It appears that many peoples' Pinebooks arrived with completely drained batteries. This has likely been caused by the units not being shut down poperly at the factory:
For those unfortunate of you who received their Pinebooks with flat batteries please let the units charge for a long time - 2hrs at the very least.
If you still get a flashing red battery symbol on the screen after 2+hrs or charing, remove and reinsert the power cable a few times (10+) and let it charge for another few hours.
This issue with be addressed for future shipments.
If you have any further questions or experience problems make sure to post below or join in the IRC. You can also file a support ticket if need be here.
Quote:13:35:07 <tllim> @ayufan, we suspect production people not totally shut down during production time
For those unfortunate of you who received their Pinebooks with flat batteries please let the units charge for a long time - 2hrs at the very least.
If you still get a flashing red battery symbol on the screen after 2+hrs or charing, remove and reinsert the power cable a few times (10+) and let it charge for another few hours.
This issue with be addressed for future shipments.
If you have any further questions or experience problems make sure to post below or join in the IRC. You can also file a support ticket if need be here.