Shipping Update and Stock Availability Thread
(07-18-2021, 03:11 AM)pintspin Wrote: HeY Luke, 

Good Day

I ordered few days back in july 21, any idea when can i expect the pinephone in NewZealand ?
will i get any kind of confirmation ? once the order will be dispatched.


I assume you mean June Wink Next round of phones should be going out soon(ish); it is more convenient for us to ship many phones at one time, due to Hong Kong - mainland China restrictions, so we're waiting until enough units sell. Sales have recently increased by ~25%, so I suspect it won't be long. 

And yes, you'll receive a shipping confirmation from US and DHL (DHL may also send you a SMS).
You can find me on IRC, Discord and Twitter

(07-19-2021, 05:07 AM)Luke Wrote: it is more convenient for us to ship many phones at one time, due to Hong Kong - mainland China restrictions, so we're waiting until enough units sell. Sales have recently increased by ~25%, so I suspect it won't be long. 

Is this specific to pinephones, or applies to any orders processed from Hong Kong (for any product)?

Also, I have seen (from random comments on Reddit) that there are orders being sent *from* USA if the comments are to be believed, is that correct? I suspect this handles (North?) America orders if true.

Thanks for your transparency!
EDIT July 22: For future readers, I just received a shipping confirmation from Pine Store, and UPS says it has the package since July 21. This means my order passed in the weekly processing in the "Shipping Status Updates - Other" section even though it seems the current week is not yet displayed on the website. I will have to pay an extra 16.66 CAD for import and custom brokerage fees. Also, my package (PineTime) leaves from Hong Kong, no US outpost apparently.
Thanks a lot Great, Yes i mean 12 July iesh
I am anxiously waiting... :>
Widziałem ogłoszenia o planowanej sprzedaży części, na przykład mam moduł rtl8723cs w PineTab. Kiedy mogę kupić płytę CD lub nawet moduł?
Hello Luke, 

Good Day!
I am a bit confused about  the shipment process.
I read here: Availability and Shipping Status | PINE64

that there was update: Juli 19, 2021
EU Countries:continued weekly order dispatch.
I have ordered my pinephone 16, Juli and i got an e-mail that my order has been received that day.
But nothing after that.
Am i asuming correct that the weekly dispatch isn't processed yet? 
As i did not yet received any shipment e-mail. and i checked my spam folder also ;-)

Looking forward to get some more info about the procedure.
I had ordered a Rock64 with tracking #LY822808533CN that has been "preparing a shipment" since 07/08, does this mean the item was actually out of stock, that you guys just haven't shipped it yet, or that it's sitting in customs or something?  I had sent an e-mail to the support channel about a week ago with no response sadly... Sad
Please help me by confirming that the slower memory issue is solved in this latest version. I am really opting for the answer as before I faced the issue related to slower memory.
@Luke Hi, where will the current orders of RockPro64 4Gb ship from - Ching, Hong Kong, something else?
(09-23-2021, 01:12 AM)e1337 Wrote: Any info on the 2GB/16GB edition PP availability? It's listed as maybe coming this month on the store, but currently isn't there yet. I would be interested in getting one of those.

Edit: I was just informed in chat by lukasz that the 3GB edition is so much more popular and sourcing things is so difficult that it's no longer coming this month, and may not be coming back for some more months. Just wanted to pass this info along!

The 2GB/16GB PinePhone will back in stock on September 30.
Any updates on when the next 2GB/16GB PinePhone shipment will go out?  I need to decide if it will come soon enough that I won't need to buy a working phone for use in the meantime.

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