(03-19-2020, 05:40 AM)vinnie Wrote: thanks to Dukla who advised me to try this distribution (debian-pinephone-20200314 version) I want to report my experience.
- the calls work both outgoing and incoming, the audioo is not perfect (but I had launched an AT command with pmos and probably have to launch another one to compress the audio less)
- I can switch between the two speakers during the call
- sms work, the only problem is that I don't have the notifications for the sms arrived and I have to check periodically
- wifi working
- gps working!
- i'm not sure yet, but it looks like i don't have the battery draining problem while the phone is off
- mobile data not working, if I activate the switch the call signal goes away too (do I have to give some command at to activate the modem?)
- sometimes there are problems with the touch that seems to lose calibration until a reboot
- I noticed that by pulling down the panel (which also contains the power off button) and pressing the side button to turn off the screen (without pulling up the previous panel), when I turn on the screen again the touch doesn't respond anymore and the only thing I can do is to turn off the phone by holding down the side button for a long time (is this a dangerous operation? someone told me that I risk to damage the modem firmware by not following a proper shutdown procedure)
- the keyboard does not have the keys I use with the pc, such as alt, ctrl, function keys, unfortunately these are indispensable with linux. Example I can't save files edited with nano.
- resolution: what is the resolution of the phone? I have some applications that start at a fixed resolution but it seems to me that they still come out of the screen. And for these programs, I don't know how to resize and/or move the windows and so even if the programs work, I can't use them!
- cam not working, but it is already knowed
Anyway, the impression you get from the phone is that I finally have a free and open device in my hands, so thanks again for your efforts.
Mobile Data working for me
I had also some issues with touchpad, but did'nt checked why yet (not really important at this step, maybe related to active corners in gsettings or something else)
for nano use F2 from the terminal view (F3, F4 and F6 also have function if i remember well)
See here for nano ctrl and function keys :
Native screen resolution is 720x1440 but what you see is half (a quarter in fact) of that 360x720
thank's for your report.