10-23-2020, 12:42 AM
Hello, as you can read from the title, I can't get my PBP to boot from the eMMC or the microSD. I have used Linux a little before, specifically Kali. I was trying to install Arch Linux because I want to use it as my main distro. I was following the instructions on https://github.com/nadiaholmquist/archis...g/20200702. However, I think I must have done something wrong because once I did everything that the installation process said, I proceeded to boot and it did not boot, it got stuck on a black screen with the orange led on. I then tried to boot without the microSD, directly from eMMC and the same happened. I think it has something to do with u-boot but I don't how to turn it on to fix it. I have been browsing the archives and forums for hours but I can't seem to find a solution. I am just afraid I might have killed my new PBP. I appreciate any suggestions!