08-06-2021, 12:09 PM
Mobile data is even less likely to work, at least if using IPV4 addresses, since typically carrier-grade NAT is used on those connections. It would be like trying to connect to a home computer via IPV4 where you'd need port forwarding set up in the router. However you're not able to do that with carrier-grade NAT since it's under your service provider's control. (Even if using IPV6 depending how your carrier has that configured you may not be able to connect.)
For test purposes I would take it down to the simplest case on your home network, which is under your control, and see if you can connect.
Just a thought, did you set a non-standard port for sshd on the Pinephone? If so you'd need to specify the port in putty or use the "-p" option if running ssh client from the command line.
For test purposes I would take it down to the simplest case on your home network, which is under your control, and see if you can connect.
Just a thought, did you set a non-standard port for sshd on the Pinephone? If so you'd need to specify the port in putty or use the "-p" option if running ssh client from the command line.