Pinebook Pro & PinePhone shipping progress (2020)
General situation overview
[25 May 2020] We're running mostly on schedule, give or take a few days, however unrest in the region has picked up so delays are possible - this is something we cannot predict at this point in time. I'll update this thread on a need-be basis until all devices ship.
[edit 27 May] The situation in the region has not impacted shipments. The minor delays are caused by pandemic-related restrictions imposed on the carriers or by the carriers.
[edit 29 May] The situation in the region is getting slightly more tense, however there is no indication presently that the situation will disrupt shipment.
[edit 4 June] I understand that things are taking longer than initially anticipated, but you need to keep in mind these aren't normal shipping circumstances. We're under constraints that we have no control over (e.g. border being closed between HK and mainland China), the shipping companies and carriers are under many constraints (self-imposed or imposed by regulators) and the logistic chain as a whole - including people - is under regulatory constraints. In short, current situation is not business as usual. I am getting many PMs and emails asking about status reports - as soon as I know something, I post it here, there is no need to PM or email me. Thank you for your continued patience!   
[edit 8 June] For the most part, so far-so-good (at least DHL with regards to DHL shipments). I don't want to repeat this over and over, but the shipping situation is not exactly easy presently, and yet despite this we're doing good progress on the shipping front. There will be a minor delay with next two PBP sub-batch shipments as they have to undergo additional QC prior to shipping out. As for the PinePhone, we're giving you  three options on how to proceed with you Asendia shipment: stick with it, switch over to DHL or cancel your order. 
[edit 22 June] While crossing the Hong Kong border our truck was stopped for stopped for a full border check, which included the driver undertaking a COVID-19 test. The shipment barely made it on time to the pickup destination. During the customs stop, Hong Kong customs officers opened a number PinePhone units to confirm shipped contents. I am informing you of this in the event you get a unit which has been inspected at customs.
[edit 30 June] Hong Kong authorities chose to extend the border closure until 7 August, which means we will be unable to access our warehouse for yet another month.
[edit 28 July] This is the last edit to this post - I'll keep the thread open so people can continue reporting receiving their units and posting problems they encounter(ed). This thread will be closed sometime in August as we'll start preparing for shipping the postmarketOS CE and the next production run of Pinebook Pros.
I'd like to than you for all the support and understating. To those who raised concerns regarding the delay of a large portion of this batch we'd like to I'd like to say that we hear you. 

Pinebook Pro
First two pallets of Pinebook Pros will ship out today, May 25, followed by more tomorrow. Shipping will continue though the week. DHL has pandemic-related limitations of a tonne per day, so it will take longer to clear all pallets than initially expected, but there shouldn't be any significant delays.
[edit 26 May] Approx 1/4 of All PBPs have shipped - first users should get their shipping messages today.
[edit 27 May] Second portion of PBPs will be picked up by DHL  on May 28. 
[edit 29 May] You can expect to see more dispatch notifications early next week.
[edit 1 June] Next portion of PBPs have started shipping. I know some of you have already gotten their tracking numbers, more will get theirs in next few days. If you don't get a DHL notice in the next couple of days, don't worry as ~40% of the PBP batch is yet to ship. 
[edit 2 June] Third portion (3 of 4) of PBPs will go out first next week, due to all PinePhone labels being redone which consumes a lot of man-hours.
[edit 4 June] We're aiming to have the next round of PBP shipments (3/4) out the door mid next week (expect info  June 9-11th)
[edit 8 June] We've received an abnormal amount of issue report from the first 2 PBP batches that have gone out. I won't go into reasons for this situation here as it is beyond the scope of this thread. What we will do in the upcoming shipments is manually review all Pinebook Pros slated to go out in sub-batch 3 and 4. This way we will assure you're PBP is in great shape when it ships out.
That said, this QC process takes time, and so the next sub-batch of PBPs will first ship the coming week (June 15-21). Thank you for your patience.
[edit 12 June] All remaining PBPs are undergoing QA currently (see 8 June update for details) and sub-batch 3 and 4 will be going out together next week. This means that all remaining PBPs will ship next week (may run into the following week).
[edit 15 June] PBPs which have been started shipping again - shipments will continue over the course of next couple of days. Many of you can expect to receive your DHL shipping notice soon.
[edit 18 June] With a small number of exceptions (instances where special handling is required by regulation) all remaining PBPs should ship by the end of this week and I expect that if you're waiting for a unit then you'll have it no later than in 10 days time. This concludes the PBP update section.
[edit 30 June] I am aware that there is a small number of people who are still waiting for the PBP to arrive -- it is my understanding that the delay is caused by the DHL labeling some units as 'spacial handling' causes. These units will depart after July 7th.
[edit 1 July] The small number of outstanding Pinebook Pro's will ship out this Friday, July 3rd. 
[edit 8 July] All outstanding Pinebook Pros should have now shipped out. To those affected we apologize - some orders were deemed logistically challenging by DHL, and had to be bundled together to ship out. You should receive a shipping notification within the next 72hrs.

First PinePhones UBports CE edition will begin shipping on Thursday, May 28.
[edit 27 May] All DHL shipments are scheduled for May 28.
Asendia has indicated to us that they will be ready for shipment on June 2; I'll update you on how many rounds of Ascendia shipments there will be closer to the date, when they're ready to inform us about shipping restrictions that will apply to us.
[edit 28 May] PinePhones shipped via DHL will be sent out June 1st due to some unforeseen circumstances at the factory.
[edit 29 May] Users waiting for PinePhones shipped via DHL will be notified of shipment early next week; shipping staff making their way with the PinePhones to Hong Kong over the weekend. Asendia has not yet confirmed the June 2nd shipment date.
[edit 1 June] PinePhones shipping via DHL and FedEx have started going out - you can expect to receive a DHL or FedEx notification in a matter of a day or two. Quick note re. FedEx - I don't know if more phones shipped via FedEx will go at a later date (stay tuned). The shipping team is still waiting for word from Asendia.
[edit 2 June] An issue with DHL has occurred. All shipping labels for the DHL batch have to be redone, which will take approx 48hrs. New shipment date set for Thursday, June 4th.
[edit 3 June] Team will wrap DHL-batch related tasks today and we're on  schedule to ship tomorrow, Thursday June 4th.
[edit 4 June] Those of you with DHL shipments should get your shipping information tomorrow - the 5th - or the following day. Asendia has informed us they'll have an update for us on Sunday, June 7th.
[edit 8 June] My apologies for keeping you in suspense for a day longer - I was obtaining all relevant information.
Asendia have presently informed us that, in the immediate future, they'll be able to ship to France and Switzerland. However, for information about shipment to other countries we'll have to wait longer.
A this point we're working on giving you three options:
  1. Stick with your Asendia shipping and wait until it goes out
  2. Upgrade to DHL shipping via the PINE64 store. We're working on a system to upgrade your current shipping to DHL; it will be available later this week.
  3. Cancel your order by emailing
More information will follow tomorrow or on Wednesday. I will make sure to post the link to the DHL upgrade here as well as make people aware of it on social media. Once again, thank you on your patience as we're working towards finding the best possible solution to the current situation.
[edit 9 June] If you originally selected Asendia, it is now possible to change to DHL shipping. Once we get 1000 people to switch over from Asendia to DHL shipment will commence. I'll obviously update you on that in due time.
[edit 12 June] Once the remaining orders of Pinebook Pros ship out next week the team will prepare shipment of DHL PinePhone shipping upgrades. I'll have more information for you closer to the date - probably late next week. We still have no update from Asendia, but we expect to get an update on Monday, June 15. We're looking to start delivering French and Swiss Asendia orders soon however. Regarding FedEx, where possible we'll change FedEx shipments to DHL - this may not be possible for all FedEx shipments because the two companies do not always service the same area/ region.
[edit 15 June] The logistics team will prepare to ship out DHL-upgraded PinePhones as soon as current Pinebook Pros clear the warehouse. It can be as soon as late this week or as late as end of next week. I'll keep you posted. Asendia has informed us that there are now two new destinations - Australia and Brazil - which have opened for shipping. In general, I expect that we'll slowly see more Asendia shipping destinations open over the course of next few weeks.
[edit 16 June] Asendia -> DHL upgrades have been closed as the team prepares to dispatch DHL shipment. The Asendia -> DHL upgrade shipments are scheduled to go out Thursday and Friday (18th & 19th June). Asendia Shipments to: Switzerland, France, Brazil and Australia will ship out at the same time or soon thereafter. If there will be enough demand, then we may consider another Asendia->DHL upgrade at a later date.
[edit 18 June] Asendia -> DHL upgrades will start shipping tomorrow 19 June.
Asendia shipments to France, Brazil, Australia and Switzerland are shipping June 19 - 22nd.
Once all current DHL and Asendia shipments clear, a new DHL upgrade scheme will open next week. Please note the following two conditions for Asendia -> DHL upgrade: 1) making the DHL upgrade is final - once you do the DHL upgrade you can't back out of it at a later date (it causes massive chaos for the shipping team due to current shipping circumstances, where every single unit needs to be properly declared); 2) DHL will not ship to P.O. boxes - it needs to be a home/ work address.
[edit 19 June] Option to upgrade to DHL is available again. Previous DHL upgrades and Asendia to France, Brazil, Australia and Switzerland will be picked up soon. News re. Asendia shipments expected on Monday 22 June.
[edit 22 June] Many of you should be seeing your DHL shipping notifications today over the course of next 24-48 hours. Asendia shipments to France, Switzerland, Brazil and Australia will be picked up tomorrow, 23 June in the evening (local). We have been informed that Asendia will, unfortunately, not be opening other shipping destinations this week. Stay tuned for more news soon. Thank you for your patience.
[edit 29 June] The second Asendia->DHL upgrade batch is being readied for shipping. These PinePhones are leaving tomorrow and will be processed by DHL at the end of the week (likely quicker than that).
The shipping team has also managed to find an alternate route for all remaining (non-DHL upgrade) PinePhones heading to the US. This alternate route doesn't require any input from customers. PinePhones heading to US via normal shipping will also depart this week.
I'll update you on the progress of both batches in the coming days.
[edit 30 June] All FedEx shipments have been upgraded to 'FedEx Express'. All FedEx PinePhone parcels will be departing tomorrow, 1st July. Expect shipping notices in the next 2-4 days.
I'd like to also confirm that second Asendia->DHL PinePhone upgrade as well as all regular all PinePhone shipment to US will be going out at appox. the same time as FedEx parcels.
[edit 1 July] I have good news. An alternative shipping option to Asendia has been found and we are able to ship to the following destinations:
DE, ES, NL, IT, CZ, IE, BE, PT, PL, HU, FI, DK, ED, GR, ED, SE, LT, CY, LV, EE, LU, SK, AT [edit - No GB]
Shipment to the above destinations will go out tomorrow, July 2nd.
This clears out the vast majority of outstanding shipments.
[edit 2 July] Minor edit to yesterday's update - sadly United Kingdom (GB) shipment using non-DHL methods remains not possible at this time.
[edit 3 July] All DHL and FedEx parcels have already shipped out. You should receive a notification from the respective carrier within the next 24-72 hours.
Remaining phones to ship via regular shipping (which we use instead of Asendia) will be picked up on Monday 10:00 local time. This clear out nearly all remaining stock. Thank you all, once again, for your patience - I know that some of you have waited a month for this shipping notification. I'll confirm shipment went though on Monday.
[edit 4 July] DHL upgrades are available again. NB, at this point we suggest that if you are in Canada and UK, as well as a handful of other destinations not listed in 1 July update, you upgrade to DHL shipment.
[edit 8 July] DHL upgrades to Canada and UK as well as other outstanding shipping destinations will be closing on Friday. If your phone cannot be delivered via regular shipping at this time, and you do not choose to upgrade your shipping to DHL, then you can expect the order to be cancelled and your pre-order money returned soon after. Regarding standard shipments that departed this Monday (July 6th): we have been made aware that tracking numbers aren't being updated on a regular basis. The tracking status ought to update once your parcel reaches the destination country (2+ weeks depending on geographic location) and gets logged at the border.
[edit 28 July] All remaining PinePhone UBports CE should be delivered in the next couple of days. However, it appears that shipments to Australia and some South American countries is proceeding very slowly. While it is not our fault, we'd like to apologize for this situation - we will be informing future customers in these regions of the reports of slow shipments via regular shipping, advising faster courier options.
You can find me on IRC, Discord and Twitter

Do buyers who purchased first get their pinebook pro first?
My order mail says shipping method is Pinebook FedEx Shipping, how about FedEx pickup schedule?
Kewl beans..... A new phone will be on the way soon!!!

I think I ordered the phone within an hour of it being available
I'm so excited, I bought one of each and my first device of this kind.  I'm so looking forward to receiving them!
I did not get any confirmation email yet, i am a bit nervous i wont get one because i made a paypal account to pay for my order and then i deleted the account afterwards. I hope the DHL shipping information gets send to my email from Pine64 and not paypal.
I got my shipping email. I just had to pay 51.71 GBP for import fees x_x So I've basically paid about 80 GBP in shipping. Crazy x_x
Just received my shipping notification email. Estimated to arrive Friday, May 29. I'm excited! I thought it would arrive early June at the earliest.
Just got my email from DHL along with the following:
"There is import duty/tax due on your shipment. The amount is GBP 49.77. "

Is this expected to be paid by me or will it clear automatically?
(05-26-2020, 03:50 AM)Jantje Wrote: I did not get any confirmation email yet, i am a bit nervous i wont get one because i made a paypal account to pay for my order and then i deleted the account afterwards. I hope the DHL shipping information gets send to my email from Pine64 and not paypal.

My DHL shipping notice was sent to my email. So you should be fine.

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