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  network issue with no ethernet
Posted by: chrwei - 05-02-2016, 06:36 PM - Forum: Debian - Replies (4)

using 20160501.  boot up with no ethernet, connect wifi, and connections all fail

reason is that eth0 is setup in interfaces and for some reason if creating a default route to nowhere, and the wifi adds another default route, and I'm guessing the kernel routing table prioritizes the wired.

solution:  comment out the eth0 lines in /etc/network/interfaces and let network-manager handle it, the it can be manually disabled if needed.

Smile Hi from a Newbie
Posted by: Mr Edd - 05-02-2016, 03:16 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (4)

Hi Guys, brand new on here so thought I would say hello...  HELLO!  Okay that's said and done.

Just ordered my Pine 64 with peripherals and told that delivery maybe late May or June so I shall be twiddling thumbs for a while and trying to learn from your experience's. 

See you on the fly paper. 


  Partitioning MicroSD - Mac osX
Posted by: screamloudernow - 05-02-2016, 03:11 PM - Forum: Remix OS - Replies (1)

I have successfully burned the image provided on the downloads page using the DD method... I am wondering how (using any method or OS) I can increase the partition size so that it isn't just the 4gb allowed by the OS (I am using a 32gb REAL MicroSD).

Thanks in advance

  Can't submit anything to Customer Support...
Posted by: Rick - 05-02-2016, 03:02 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (3)

I can't submit a "Customer Support" email using the "Support" link on the Pine64 main website, so I'm posting here...

I got an email early on stating I would be part of the March shipments. But that there would also be April shipments. I figured you guys were backed up and had a lot of problems maybe so I was patient.

But I've received NO contact whatsoever about shipping details.

I filled out the confirmation emails that were for addresses and additional items in the package... I ended up paying $89 over all at the end of everything. 

It's now May and I still have nothing to show for any of it. I checked and I submitted my initial payment of $39 to the Kickstarter on January 25th... I then paid another, I think $80 to receive additional parts for the final product. 

I'm being extremely patient... But I would like some feedback on where my items are or if they're coming at all?

(I just noticed I misposted this in the general forum instead of the shipping forum... If a mod could move it that'd be cool, if not... Sorry.)

  External HDD issue
Posted by: mattjdalby - 05-02-2016, 02:46 PM - Forum: Remix OS - Replies (3)

I can't seem to get my external HDD to play nice with Remix OS. I've formatted it fat32, I plug it in and it's recognised but the name of it is EFI (not what I named it) and the only thing I can see on the drive is lost.dir

Any thoughts?

  GPIO and OS Choice
Posted by: fsa317 - 05-02-2016, 02:42 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (3)

Hi, if I want to utilize GPIO ports for buttons and such should I be choosing an OS other than Android / Remix?  I dont see any documentation on how to get access to those inputs from Android.

Information PINE64 2Gb + Acrylic Case Unboxing
Posted by: By-Jokese - 05-02-2016, 02:23 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (1)

Hi guys, today arrived my Pine 64 2Gb version with the Acrylic case.
I took some photos of it to share, with the assembly of the case and the final result:

[Image: IMG_0690PNG__OPT.jpg?resize=600%2C600]

On the next post you have all the pictures on a slider: 

  Instructions to join IRC server: pine64.xyz
Posted by: Luke - 05-02-2016, 01:08 PM - Forum: Community and Events - Replies (12)

Quck join by pressing here


[EDIT 9]

IRC log has been added and is accessible via http://irc.pine64.uk/
See this post for more information 

[EDIT 8]

You can leave messages for other users in the IRC chat using: !msg add <username> <msg>
e.g. !msg add lukasz what are you using your pine64 for? 

Comes in handy when you have a question for a particular person who is currently offline.

[EDIT 7]

InfoBot now supports !linux !remix !android !seen [nick] commands. The !seen [nick] function informs the user when a particular nick was active last. The remaining ! functions list information about burning the respective OS' onto the SD card

[EDIT 6]

Chat is now accessible from the top bar on the forum: Chat

[EDIT 5]

A couple of improvements: 

1) Made the chat widget window on pine.xyz much bigger
2) You can now join using a secure connection (SSL) on port 6697. If you are connecting from pine.xyz and wish to use SSL then first press 'server and network', change the port to 6697 and tick the SSL box
3) Some funny stats from the last 2 weeks. They show the 25 most active nicks, busy hours, funny quotes, etc.  

- all credits for the above go to krux 

[EDIT 4] 

Ok, it doesn't get easier than this Click here and join in 

[EDIT 3] 

All stability issues have been solved. Servers running rock solid Smile

[EDIT 2]

If you are based in EU you may prefer to use uk.pine64.xyz 
If you are based in North America use us.pine64.xyz
If you are based elsewhere just use pine64.xyz - the service should assign the best option based on your connection

on a dedicated  client use irc.pine64.xyz to connect - it automatically assigns you to the closest IRC node


Due to the popularity of the Pine64 IRC server we have made some adjustments and improvements (big thanks to krux!!) primarily aimed at stability and preventing disconnects, but also other wizardry. 

A short guide/explanation for those new to IRC or having problems connecting.

NB  add prefixes uk.  or  us.   based on your location to get the best experience.   
If you wish to use the SSL connection use port 6697 instead of 6667

* If you are using a web based client like Kiwi IRC make sure to input the server name: irc.pine64.xyz into the server field and make sure the port is set to 6667. Then all you have to do is press start. 

* if you are using a client like hexchat, first create a new server entry in the network list panel by pressing the +add button and give the server a name - e.g. Pine64. Then press the edit button and enter the server the address: irc.pine64.xyz (take a look at the second attachment). That's all, now you can join. 

* if you are using a terminal based client (for instance weechat) type '/connect irc.pine64.xyz'  (without ' ') - it will take you to the server.

The server is set up to take you directly to the main channel so you don't have to do anything to join.

If you just want to join in to ask a question then just use the Kiwi IRC web client - its simple to use and you don't have to install anything. Hexchat, and other similar clients, have the benefit of auto-joining when the client starts. Terminal clients are convenient, among other things, because you can have them running remotely on another machine and accessing when you want to chat.

Hope this helps those who are interested in joining us and feel intimidated by, or are unfamiliar with, IRC.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

  Kickstarter IS NOT A STORE!!! (just my 2 cents)
Posted by: rhkean - 05-02-2016, 11:41 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (21)

You didn't purchase a board

There is no warranty.

you can't return it.

They'll probably swap it out if you got a bad one, though.... it happens.

I keep seeing posts and comments about not being happy with their purchase and wanting to return their product.

Kickstarter is not a store.... it's an investment portal.

That's why we're called "backers" not customers....  That's why they're called "Rewards" not sales.

and.... like every other investment opportunity in the free market, it comes with risks...

  • the board may not work
  • the board may not be delivered on schedule
  • it may not do all the initial project had hoped
  • it may get lost in the mail
  • etc, etc, etc.

you did not buy a product... you invested in a group of people that had an idea with the hopes that your investment would yield a $15 linux computer.

NOTE:  this was my 1st KickStarter investment...

  Need some help on powering 16 PINEs
Posted by: pineresearch - 05-02-2016, 09:54 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (13)

I'm a software guy.
I'm good at software engineering, and I have purchased 16 pines recently to run as a slave nodes in my cluster (using a 2xRaspberry Pi as main nodes).
Some academic stuff will be tested on this, later to be executed on Denmarks largest super computer, as part of my PhD.

The question is now: what's the wiring instructions for powering this cluster?
16 china-wall chargers next to each other, does sound like a nice way to burn down your house. So I'd rather not do that. Plus it's a wonky implementation.

I've been suggested this: http://www.amazon.com/Tanbaby-Switching-...typ_im_1_3

By user jproffer on here - and on several discussion threads online.
I see 2 terminals for +- and one for ground.
And then I see 2 terminals for connecting a 230V mains cord, which does worry me a little as I have little to no experience with wiring stuff, so my instinct tells me that working with lethal shock dangers like this, isn't good practice.

However, I do need this cluster powered.

Those 4 terminals I see: 2 for plus, 2 for minus.
How do I expand those into the 16 that I need?
What do I wire into ground..?

Could anyone explain this in a very dummy way to me?