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Video Order "shipped" over 4 weeks ago. Still says pending.
Posted by: jfox815 - 06-27-2016, 06:47 AM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (6)

My order was supposedly shipped over 4 weeks ago. The order still says pending on the shipping website. I emailed support over 2 weeks ago with no response.... This seems really ridiculous. 

I did receive a Kickstarter update from Pine64 not long after my order shipped telling me I was a bad tracking number but I've gotten no other info on when o expect my shipment. 


At this point I kind of want money back and maybe I'll reorder when things calm down. 

  No CIFS support in Kernel?
Posted by: jamespo - 06-27-2016, 04:45 AM - Forum: Archlinux - Replies (4)

mount error: cifs filesystem not supported by the system
mount error(19): No such device

[root@alarm autofs]# modprobe cifs
modprobe: FATAL: Module cifs not found in directory /lib/modules/3.10.65-4-pine64-longsleep

  no cursor/caret in console?
Posted by: pineacle - 06-27-2016, 12:07 AM - Forum: Ubuntu - Replies (14)

am currently playing with my boards using longsleeps's ubuntu images.

boards work, well, but for some reason, I've got no text cursor (caret) in the shell/consoles.  (note I'm using HDMI outputs, not uart)

Is this normal? I always use linux from remote ssh or on desktops, so I've never had to play with the core bare metal consoles.

Is there a way to have a cursor (blinking or not) ?   Editing long commands isn't really fun when you're counting letters at each key press Wink

I've googled a bit for this but haven't found anything yet.

  Just got my +2g up and going running Android
Posted by: Max_power - 06-27-2016, 12:06 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - No Replies

I finally put all the pieces together. Reading the wiki it was very easy downloading the zip unziping the image and then putting the image on the sd using that program. I was surprised when it worked the first time. I decided on Android as that what I'm most familiar with. It's slow  the play store is  slow  so is loading u tube videos through chrome. Using ethernet  I really don't know how fast/slow it should be? All in all very happy and lookin to do more as you guys make more cool shit.

  This game not that demanding. trickster
Posted by: puchinpuchin - 06-26-2016, 06:38 PM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials - No Replies

This game is not that demanding but if anyone knows if its can be done on the ubuntu would appreciate it.
link provided below.

  GeChic 1303i - Monitor / Touchscreen
Posted by: Totalslaughter - 06-26-2016, 06:32 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (1)

Hi All,

Just received my board and was able to get it up and running on android image no problem. I have the 2GB board. I hooked it up to my GeChic 1303i monitor which is hdmi input for video and audio (both work) but there is a seperate USB output for touchscreen. When I hook the USB touchscreen output up to the Pine A64 board it doesn't work. I have used it previously with a raspberry pi and it worked fine, it is also advertised as being driver free touchscreen usable with windows 7, 8 and 10. I have been unable to find any driver for download so far an emailed the company to see about an android driver but don't have high hopes since I saw this on their website. 

"Drivers for Android,Linux and Windows XP are avalable for ODM customers.

(Ps.The private users who don't have the related software too; wol not be able to install tese drives by themselves.)"

Maybe Pine A64 people can contact GeChic and acquire the driver / integrate it or offer it somehow for download / integration? It is an expensive monitor but a good fit with Pine A64 for people that already have one or don't mind spending a bit on one just need the touchscreen interface to work. Thanks. 

Big Grin Minecraft anyone?
Posted by: puchinpuchin - 06-26-2016, 06:10 PM - Forum: Ubuntu - Replies (5)

Anyone know if minecraft for desktop pc linux will work on this linux or anyone know how to make it work? Also any wine type programs for this linux?
Using ubuntu xenial. Thanks for any responses. much appreciation

  Some hard numbers on Pine64 Power Usage
Posted by: ataylorm - 06-26-2016, 05:44 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (2)

Good Day Everyone,

I've been playing with my Pine64's for a couple weeks now, and thought I would share some details on observed power usage.

I'm using a multi-port 2.1 Amp per port power supply and running 3 Pine64's on it.

Output Voltage: 5.14v

Boot Max Amps: .66
Idle Amps: .30

I'm using mine as "servers" so they are running multiple shards of Redis on them right now for testing.  I have search shard on a separate processor affinity, keeping 0 for the Ethernet, and 1-3 for Redis shards.

Running Redis-Benchmark against all 3 shards at the same time achieving near 100% CPU utilization on each core as well as putting over 100,000 requests per second on the network.

Full CPU and Network Amps: .81

So this gives me some basic calculations.

5.14 * .30 = 1.542 watts idle usage
5.14 * .81 = 4.163 watts peak usage

Now I do not have anything connected via USB, which would draw additional power to power those devices, so keep in mind that this is board only.  I'm also not running HDMI as I am just using an SSH terminal.

Adding a Microsoft Comfort Curve Keyboard, Microsoft Optical Mouse, and HDMI monitor added about .15 amps to my usage.

Given that my electric cost fully delivered is $0.092 / Kwh, and that there are 24 hours in a day, and 30 days in a month (I know it's not exactly 30, but let's keep the math easy).  

Idle Cost Per Month: $0.102
Peak Cost Per Month: $0.275

While additional devices may cause the Pine64 to draw more ancillary power, overall the power efficiency is really amazing for what all it can accomplish.

As a comparison, let's look at my Dev Redis server.  It's a Intel Xeon E5-2620v2 x 2.  Each core maxes out at about 105,000 requests per second.  Giving it a max capacity taking into account a core for ethernet and io of 105,000 * 23 = 2,415,000 requests per second.

At full draw, with dual network, SSD drives, and such, it's about 130 Watts usage.

That gives me an output of 18,576.92 requests per watt.

In comparison the Pine64 running full out is producing about 84,000 requests per second or 20,177.75 requests per watt!

Now think about that for a moment, the Xeon is running 2.10 Ghz, and the Pine64 is 1.2 Ghz...

  Shipping Status
Posted by: mils180 - 06-26-2016, 03:51 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (24)

As per a lot of the users here I emailed shipping@pine64 regarding my phantom tracking number but I didn't get a response. I received shipping notification on May 27th and was one of the unfortunate people with a LS and CN tracking number. I haven't received any part of my kickstarter/backerkit order and I'm moving in 3 weeks and worried about not only all the parts that have already been shipped out but the rest of my order. I'm hoping this forum will be more conducive to a response and I appreciate all the hard work that has been done, it can't be easy processing millions of orders.

  How to boot alternative kernel image with u-boot?
Posted by: zhouer - 06-26-2016, 01:53 PM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (3)

I'm currently using longsleep's u-boot and kernel image, which work great.
I'm also trying to build some experimental kernel images, however it doesn't always work.
It's quite a troublesome process to remove the sd card, mount on another machine, recover kernel image, put the sd card back, and boot again.
Is it possible to select alternative kernel image from u-boot without remove the sd card?