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Question Need Clarification: KS Pledge Description vs. BackerKit Description
Posted by: MashaT22 - 02-21-2016, 07:43 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (5)

Hi all! This is literally my first post here on the Pine forum, so I apologize if it's not in the right section.

I am having some trouble figuring out what I'm getting from my base pledge vs. what it says on BackerKit. I pledged for the "$89 Pine A64+ Bow w/ Touch Screen" on Kickstarter. According to the Kickstarter reward description, I am supposed to be getting the following: 

  • PINE A64+ 1GB unit along with 64GB MicroSD Pre-Loaded with Android 5.1 OS
  • 802.11N Wifi + Bluetooth 4.0
  • PINE64 Power Supply
  • 7" LCD touchscreen panel
  • the PINE64 Enclosure
  • 2GB upgrade available for $10 later.

My problem is that BackerKit seems to use another description, so now I'm not sure exactly what I'm getting from my base pledge. I am trying to avoid ordering double components that I'll already be getting from my base pledge. So here is what it says in BackerKit (I'll list my questions/comments alongside in blue and red): 
  • 1 64GB MicroSD Android (This is clear . . . a 64GB MicroSD that's pre-loaded with Android.)
  • 1 7" LCD Touch Screen (This is clear . . . I get the touch screen.)
  • 1 PINE64 ABS PlayBox Enclosure (This is not clear. I see that there's a PlayBox enclosure that seems to hold the screen, PINE64, and battery. So does this mean that I won't be getting the clear PINE64 enclosure mentioned above that was shown during the campaign? Or will I be getting both the PlayBox AND the clear enclosure?)
  • 1 PINE 64 USA Power Supply (This is clear . . . getting a USA power supply cord.)
  • 1 802.11BGN  Wifi/BT 4.0 Module (This is clear . . . getting the wifi/Bluetooth 4.0 module)
  • 1 PlayBox Kit (This is not clear . . . there is no mention of a PlayBox Kit on BackerKit. It can't be the same thing as the PlayBox Enclosure listed above. There's a "Media Kit" listed in BackerKit, but I can't assume that they're the same thing. So what is this PlayBox Kit and which components does it include?)
  • 1 PINE A64+2GB (This is clear . . . This is my PINE with the 2gb upgrade.)

So can anyone here clarify the points in red above? I'd like to know what those things mean before adding in extra add-ons. As as said, I'd hate to order doubles of anything I'm already getting. Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide me with some sure answers!  Smile

  housing idea
Posted by: norm24 - 02-21-2016, 12:01 PM - Forum: Enclosures - Replies (7)

If I get the dimensions for the connections, I'll offer this housing at Shapeways. Variants for the different extension parts are then also feasible.


  Arch Linux image (BSP Kernel)
Posted by: longsleep - 02-21-2016, 11:17 AM - Forum: Archlinux - Replies (28)

Well, you wanted images - here we go. If you are brave you can run Linux on your Pine64 now. **This image is intended for developers. If you are looking for accelerated 2D/3D or video decoding use Android** and do not bother with trying this image.

Important: I will not provide any further releases to the this Arch image. If you use this image, the Kernel and U-Boot update script will continue to work but you will not benefit from any packaging stuff i do for Ubuntu. Consider to change to my Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus releases.

What you get:

- HDMI at 1080p with 60Hz
- Ethernet (100M only including 1000M)
- Wifi
- Arch Linux aarch64
- BSP Linux Kernel 3.10.65+ (see http://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=293)
- BSP U-Boot (see http://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=99)
- Support for all Pine64 models (512MB, 1GB, 2GB) with auto detection so Ethernet works with the same image on all models

It actually works good enough so i feel i can publish it.  While the image is quite minimal, you can install all the software from the Arch Linux aarch64 repository including X11 and Xfce.


Download (for instructions see README.txt)


- Initial public release
- Known issue: Ethernet hardcoded to use 100M only
- Known issue: Firefox crashes
- Known issue: Audio does not work (Inappropriate ioctl for device)
- Known issue: Kernel is entered in EL1

- Ethernet now supports 1000M
- Kernel is now entered in EL2, means the hypervisor works (tested with KVM)
- Disk size was reduced to 3700MiB so it fits on 4GB media

- Kernel updated to 20160304-1.
- Device tree was updated to improve thermal throttling and Ethernet 1000M speed and compatibility.

- Updated U-Boot and device tree to 20160306-1
- Updated Kernel to 3.10.65-2-pine64-longsleep-39-1
- Ethernet MAC address is now persistent (added to uEnv.txt on first boot)
- Added system service to reenable CPU cores
- Added helper Pine64 platform scripts to /usr/local/sbin
- Linux Kernel firmware and headers are now installed

- Updated Kernel to 3.10.65-4-pine64-longsleep-16 (fixing Pine64+ 2GB model Ethernet crash)

Released images are signed with a detached GPG signature (.asc) signed by my personal key 0x090EF0DB. Get the key and verify that the download is intact and unmodified.

gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 090EF0DB
gpg --with-fingerprint arch-pine64-*.xz.asc

Let me know what you think.

  3D Printer Files
Posted by: Cotillion - 02-21-2016, 06:24 AM - Forum: Enclosures - Replies (1)


When can we expect to see the 3D printer files for the enclosures, Id like to have mine printed by the time we receive our pledges.



  SMB client to stream video and audio renderer
Posted by: alflopez - 02-21-2016, 06:07 AM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials - Replies (5)

Hi, I was about to finish the kickstarter survey, but I thought it was a good idea to first ask some stuff in this forum. Here go my requirements:

I want my Pine64 to connect to a HD that is plugged to my Asus  rt-ac68u home router via USB. The router is sharing files on the HD via SMB. It has the option to enable the DLNA server, but that does not seem to be working because I can't see it as a media server on the BubblePnP app for example.
I would like to use my android phone to control the Pine64 and stream video files (mp4, mkv, avi, etc) to my TV via HDMI.

I'd like my Pine64 to draw power from the TV via USB. 
I would like to use WiFi rather than a physical ethernet cable.
Also, I'd like to use my Pine64 to stream audio to an old stereo system via its AUX port (like chromecast audio would do).

Should I just add an enclosure, the wifi module and the 3.5 mm audio jack?
Do I need to include a microSD for them to install android on it or will android be installed in a different media that is included by default?

I will appreciate it if you guys, which are obviously more experienced than I in these matters, validate my idea.

Question Pine 64 as an AP (Access Point)??
Posted by: By-Jokese - 02-21-2016, 06:04 AM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials - Replies (1)

My idea is to run a couple of servers on the Pine 64+ 2Gb (sync server, cloud print server, small NAS and a VPN server) and I was thinking if is posible to do an Access Point.

Can the Wifi/Bluetooth module make that (I mean the Official one)?

Or do I need another USB Antena?

  I need help or guidance
Posted by: opo2k - 02-20-2016, 10:51 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (3)

So I'm ordering the IoT kit , and I'm very new to all SBC's . I'm just learning about all of this and was wondering if there is a sticky or guide that explains what the modules do. 

I feel kinda lost , I need to order extra boards for my sensors and those talk via wifi to the main IoT pine64 sbc ?

  Android Image Release Version 20160216
Posted by: khgoh - 02-20-2016, 09:14 AM - Forum: News - Replies (7)

Android Image Release Version 20160216 is now available for download at

This version is for Pine A64 1GB and 2GB Ram board only.

  Z-Wave or Z-Wave plus and what about API
Posted by: rjo - 02-20-2016, 06:05 AM - Forum: POT modules - Replies (4)


In the description of the z-wave module for pine64, it is described as a "z-wave" module, not a "z-wave plus". So this is an old implementation of the specs. Correct ??

Then, what API will be available ? z-wave is not an open sourced protocol, will we get an API licensed from the "z-wave owner" ?

  Shipping battery to Europe
Posted by: makimoki - 02-20-2016, 03:46 AM - Forum: POT modules - Replies (2)

The description of the lithium battery states that it ships internationally for IoT, Media Box, and Playbox packages.

Is this limited to a single battery or is it possible to order several batteries with a single playbox package ?