(10-09-2020, 08:15 AM)wdt Wrote: > I find it odd that it boots from SD card but will not from emmcYes please. I'm a newb to Linux. Just learning as I go. How do I dd the MBR?
When emmc is in, its uboot will be 1st found & used
I think that your post shows that the uboot for ubuntu is not good
When it loads manjaro uboot (from emmc) and then that uboot finds SD, boots OK
So, a test would be,, save SD mbr (gpt, so 34 sectors),, dd 1st 16M emmc->SD,, restore SD mbr
Then try to boot with ONLY SD (emmc removed,disabled, check with lsblk, no boot0 or boot1)
(check that SD mbr is gpt,, run gdisk /dev/SD, the page that shows gives status, q (to quit))
Do you need more detailed info?
Dd if=/dev/mmcblk2(?mbr of emmc?) bs=16M of=/dev/mmcblk1(SD card)
I read online somewhere that mbr is generally 512b from first boot sector. Should bs=512 ?