PureOS on Pinephone
I have problems with the mobile data connection as well: I did set up an APN in the mobile settings using the information I got from my provider and even added my provider to the mobile-broadband-provider-info (as described in https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkM...eProviders). Everything looks alright at a first glance:

mmcli -m 0:
  General            |  dbus path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/0
                     |       type: default
  Status             |  connected: yes
                     |  suspended: no
           |                       ttyUSB1 (gps), ttyUSB3 (at)
  Status   |                 lock: sim-pin2
           |       unlock retries: sim-pin (3), sim-puk (10), sim-pin2 (3), sim-puk2 (10)
           |                state: connected
           |          power state: on
           |          access tech: lte
           |       signal quality: 100% (recent)
  Modes    |            supported: allowed: 2g; preferred: none
           |                       allowed: 3g; preferred: none
           |                       allowed: 4g; preferred: none
           |                       allowed: 2g, 3g; preferred: 3g
           |                       allowed: 2g, 3g; preferred: 2g
           |                       allowed: 2g, 4g; preferred: 4g
           |                       allowed: 2g, 4g; preferred: 2g
           |                       allowed: 3g, 4g; preferred: 3g
           |                       allowed: 3g, 4g; preferred: 4g
           |                       allowed: 2g, 3g, 4g; preferred: 4g
           |                       allowed: 2g, 3g, 4g; preferred: 3g
           |                       allowed: 2g, 3g, 4g; preferred: 2g
           |              current: allowed: 2g, 3g, 4g; preferred: 4g
  Bands    |            supported: egsm, dcs, pcs, g850, utran-1, utran-4, utran-6, utran-5,
           |                       utran-8, utran-2, eutran-1, eutran-2, eutran-3, eutran-4, eutran-5,
           |                       eutran-7, eutran-8, eutran-12, eutran-13, eutran-18, eutran-19,
           |                       eutran-20, eutran-25, eutran-26, eutran-28, eutran-38, eutran-39,
           |                       eutran-40, eutran-41, utran-19
           |              current: egsm, dcs, pcs, g850, utran-1, utran-4, utran-6, utran-5,
           |                       utran-8, utran-2, eutran-1, eutran-2, eutran-3, eutran-4, eutran-5,
           |                       eutran-7, eutran-8, eutran-12, eutran-13, eutran-18, eutran-19,
           |                       eutran-20, eutran-25, eutran-26, eutran-28, eutran-38, eutran-39,
           |                       eutran-40, eutran-41, utran-19
  IP       |            supported: ipv4, ipv6, ipv4v6
mmcli -b 0:
  General            |  dbus path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/0
                     |       type: default
  Status             |  connected: yes
                     |  suspended: no
                     |  interface: wwan0
                     | ip timeout: 20
  Properties         |        apn: internet
                     |    roaming: forbidden
                     |    ip type: ipv4v6
  IPv4 configuration |     method: static
                     |    address:
                     |     prefix: 30
                     |    gateway:
                     |        dns:,
                     |        mtu: 1500
  Statistics         |   duration: 1170
                     |   bytes rx: 3089
                     |   bytes tx: 505
nmcli c:
NAME                         UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE     
Simplytel O2                 5a0fd222-5014-4127-9b81-4aad88756510  gsm       cdc-wdm0
nmcli d:
DEVICE    TYPE      STATE            CONNECTION   
cdc-wdm0  gsm       verbunden        Simplytel O2
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         UG    1050   0        0 wwan0 U     1050   0        0 wwan0

But even a ping to the gateway doesn't work:
$ sudo ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
61 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 502ms

Power-off/-on cycle of the phone didn't help. And @Juergen: switching off "automatic suspend" didn't help in my case.

One more thing I noticed: The current images in the folder 1.2-Community-Edtion are still using the 1.1 dtb. 
load mmc ${mmc_bootdev}:1 ${fdt_addr_r} 5.6-pinephone/allwinner/sun50i-a64-pinephone-1.1.dtb

Looks like that those images are not built from the git 1.2 branch? Same for /boot/sun50i-a64-pinephone.dtb. Is there a reason for that?

Downloading boot.cmd and sun50i-a64-pinephone.dtb from the git repository 1.2 branch and building the boot.scr with
sudo mkimage -T script -A arm64 -C none -n pinephone -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr

seems to work fine for me so far...
(06-25-2020, 08:42 AM)Kareema Wrote: One more thing I noticed: The current images in the folder 1.2-Community-Edtion are still using the 1.1 dtb. 
load mmc ${mmc_bootdev}:1 ${fdt_addr_r} 5.6-pinephone/allwinner/sun50i-a64-pinephone-1.1.dtb

Looks like that those images are not built from the git 1.2 branch? Same for /boot/sun50i-a64-pinephone.dtb. Is there a reason for that?

Indeed, for the 1.2 release, the jenkins build was pulling the 1.1 branch on accident. Apologies for the oversight, thanks for catching that!

As for your mobile data issues, I'm sorry to hear you are having issues. is data working in other distros for you?
(06-21-2020, 10:12 PM)arturo2bodegas Wrote: ...I couldn't get mobile data, in short. It works sporadically with UT, so I know it's possible.  still no gps or camera. couldn't ping anything through wwan0...socket error? I ssh'ed into the phone and poked around a bit, and my MVNO has me ...

Not sure if it is comparable, but I had endless grief in the UK with Virgin who are an MVNO in the UK. Eventually gave up and swapped my allegiance (back) to 3 and don't have a problem.

Occasionally if I rebooted, added new APN, changed everything I could get mobile data to work with Virgin but it was completely unknown to me what caused it to "work" some times and not others. For sure in the main location I was locked down for COVID the signal was weak and connection was a rarity. In other locations with better signal the connection was more likely but not at all guaranteed, and driving around the connection would be lost as the signal got weak and would never be regained. All in all an exercise in futility!
  • ROCKPro64 v2.1 2GB, 16Gb eMMC for rootfs, SX8200Pro 512GB NVMe for /home, HDMI video & sound, Bluetooth keyboard & mouse. Arch (6.2 kernel, Openbox desktop) for general purpose daily PC.
  • PinePhone Pro Explorer Edition, daily driver, rk2aw & U-boot on SPI, Arch/SXMO & Arch/phosh on eMMC
  • PinePhone BraveHeart now v1.2b 3/32Gb, Tow-boot with Arch/SXMO on eMMC
(06-25-2020, 11:25 AM)clover Wrote: As for your mobile data issues, I'm sorry to hear you are having issues. is data working in other distros for you?

Just tried it with UT and mobile data is working out of the box there (UT even got my APN right). I still don't get it why this doesn't seem to work with the PureOS image. Thought that maybe somebody here would have a good idea why this is happening and/or a hint how to get it working  Smile
Hey, so I just flashed the latest image using jumpdrive, and it is so much faster running off the emmc than an sdcard! I'm not sure if I'd use the word "snappy," but getting there! but woe is me...the battery life! what can be done about the battery life? I left it on my nightstand with 70% charge and it was dead...like, completely, by morning. how can battery life be optimized? what does it take for the "crust" deep sleep to be implemented?

(06-25-2020, 03:08 PM)dukla2000 Wrote:
(06-21-2020, 10:12 PM)arturo2bodegas Wrote: ...I couldn't get mobile data, in short. It works sporadically with UT, so I know it's possible.  still no gps or camera. couldn't ping anything through wwan0...socket error? I ssh'ed into the phone and poked around a bit, and my MVNO has me ...

Not sure if it is comparable, but I had endless grief in the UK with Virgin who are an MVNO in the UK. Eventually gave up and swapped my allegiance (back) to 3 and don't have a problem.

Occasionally if I rebooted, added new APN, changed everything I could get mobile data to work with Virgin but it was completely unknown to me what caused it to "work" some times and not others. For sure in the main location I was locked down for COVID the signal was weak and connection was a rarity. In other locations with better signal the connection was more likely but not at all guaranteed, and driving around the connection would be lost as the signal got weak and would never be regained. All in all an exercise in futility!

I wonder if Virgin had you behind CGN? was your wwan ipv4 address in the 10./8 private IP space? I've read that CGN causes major headaches for DNS, among other things. when I was running UT I could get to google in the browser, then search for other things, and the links would open from the google search in the browser, but directly typing the url into the browser wouldn't work! it was straaaange. https://chrisgrundemann.com/index.php/20...sn-breaks/
(06-27-2020, 08:01 AM)arturo2bodegas Wrote: Hey, so I just flashed the latest image using jumpdrive, and it is so much faster running off the emmc than an sdcard! I'm not sure if I'd use the word "snappy," but getting there! but woe is me...the battery life! what can be done about the battery life? I left it on my nightstand with 70% charge and it was dead...like, completely, by morning. how can battery life be optimized? what does it take for the "crust" deep sleep to be implemented?

Currently running off an SDcard so interesting to hear it's so much faster off emmc. I suspect I already know the answer is no but I'll optimistically ask anyway - any way to flash what's currently on my SDcard directly onto the emmc on the phone? If not do you have a good link/instructions for flashing onto the emmc?

Firefox ESR & Gnome Maps both appear to crash on startup - anyone else had that?

Also was surprised to find Purisms own Librem One services don't appear to be in the Software Center?
(06-27-2020, 10:16 AM)db579 Wrote: any way to flash what's currently on my SDcard directly onto the emmc on the phone?
You can install rsync from emmc, mount your SD card, and rsync your home directory (/home/purism) to your emmc. This will preserve some of your settings.

(06-27-2020, 10:16 AM)db579 Wrote: If not do you have a good link/instructions for flashing onto the emmc?
(06-27-2020, 10:16 AM)db579 Wrote: Firefox ESR & Gnome Maps both appear to crash on startup - anyone else had that?
idk about Gnome Maps but for firefox: https://pureos.ironrobin.net/git/clover/...ki/Firefox
(06-27-2020, 10:16 AM)db579 Wrote: Also was surprised to find Purisms own Librem One services don't appear to be in the Software Center?
i don't ever recommend you use the software center. update/upgrade and install via apt from the command line.
(06-27-2020, 12:28 PM)clover Wrote: for firefox: https://pureos.ironrobin.net/git/clover/...ki/Firefox

Nice! Thanks for that. Incidentally exact same trick works for Thunderbird too!
Just playing around with mobian atm (after killing my eMMC installation of PureOS by being a bit too adventurous) and I was wondering how you got around the changing wifi mac address issue. I saw the commit "Update u-boot again with crust and fixed wifi mac address" but couldn't find much more about it. What do you need to do to fix this?
(06-28-2020, 12:27 PM)Kareema Wrote: Just playing around with mobian atm (after killing my eMMC installation of PureOS by being a bit too adventurous)  and I was wondering how you got around the changing wifi mac address issue. I saw the commit "Update u-boot again with crust and fixed wifi mac address" but couldn't find much more about it. What do you need to do to fix this?

I could be wrong because i dont use mobian but pureOS had a mac address changing problem a while back. 

"The problem with the crust u-boot repo and wifi mac is that it's missing some configuration stuff in the dts files so u-boot doesn't know theres a wifi card to set the mac for."
- Mozzwald

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