>onto a micro USB,,, surely you mean micro SD? (uSD)
Is there still a bootable distro on the emmc? If so, edit password file, /mount-point/etc/shadow (ON EMMC)
You can edit a user password too, if needed
As to wifi, check with ifconfig OR ip a (all this as root or sudo)
because of systemd, the normal command may not work, refuses (wifi) password
nmcli dev wifi con <ap name> -a (-a=--ask)
What I had to do (in vt - virtual terminal)
nmcli con up <ap name> -a
If unsure of name,,, nmcli dev wifi list
Is there still a bootable distro on the emmc? If so, edit password file, /mount-point/etc/shadow (ON EMMC)
You can edit a user password too, if needed
As to wifi, check with ifconfig OR ip a (all this as root or sudo)
because of systemd, the normal command may not work, refuses (wifi) password
nmcli dev wifi con <ap name> -a (-a=--ask)
What I had to do (in vt - virtual terminal)
nmcli con up <ap name> -a
If unsure of name,,, nmcli dev wifi list