Heh! Just looks that way. I've been there a very long time. I don't recognize those errors and I can't recall if I contacted Stuart originally through YouTube comments or via some link he posted, but I do recall he helped me poste haste. Later I asked for help on a number of concerns (I'm just so n00b at ARM) and one concern was that at one time USB was disabled briefly during startup of UBoot to solve some conflict but of course that put the kaibosh on any way to select a boot entry in a multiboot environment. It turned out I actually didn't need the menu as I could select devices just by whether or not I plugged in an emmc drive. Despite that, the US fellow (the guy I thought might be named something like Brent, mralk3) not only gave me great information he modded the UBoot to support USB continuously (the starter concern was no longer a concern) and uploaded it to me.
Needless to say, I strongly suspect you will get solid quick support. I experience a couple errors with first install but after Stuart contacted me letting me know there was an updated location, everything was smooth sailing. It really is a terrific community.
Needless to say, I strongly suspect you will get solid quick support. I experience a couple errors with first install but after Stuart contacted me letting me know there was an updated location, everything was smooth sailing. It really is a terrific community.