04-02-2020, 07:32 PM
This is very exciting News !
As for out of the gate UT was my favorite Distro,
Though as a public offering, I am sort of confused
at this choice, UT is based on the almost expired Ubuntu 16.04 ...
I had read most of the older Posts last year at their website forum, they decided the shortest step to
a working Pinephone distro was to build on the 16.04 image.
But, then next they want to begin working on the 20.04 distro after that.
That jump will probably require a re-install rather than an up-grade as there are such major differences
in the succeeding distributions.
I am not complaining, I know they have been working hard, and putting out new releases every single day.
( Just Commenting )
And ... I am Mostly Really Glad to see more Pinephones being available.!
Any speculation on the next OS to get that honor, ,,,, as the "Shipping OS" ?
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