10-21-2020, 12:56 PM
(10-19-2020, 06:15 PM)MeLikeyTacos Wrote:(09-04-2020, 11:04 AM)feoh Wrote:What is the SleepMode=mem trick and did it work for you?(09-04-2020, 10:58 AM)tophneal Wrote:(09-04-2020, 10:25 AM)feoh Wrote: Hi. I did a bunch of hunting around and couldn't find anything like this.
To be honest, the fact that I have to full shut down and cold boot this laptop really reduces its utility.
Could you please provide a link to what you're talking about? Or to anything that will let me shut the lid and not have my battery dead when I come back in the morning?
Thanks in advance
you need trust, uboot, and idbloader. you can also use the last section of the update script to write it to you emmc.
Thanks a bunch for the reply. Much appreciated. I think I'll try the SleepMode=mem trick and see if that works, and if it doesn't I'll consider this approach. I'd want to get cozy enough with the various firmware utilities and the like that I'd be confident I could get back to a working state if something went wrong.
I was wrong. Ultimately it did not work and I ended up scrambling my emmc so hard I had to boot off of SD with the emmc switch turned off on the motherboard in order for it not to just go red LED on me and stay that way forever.
I got my system booting normally again by buying/installing t5he 128GB emmc and installing a fresh Manjaro to it.
I've just come to the conclusion that the Pinebook Pro is an experimental FLOSS project and can't be seen as an actual consumer ready laptop. I've been much happier since I did. With Manjaro booting from cold start in well under 2m, this has been a reasonable work-around, at least during the pandemic when I'm mostly house bound. We'll see how things change when I need to travel again.