(Cluster) Modified Playbox Enclosure Progress
Hey all,

Over a YEAR ago, @tllim was kind enough to supply me with the files I needed to get to messing around with a cluster case/extension idea I had.
Its taken me a year to get my skills up in Blender (not the best tool? But the tool I wanted to use) so I could modify the plan and build an "insert" or "extension" that would clip inbetween the top and bottom of the playbox enclosure.

This would allow me to stack 5 nodes, include a touchscreen at the top, and theres just enough space for a USB hub for power, and a switch.

I've made some progress, so I'm posting what I have, and would love some advice on what I should do about the NIC/HDMI port holes on the side of the "sleeve" that I am building.

Some images for reference included.

The end setup should look similar to this, with the sleeve filling the gap between the bottom and the top:

[Image: Image%202017-06-16%20at%2010.47.51%20PM.png]

So far, I have managed to create the following in blender (length of sleeve to be adjusted), but I'm having trouble with what I should do about the NIC and HDMI holes..

[Image: Image%202017-06-16%20at%2010.50.22%20PM.png]

[Image: Image%202017-06-16%20at%2010.52.33%20PM.png]

Messages In This Thread
(Cluster) Modified Playbox Enclosure Progress - by predominant - 06-16-2017, 07:53 AM

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