12-22-2020, 06:52 PM
(12-22-2020, 02:38 PM)PineHead7 Wrote: unfortunetly it's still in development and not always works. In my case it doesn't work... Jiyong, do you know how to use the dd if command to copy image from sd to emmc? what script to add to make it automated install to emmc?
Yes, I also think it was a bad move they stopped with the install image, before the script is stable.
Anyway, when you install manjaro-arm-flasher with Pamac (the GUI package manager), you can also see where the script is installed.
I installed it with manjaro-arm-emmc-flasher, but that is old and broken too.
So I found the script here: /usr/share/manjaro-arm-emmc-flasher/
And this is the line to install:
xzcat $XZIMG | dd of=$EMMC bs=4M status=progress
$XZIMG should be replaced the name of the compressed image (ending with .xz).
$EMMC should be replaced with /dev/mmcblk2
So it should look similar to this: xzcat Manjaro-ARM-kde-plasma-pbpro-20.12.img.xz | dd of=/dev/mmcblk2 bs=4M status=progress
And sync just to be sure.