(12-07-2019, 09:41 AM)Luke Wrote: There have been reports of the eMMC module coming loose in shipping. My money is on that.
Also, moved this thread to Pinebook Pro section.
Thank you very much, that was it. Last question: How to switch language? reinstallation required?, how change user name? and how to change the keyboard on the login screen - there is still UK English, is confusing.
Again thank you for your time
(12-07-2019, 01:53 PM)Arwen Wrote: @Wawe, We have a Pinebook Pro troubleshooting section on the Wiki. It may help. Here is a link;
Wiki - Pinebook Pro - Troubleshooting guide
As usual, feel free to correct, improve or comment, (good or politely bad).
Thanks that is very useful.
(12-07-2019, 09:28 AM)tophneal Wrote: From my experience with the 2 models of Pinebook, the red light usually goes off when the battery is charged.
Have you tried writing an IMG to SD and booting that?
Thanks for your experience - that is useful.
No because notebook didn't start. It was a problem with eMMC.