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  Using PineA64 as VNC Viewer highlights need for Video Driver
Posted by: MarkHaysHarris777 - 06-24-2016, 05:50 PM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials - No Replies


The first pic shows my PineA64 desktop PC being used as a VNC viewer to control one of my plethora of Raspberry Pis. This works very well as long as I take two things into account: 1) I must start the viewer with the -x11cursor option, or the cursor won't work at all, and 2) I must not move ANY of the windows on the remote tightvncserver !  ~nice, huh ?

These two glitches are the first (and only) glitches I have found in three weeks of testing with the PineA64 as primary desktop PC; and the reason behind the problem lies in the lack of a good video driver (mali) presumably. So, I too am waiting with baited breath for Lenny to get the mali driver into the beta kernel so we can test on it !

There are a couple of work arounds for the problem (seen in the pic below) : 1) refresh the screen by minimizing it and maximizing it, and 2) switch to an alternate desktop space and back again. 

By the way, the PineA64 works VERY well as a tightvncserver ! So, the machine may be run completely headless, and the user can still control it via full desktop interface from another machine with a viewer (like the mac screen sharing, or like my HP running Mint gnu+linux)


The pic above was created by dragging the calculator window across the screen slowly. I can refresh the screen and it will look fine again.  The new driver code should fix this little snag !  Looking forward to testing it !


  Well, I *was* excited...
Posted by: bte2 - 06-24-2016, 04:17 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (2)

It's been a month since I got a ship notification.

Those shouldn't have gone out.

At least there is (finally) some motion on the tracking number- as of 5 days ago it was still in China.

  Dead or Alive?
Posted by: Ludovic - 06-24-2016, 02:39 PM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (17)


I have received less than 2 weeks ago my Pine A64 2Go board with the Bt/Wifi module.

I used a 32 Go Samsung microSDHC class 10, sold 2 of my switchs (there was not neither in the box nor in the electrostatic bag), and install android 5.1 and later RemixOS; the charger is a 2 amp (5V).

it works fine for a little bit more than a week but last monday it wouldn't start.

I thought that my come from my microSD card, take an other one, but I had the same symptom, light turn on red and ...... nothing.
And then I began the following checking :
1/ change OS and image read/writer
2/ change again the microsd another 32Go micrSD
3/ check the microsds were working well (on raspberry) the 3 were ok
4/ change the charger
5/ change the HDMI cable
6/ check the 2 button sold: start and stop is working fine, reset has no effect (was working when the os was launching)
7/ of course, all that with and without the BT/wifi module (who knows why?)

I presently have no response from customer service

what else shall I test ? any idea?

  DC Power IN Power-ON Switch Reset Switch -- Batt Required
Posted by: MarkHaysHarris777 - 06-24-2016, 02:11 PM - Forum: DC Power In - Replies (6)


I have a couple of tips regarding the DC IN Power-ON & Reset switches. First off, they are right-angle switches which have a beefy frame (say heatsink) and therefore require a 40 watt iron to solder in (your little 15 or 25 watt iron isn't going to cut it). 

Secondly, and maybe most importantly, the power-on switch is not going to work without the DC batt plugged in and fully charged. The PMIC detects that the batt isn't there and immediately shuts down the system; this is why several of you are reporting that your switch isn't working. The reset does just that (a reset) not a good thing to do without a clean shutdown first. Holding the power-on button for a while will do a hard power-off if that were required (like any notebook computer, &c). Otherwise, the power-on button sends a keycode to the kernel (I have not been able to verify but I think its 116; let you know). This could be trapped to signal a clean poweroff. With a fully charged batt plugged in the power-on button will power-up the device without removing the main power plug. Not sure if a small backup battery would be enough; will have to test.


PS ... click the thumbnail above to get a larger view/

  Is shipping@pine email pointless?
Posted by: montero65 - 06-24-2016, 01:28 PM - Forum: Shipment Related Discussion - Replies (7)

Just curious if anyone has had any luck contacting the shipping@pine64 email lately.  The last time I emailed, I got an auto reply that it would take 7-9 days before they answered me.  That was May 25th.  And then nothing since then.  I finally reached out to TL on the forums here, and he responded pretty quickly to get my stuff sorted.  Unfortunately, once I received my shipment, I was still missing a few items.  I've tried to reach out to TL again, but I imagine he's very busy trying to sort out everyone asking him to follow up on their orders.  I have also sent an email to shipping, but I don't know if that will go anywhere.

What I want to know is, has anyone tried to email shipping (or support or anything) @Pine recently and actually gotten a response?  If you got a response, what kind of timing was it?  Days?  Weeks?  Was the response any help at all?  Or have you all gotten nowhere, and just post to the forum asking TL to check for you instead?  I'm just curious if the @Pine emails even serve a purpose anymore, or if everyone has turned to TL instead.  With the amount that TL has been handling, I'd like to think their "back log" of emails will be quickly dwindling, but I still never heard anything from my email a month ago.

  Different Resolutions (4:3, 1680x1050...)
Posted by: LeRoms77 - 06-24-2016, 12:04 PM - Forum: HDMI Port - Replies (6)

Hi is there a way to add any others resolutions than 1080p or 720p ? Like 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1680x1050 etc...
Is it a problem with actual kernel or is it hardware related problems with AllWinner Chips ?

Thanks in advance

  7" LCD Touch Screen Panel
Posted by: TDetwiler3@gmail.com - 06-24-2016, 11:26 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (1)

How do you hook up and operate the 7" LCD Touch Screen Panel?

  First experiences with the Pine64 2GB + Wifi/BT module: looks good!
Posted by: rookieone - 06-24-2016, 01:09 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+) - Replies (5)

Ordered the Pine64 2GB about mid April and after waiting patiently I received it this week here in the Netherlands. I bought it without giving it much thought, just thinking to use it as a replacement for an old laptop that acted as a Linux server before. Sounded great to run Android on it as well.

I started reading some forum entries and other first experiences after I ordered and read quite some negative experiences, even about just getting it booted. So while waiting for it to arrive I spent a bit of time reading here and there and prepare the images. 

I used 32GB cards to write the 32GB rooted Android image and a 8GB Ubuntu image (resized the partition to use the rest of the storage) of which I read had most chance to work.

So when the Pine64 arrived on Wednesday, I tried both Android and Ubuntu images and they both booted up just fine. 

So my first impression is that it is looking good and it works. Can’t say much about performance things yet though.
So it seems to work fine and looking forward to spend some more time working with it on both Android and Linux!

Please share your experiences, for example if you also just started booting your Pine64, I am also curious about your experiences after booting Smile

Question Can't boot PINE64+ 2GB
Posted by: micobg - 06-24-2016, 12:47 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (1)

Hi! I'm in trouble with startup my new PINE64+ 2BG.  Smile
What I'm doing?

I downloaded RemixOS from here and I have tried to burn it using PhoenixCard but Script not found error occured. So I used HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool I everything seems to be ok. The SD card Adata 32GB Class 10. When I have plugged in the monitor and then the charger, the red LED indicator is on and...nothing happens. I tried many times with 2 different monitors. First of them say Out of range 67.5KHz/60Hz and the second - No signal. What can be a problem?

  Screen stuck in Portrait mode.
Posted by: domant - 06-24-2016, 12:25 AM - Forum: Getting Started - Replies (3)

Using the pre-installed Android 5.1.1 OS.  The Pine64 was working fine for the first few boots, but after I installed and opened an app from the Google Play store the screen rotated from landscape to portrait and has been stuck that way. 

I Tried to power off + on, and tried uninstalling the app that seemingly caused the problem... Any other ideas?

(FYI - this was using the HDMI output to a tv screen)