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  Busted Pine64 does not turn on any more
Posted by: alid - 04-23-2016, 07:24 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (10)

Got mine a couple of hours ago (2GB). Burned a Ubuntu image and booted it up. Rebooted a couple of times. And now it doesn't turn on anymore. The red LED stays off. Looks dead.

I tried a few other USB power supplies (I have quite a few and I bought them for my Pis, none of those crappy ones that you get with your phone) and nothing. The board seems to be busted. I removed everything (no keyboard or mouse or Ethernet or HDMI cable, no SD card) and it didn't make any difference.

Sigh.. knowing them, 1- it will take them forever to replace the board and 2- they will charge me another $7 to send a replacement

Waiting for : it must be your fault doing something you're not supposed to do. your power supply was -bad-, cables have not been thick enough. Stop whining, there is always problem with a new piece of hardware, etc. etc. etc.

is the right email support@pine64.com?

Question no permanent MAC address? need it to give Pine64 a reserved IP.
Posted by: faddah - 04-23-2016, 06:46 PM - Forum: Ethernet Port - Replies (14)


i need my Pine64 A64+ 2 GB RAM board to have a permanent MAC address, yet it seems to get a new, random one every time i restart.

allow me to explain —

i need the permanent MAC address so my home router (Xfinity/Comcast Cable Modem) can give it a permanent IP in the DHCP list. the reason i need that, is so i can do port forwarding and be able to ssh into the board, if i leave it on (currently with Arch Linux, i also have other MicoSD cards that have other OS's, like Ubuntu). if the MAC address changes each time, the router can't find it and just gives it a random IP number, instead of my desired permanent IP that i am looking for, and, of course, i can never log-in to the board.

however, every time i restart the board, it has a new MAC address (???). at least for the ethernet, as that is the only real MAC address for it i see. i've confirmed this both with the router software looking at the board's MAC address each time i've re-started it, as well as with ifconfig -a and dmesg. in fact, dmesg has this line in it —

eth0: Use random mac address

meaning, it is set up to give a new MAC address on each boot.

is there any way to make it so the board has the same, consistent MAC hardware address each time it is re-booted? any help here would be appreciated.


—  faddah
     portland, oregon, u.s.a.

  How to return the product?
Posted by: psprinter - 04-23-2016, 06:44 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (3)

I received my pine 64 2G version today but was fairly disappointed: it didn't boot (tried image burning many times) and there was no output signals from the HDMI port. I simply want to return it. Is there anyone knows how to do that?



  Made a case
Posted by: Grant moore - 04-23-2016, 05:27 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - No Replies

Made my case today. Went to hardware store and got some materials,  did not take too long.
See attached pic.

  Can I move up OR delay shipment??
Posted by: Axeman098 - 04-23-2016, 05:06 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (2)

Hi, I have not received my PineA64 kit yet, but I expect to shortly. I ordered a full backer kit with Touch screen, case, etc, however if I have a shipping concern, who can I contact to either move up or delay my shipment while I am out of town on vacation in May??

  Boot Ubuntu in CLI mode
Posted by: utdrmac - 04-23-2016, 04:30 PM - Forum: Ubuntu - Replies (6)

Hey all,
Using the image here: http://wiki.pine64.org/index.php/Pine_A6....2C_Pine64

Works fine and all, but I don't need the GUI. How can I uninstall/remove the GUI OR just set it to boot directly to console?

  At what point do you give up and ask for a refund or another board
Posted by: mr pink - 04-23-2016, 04:20 PM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (7)

Tried every single os, different micro sd cards, cdmi cables, tv's, power supplies and still have a board that power up, has no display, no boot.

I even left it overnight on numerous occasions, left it for a few hours on others.  I am fully at the end of my tether with a board that simply will not boot!

the current card is a 32GB card plugged into an LG tv using a power supply that works well with a raspberry pi.  I am beginning to get annoyed but am holding back as being an engineer means having patient with new tech but I must say, even the pi has never given me this much grief!

I am on the verge of simply buying a pi 3 and sticking to that as I know it works.  If I said I was truly disappointed, it would the the understatement of the year so far!

  Pine64 Linux fixup script
Posted by: longsleep - 04-23-2016, 03:48 PM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+) - Replies (3)

I am a friend of pragmatic solutions, so here is a very simple one to handle current and future fixes required on Pine64 without having to provide packaging.

So there is now a script which can be run on any Pine64 (Linux) any time, multiple times. The script will fix whatever needs fixing. Thus the script is called "pine64_fix_whatever.sh". The idea is that whenever some issue comes up, a solution can be added to this script, run it again and be good.

Fixes (in the order as they have been added):

- Pulseaudio stuttering by disable timer-based audio scheduling

The script is part of my platform-scripts at https://github.com/longsleep/build-pine6...rm-scripts.

You can simply run it like this on all Linux images (as root):

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/master/simpleimage/platform-scripts/pine64_fix_whatever.sh)

And reboot afterwards.

  Duplicate MAC addresses
Posted by: utdrmac - 04-23-2016, 03:03 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (2)

I just got my 4 Pine64's in the mail. I plugged them all in and got everything working using the latest Ubuntu 16.04 off the wiki. I noticed odd network issues. Eventually realizing that all 4 have the same exact MAC address.

Would this be an Ubuntu issue or is this a hardware issue? Is this a known issue?

What can I do about it? Can I change the MAC addresses?

  20160303 Download Links Hanging
Posted by: highmileage - 04-23-2016, 02:56 PM - Forum: Android on Pine A64(+) - Replies (9)

When I try to download any of the 'Android Image Release 20160303' images from here, the site just hangs. Are other people experiencing that? Does anyone know of any other mirrors/torrents for these files (preferably the DD image). Thanks!