Part of the installation process for Aarch64Slackware replaces the initial boot process. With it I can edit the boot menu to show multiple boot options or simply allow boot priority on RockPro64 to boot emmc 1st or default to a different MicroSD card system if no emmc is p[resent. It's very flexible. Currently I can boot emmc, MicroSD, or MicroSD handoff to SATA. I now have 4 systems installed I can easily boot.
Aarch64Slackware has a very helpful YouTube channel that will walk you through the process. You can elect to install the entire system or just the boot replacement but I suggest you go all the way since by default Aarch64 Slack has the newest full support kernel I've yet seen. It's very good.
Aarch64Slackware has a very helpful YouTube channel that will walk you through the process. You can elect to install the entire system or just the boot replacement but I suggest you go all the way since by default Aarch64 Slack has the newest full support kernel I've yet seen. It's very good.