Because of /dev, /sys, /proc, /run cloning a booted system is not a good idea, better use rsync
When not booted, these are empty directories
mount |grep mmc (make sure no partitions on emmc are mounted)
Maybe blank 1st 16M,,,, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1M count=16
bs=1M, faster,,but the real point is default block size of dd 512 bytes is slower than slow
REALLY slow,, this only shows up writing several MB, you are writing 5G
Otherwise your command line looks good
I think an install resizes,, check (df) ,,if not, cfdisk (expand) and resize2fs on unmounted partition
(booted from SD), then fsck.ext4 to make sure all is well (df -h 58G)
a little more elegant
xzcat pinebookpro-debian-desktop-mrfixit-191123.img,xz|dd of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1M status=progress
there is an image 1 month newer BTW,, pinebookpro-debian-desktop-mrfixit191226.img.xz
When not booted, these are empty directories
mount |grep mmc (make sure no partitions on emmc are mounted)
Maybe blank 1st 16M,,,, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1M count=16
bs=1M, faster,,but the real point is default block size of dd 512 bytes is slower than slow
REALLY slow,, this only shows up writing several MB, you are writing 5G
Otherwise your command line looks good
I think an install resizes,, check (df) ,,if not, cfdisk (expand) and resize2fs on unmounted partition
(booted from SD), then fsck.ext4 to make sure all is well (df -h 58G)
a little more elegant
xzcat pinebookpro-debian-desktop-mrfixit-191123.img,xz|dd of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1M status=progress
there is an image 1 month newer BTW,, pinebookpro-debian-desktop-mrfixit191226.img.xz