 12:41 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (14)

Board is warped, LCD Screen is Destroyed.

Emailed support, but just in case I don't get a response from them due to workload


  7" LCD Issue
Posted by: mtcomp - 06-30-2016, 12:08 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (4)

7" LCD Display don't work followed other post and double checked my connections  also downloaded the android ver 5.1.1-lcd and still no go checked if I had HDMI and no video so turned it off and placed in the original android lollypop 64 gb card rebooted and have HDMI any help and Yes all pins are down

  5v|batt jumper next to Pine logo on the Pine64+ board
Posted by: MarkHaysHarris777 - 06-30-2016, 10:47 AM - Forum: DC Power In - Replies (8)

I am having trouble finding the 5v|batt jumper (the one next to the PineLogo) on the schematics !

... can someone tell me where it's located on the sheets?  tnx.

Also, does that jumper need to be moved in order to use the batt|charger ?

tnx, again.

  hdmi_group CEA or DMT hdmi group specify uEnv.txt
Posted by: MarkHaysHarris777 - 06-30-2016, 10:44 AM - Forum: HDMI Port - Replies (2)

Does the hdmi port support both industry standards CEA & DMT ?

In uEnv.txt, is there a way to specify which hdmi_group we're using [ CEA or DMT ] ?