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  Full blog articles in RSS feed?
Posted by: gabeguz - 06-20-2024, 11:48 AM - Forum: Community and Events - No Replies

Hello all, just wondering if there is already a way to get the full blog content in the rss feed?   If not, is this something you'd be willing to provide instead of just summaries?  It's much nice to review news I care about in my rss reader instead of having to go to everyone's website directly. 


  Pinephone with KDE Plasma stuck at K logo after update
Posted by: Daniello - 06-20-2024, 01:52 AM - Forum: Arch Linux on PinePhone - No Replies

Pinephone with KDE Plasma stuck at K logo after update

Without any error message so my question is:

Is there any ''startup-sequence'' file and/or startup.log file
(and where to find log file from last startup)
so I could see at which moment startup procedure is stopped
and because of what reason.....
(maybe missing or corrupted file)

  Swiss German layout on PP keyb. with «ä» & «ü»?
Posted by: Peter Gamma - 06-18-2024, 08:32 PM - Forum: PinePhone Accessories - No Replies

- How to make a Swiss German Layout with «ä» and «ü» for the Pinephone keyboard?

- I have installed postmarketOS on my Pinephone.

- postmarketOS only supports English and Czech


- Here is the discussion how to update the PinePhone keyboard driver to support missing characters:


- Is it still possible to add charakters such as «ä» or «ü» to the Pinephone keys so that if i use for instance Abiword that I can use it for writing in Swiss German which requires «ä» and «ü»?

  Was someone able to use the Pinephone keyboard & an usb mouse at the same?
Posted by: Peter Gamma - 06-18-2024, 02:48 PM - Forum: PinePhone Accessories - Replies (4)

- This is something which would be very interesting to know since i failed with both Bluetooth mice and keyboard to have a stable connection to the Pinephone.

- So the only way to go for me personally is a usb mouse

- But was someone able to get a usb mouse to get to work simultaneously with the Pinephone keyboard?

- What is shown in the following discussion shows only:


- 1. A Pinephone with a Pinephone dock and a keyboard which as a trackpad which works.

- 2. A Pinephone with a Pinephone keyboard and a docking bar which shows that both external keyboard and mouse work, but not the the Pinephone keyboard.

- What would be interesting to know if someone confirms that the Pinephone works with an external usb mouse simultaneously.

- Can someone confirm this?

  SailfishOS on PT2: flashing the emmc
Posted by: defactofactotum - 06-18-2024, 08:23 AM - Forum: PineTab Software - No Replies

Instructions to install sfos to pinetab2 emmc

Flash sfos to sdcard, get the script here: nhttps://github.com/sailfish-on-dontbeevil/flash-it; some outdated info on page, the script should be 0.4.0.
Boot sfos on sdcard.
Set up ssh from your pc (not essential but makes life easier).
Transfer the flash-it script to the pinetab using scp or telegram/email.

1. Install gnu-bash: zypper in gnu-bash
You are offered 2 options due to conflict, choose option 1 "deinstallation of busybox-symlinks-bash-1.34.1+git2-1.8.1.jolla.aarch64";
2. Install sudo
3. Install wget
4. Install jq
5. Install parted
6. Install unzip
7. cd to the flash-it folder and run the script: sudo bash ./flash-it.sh and follow instructions.
If you're working from the terminal on PT2 make sure you have "display on while charging."
The P64 uart adaptor may be needed if there is another OS on emmc, it can be tricky: it goes in the usb slot furthest away from the power button, it should have a green led when you attach power and when you plug it into the PT2 there should be another smaller flickering red led in the middle of the adaptor. The usb connectors are not symmetrical, try turning the cable connector upside down if you don't see the red led.

The version flashed is now, wifi works out of the box. Camera doesn't work yet, BT temporarily out of order. Has been known to spontaneously reboot. Otherwise everything works. On first boot there's an option to encrypt which is currently being fixed. Choose developer options, quit and it then boots. Look in telegram channel for better solutions for home partition encryption.
Any problems telegram group: https://t.me/+E0A4d4tjx703MGFk

  Pinephone seems tobe using 4G data instead of Wifi data
Posted by: grump_fiddle_reinstall - 06-17-2024, 07:19 AM - Forum: Mobian on PinePhone - Replies (1)

I am outside of the "Glorious EU Data Roaming Area" for the first time since getting my PinePhone

On arriving at my destination I turned off Aeroplane Mode on my PinePhone and connected to the local Wifi network. I did not turn off the cellular connection.

This morning after watching a few videos last night I discovered that my PinePhone appears to have chomped its way through 400 MB of cellular data that is not included in my monthly subscription instead of using data via the Wifi connection.

Has anyone experienced anything similar?

PS I have now disabled Mobile Network in Settings

  Quick question abtut sources.list
Posted by: jojuma - 06-17-2024, 03:58 AM - Forum: Mobian on PinePhone - Replies (1)

I have installed "Debian GNU/Linux trixie/sid". I chose the weekly builds (sid) due to some features working already.
My sources.list looks like this:

deb http://deb.debian.org/Debian trixie main non-free-firmware

I wonder if this is correct? Shouldn't there appear "sid" somewhere or isn't here at least missing kind of a version like oldstable, stable, testing, unstable, or experimental between the URL and "main"?

Is it possible to know from this sources.list that sid is installed?
Thanks for enlightening me :-)

  Samba share on the Pinephone?
Posted by: Peter Gamma - 06-16-2024, 10:26 PM - Forum: PinePhone Software - No Replies

As far as I know the shared folder option is only integrated in the later versions of Ubuntu to share one folder from one Ubuntu PC to another:


Or from a Ubuntu PC to a Windows 11 PC:


But there is also the solution to share files with Samba.

I found hree a Guide - «Setting up a SMB(Windows) file server» on Rock 64 in the Pine64 forum:


Does this work also on the Pinephone?

  How to create a file on the SD card I can modify on my Ubuntu PC?
Posted by: Peter Gamma - 06-16-2024, 02:33 PM - Forum: PostmarketOS on PinePhone - No Replies

- This is the second part of my attempt to solve a probem from which i suffer since a long time that I was not able to solve it to this date

- Here is the first part:


- I am a Linux beginner but this problem makes me really suffer.

- This was one of the reasons to buy a Pinephone

- and that is create files on the external SD card of my Pinephone

- and process it further on my Ubuntu PC.

- I created with Abiword a file on the external SD card of my Pinephone

- Then I sticked the SD card with a card reader into my Ubuntu PC

- There I was able to open and modify the Abiword file.

- But when I wanted to save the file under the same name it was created on the Pinephone, I had no permission to do this.

- I suppose to solve this problem I have to create on my Pinephone a file everybody has the permission to modify

- How can I do this?

  Troubleshooting Pinedio LoRa Add-on Case
Posted by: nickp - 06-16-2024, 01:03 AM - Forum: PinePhone Accessories - Replies (1)

Hi everyone,

I am trying to run meshtasticd on my Pinephone.
Suddenly tough, the received bytes of the SX1262 are all zero, and I never managed to get the standard 0xA2 answer back.
I2C communication works still, which is why I am suspecting that the radio chip is at fault.
Does anybody know what I was doing wrong or how to debug this?

Onto the details, I simply implemented an SPI device driver which translates to I2C such that mestasticd can communicate with it as if the ATTiny bridge isn't there.
The code for the kernel driver and a dmesg trace with debug output can be found here: https://gist.github.com/pectec/ffddf32ae...041bc92bbe

Any help on this is appreciated Smile

Thank you,

Edit: I managed to damage it, Pine64 says that there isn't going to be a production batch anytime soon.
My only option is DIY at this point (using a [url=https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0CSFG65MS?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details][/url]Waveshare RP2040), which I'll do when I come around to it, so I'll mark this issue as solved.