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  No Pine64 board nor tracking number
Posted by: n0n4m3 - 05-12-2016, 08:20 AM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (5)


Since I didn't get an email response for my last email I'm trying this forum.

I am a December kickstarter backer which backed a Pine64 at the time.
When the surveys were sent out I upgraded my Pine64 to 2gb and added a WiFi and camera modules.

According to your kickstarter updates you seem to have everything in stock (Pine64 + accessories) so my question is why haven't I received a tracking code yet?

Thank you.

  Cant get anything to work
Posted by: agentwright - 05-12-2016, 08:10 AM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (6)

Hey so this is my first post, i have read a handful of threads to try and fix my issue but no luck. first of all, NONE of the wiki download links are working for me, every single one of them say they are corrupted when i try to unzip them. my second problem, when i plug in my pine64 to the charger and the hdmi... nothing, i though i have seen in other videos people plugging them in, and getting the pine64 screen, i dont even get that, i get the red light on indicating there is power, but nothing else. i have a geniune 16gb class 10 sandisk card, and the 1 gb pine64. I am very new to all this so i really need basic tutorial, but even the basic videos i have watched still all direct me to the pine wiki page for download, and none of them work... super frustrated. please help.

  Security Issue Affected?
Posted by: lovenemesis - 05-11-2016, 09:40 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (6)

Not a headline but still draws quite an attention on this perhaps intentional "backdoor" for rooting:


From the reading of the article and comments, PINE64 seems to be also vulnerable to this issue.

I could verify it while getting back to home this weekend. But before that, Is it so?

  Having trouble getting my VPN to work, any ideas?
Posted by: dekdo - 05-11-2016, 05:50 PM - Forum: Remix OS - No Replies

I'm using nordVPN with openVPN from the play store.. After following all the steps it appears to be connected and working, but when I go to whoer.net I can still see my actual IP, etc...

What should I do?

  Recommended IDE?
Posted by: yuvgin - 05-11-2016, 05:09 PM - Forum: Pi2, Euler and Exp GPIO Ports - No Replies


I'm looking for a freeware IDE and some instructions on how to create a simple image of my own.

I'd like to control the GPIO pins and maybe experiment a bit with some UART communication.

I'm a hardware engineering student and have a bit of experience with MCUs. I just got my PINE last week, but had no luck in finding a proper tutorial or guide on how to fully control all the of the cool PINE features.

I saw that it may be possible using an eclipse based platform for ARM devices called DS-5, but once installed it didn't offer anything more than a empty editor and no explanations.

Any advice at all would be great!


  1GB Pine64+ freezes/crashes with all installs
Posted by: pinecone - 05-11-2016, 01:50 PM - Forum: Pine A64 Hardware, Accessories and POT - Replies (10)

Been having the problem of whatever OS I run on the 1GB Pine64+ board constantly crashing when, if my suspicions are correct, high memory usage happens. In particular it will always happen when I browse a "heavy" page. Whether it's with Chrome on the Android 5.1 build, Midori on the Arch Linux build, or the browser in RemixOS, it's always the same problem with the same result - after just a few seconds of loading a heavy-ish page, the screen goes black and the device shuts off, or the screen goes black then usually white (sometimes another random color), device stays powered on, and the SoC (heatsinked with proper 14x14x20mm heatsink) goes very warm as if the CPU or GPU is working on full throttle.

I doubt it's an overheating issue due to the big heatsink, and the memory chips never really get warm at all. I'm starting to think that there's a defect in some "higher location" in one or both of the memory chips on my board, as the problem seems to occur only when memory usage ramps up. Doing nothing demanding in particular the device runs just fine with every OS I tried. My board has the same slightly bent shape that many others have pointed out theirs have.

Anyone experiencing the same? Do I have some kind of warranty on the board I got via backing the project?

Shocked Back Door found in Allwinner Kernels
Posted by: BuildTheRobots - 05-11-2016, 08:41 AM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (3)

Don't have my board available to test, but does anyone know if this issue effects the Pine64 linux (and potentially android) images?

Article: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/05/09/..._backdoor/

also comments on HackerNews: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11672590

tldr: if `/proc/sunxi_debug/sunxi_debug` exists, try writing "rootmydevice" to it - the process that does gets root.

  PhoenixCard img or DD?
Posted by: Moshe.Vazan - 05-11-2016, 05:03 AM - Forum: Remix OS - Replies (8)


I would like to know which IMG should I burn, so I would like to know what are the differences between Phoenix and DD?

I use 32gb MicroSD card so I would use the extra space to store apps...

I know that the Phoenix img is for the Phoenix software... 


  Android: Rooted vs. non-rooted clarification
Posted by: kevlar1818 - 05-10-2016, 09:43 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (2)

On the Software Release wiki page, there is the following remark under "Android 5.1.1 Image Release 20160505"

Quote:Rootable build, online update (OTA) only work when the build still not root.

Can anyone clarify what this means? If we install the rooted DD image, can we not receive OTA updates?

Thanks in advance.

Rainbow Longsleep magic !
Posted by: Lutinmalin - 05-10-2016, 09:29 PM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (6)

Just wanted to show you guys something interesting.

For the past days I was running Debian image from 2016-05-01 on my 1GB board and tonight I update the kernel to 3.10.101 with the pine64_update_kernel.sh script.
Then I noticed this on pi-monitor (thanks to tkaiser for that, I've been reading a lot of your stuff here and on other forums):

[Image: pimonitor.JPG]

That can't be just a coincidence Smile

I guess it illustrates the efforts guys like Longsleep put on to make things better, so thank you very much !

by the way for people wondering what is my cooling setup, I have 2 heatsinks salvaged from an old motherboard and a fan right above. Before putting heatsink when running a stress test I was reaching 80 celcius and cooling stage 1, now It's stable at 57 celcius under full load.

[Image: photo_2016-05-10_23-12-52.jpg]

Not a lot of space between the heatsink and the fan but I had not found the heatsink yet when I built the enclosure, I though I was to use smaller heatsink like those cheap copper we see everywhere on ebay but these 2 are doing a great job. It may be a bit overkill but I like the results look and performance wise.