Get volume keys working
I was fed up with the volume keys not working in Phosh, so I set up actkbd to control them.

1. Download the source code of actkbd
2. Untar the downloaded file
tar xjf actkbd-0.2.8.tar.bz2
3. Install build-essential so that you can compile programs
sudo apt install build-essential
4. Enter the untarred directory and compile actkbd
cd actkbd-0.2.8 ; make
5. Copy the resulting actkbd binary somewhere sensible. I chose ~/.local/bin/
6. Create a config file somewhere sensible. I chose ~/.config/actkbd.conf. The default is /etc/actkbd.conf. If you use the default location you don't have to specify it when launching actkbd.
7. Add the following to the config file
114:key::pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%
115:key::pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%
8.Setup actkbd to autostart by creating the file ~/.config/systemd/user/actkbd.service with the contents:
Description=actkbd keyboard shortcut daemon

ExecStart=/home/mobian/.local/bin/actkbd -c /home/mobian/.config/actkbd.conf -d /dev/input/by-path/platform-1c21800.lradc-event

9. Reload systemd
systemctl --user daemon-reload
10. Enable actkbd to autostart
systemctl --user enable actkbd
11. Start actkbd
systemctl --user start actkbd
This is great. This is the "pleasing" gains of linux on a phone as opposed to the alternatives!

A question - does actkbd intercept the key press before they go anywhere else? In particular I am thinking of the power key (appreciate the volume keys were not going anywhere!). 1 click off, long or double click on. If I lose the 6 second hard power-off that is not a train smash as I can always pull the battery!

I am fed up with phosh, having to slide up and then enter my PIN - I don't need the security and it is just wasting my time*. I am nearly as fed up with the digitizer still being active when the display is off. I guess I need to find the time to play but converting the power button could make me a very happy bunny!

* - I have spent days on DuckDuckGo trying to find phosh specs how to tune its function, how to disable PIN screen etc without success. Or even find a description of what else can go in /etc/phosh/phoc.ini etc.
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Looking at the readme you should be able to block others from receiving the events with the grab attribute. You'll have to start another instance of actkbd for the power button events, as they are emitted by another device. I think /dev/input/event0.

Definitely report your digitizer findings, as I am fed up with that as well. I think instead of creating a whole new compositor Purism should've tried to get Plasma or Gnome up to snuff. They both work almost perfectly fine with just a small minor annoyances. Even the respective virtual keyboards have almost every feature squeekboard is missing.
I really prefer onboard with lightdm.
Gdm3 and it's default keyboard is not suitable for command lines.
Perfect on a tv/login screen but useless if you need some ctrl-c or other options.

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