I'm trying to update my Manjaro install and I'm hitting errors trying to connect to "manjaro-arm.ericlay.online". Any ideas?
(03-19-2020, 02:31 PM)bceverly Wrote: Hi,
I'm trying to update my Manjaro install and I'm hitting errors trying to connect to "manjaro-arm.ericlay.online". Any ideas?
I think you're using older version of Manjaro image and this error is caused by change in our mirror repo structure.
Old mirrors are no longer active.
You will have to install the latest mirrors manually using the following command.
sudo pacman -U https://ftp-osl.osuosl.org/pub/manjaro-arm/repo/stable/core/aarch64/pacman-mirrorlist-20200225-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
sudo pacman-mirrors -b stable
sudo pacman-mirrors -g
sudo pacman -Syyuu
I hope this works and if it doesn't work then you need to flash the latest image which is 20.02.1 from official manjaro page.
Try the above and let me know.
Manjaro ARM Team.
Devices: Pinebook Pro & PinePhone.