>When I tried the generic pdf printer
Is your printer a pdf printer?? I somehow doubt that it is
So, DON'T use this, use generic airprint(ipp everywhere) or generic driverless
ppd will be ippeve.ppd OR drvless.ppd, I have test pages with both
(manjaro, ippeve,,,debian10,drvless)
--edit-- just because a printer can print pdfs, does not mean it is a pdf printer
A pdf printer has a computer in it that can run a pdf interpreter , IN THE PRINTER
These tend to be expensive, the feature will be "touted"
There is a script, comes with cups, pdftoraster, calls gs, makes raster image,
then converted to specific printer language, then sent to printer
Is your printer a pdf printer?? I somehow doubt that it is
So, DON'T use this, use generic airprint(ipp everywhere) or generic driverless
ppd will be ippeve.ppd OR drvless.ppd, I have test pages with both
(manjaro, ippeve,,,debian10,drvless)
--edit-- just because a printer can print pdfs, does not mean it is a pdf printer
A pdf printer has a computer in it that can run a pdf interpreter , IN THE PRINTER
These tend to be expensive, the feature will be "touted"
There is a script, comes with cups, pdftoraster, calls gs, makes raster image,
then converted to specific printer language, then sent to printer