01-06-2020, 08:02 PM
The "simple" way I restored the OS using the eMMC adapter and was up and running.
I ran into issues getting the OS installed from the SD card
Since the SD card method failed, I used the eMMC adapter instead. If you don't have an adapter, here are a few links where you can purchase one.
I purchased mine from the Pine64 store which took a while to arrive.
I ran into issues getting the OS installed from the SD card

I purchased mine from the Pine64 store which took a while to arrive.
- Pine64 store https://store.pine64.org/?product=usb-ad...mmc-module
- Amazon https://www.amazon.com/ODROID-eMMC-Adapt...B01LHJ2O38
- Amazon https://www.amazon.com/ODROID-USB3-0-eMM...B07BHQ615Q
- Amazon https://www.amazon.com/SmartFly-info-eMM...B08229QKV3
- Download the OS on a separate computer. https://wiki.pine64.org/index.php/Pinebo...an_Desktop
- You'll need to flash the eMMC. I recommend using Balena Etcher https://www.balena.io/etcher/
- Turn off your PBP, open the back, and remove the eMMC flash memory from the motherboard. See here for where to find it and other specs: https://wiki.pine64.org/index.php/Pinebo...Reassembly
- Attach the eMMC to the eMMC adapter and place the adapter in an open USB slot within the separate computer.
- Open Etcher on the separate computer and follow the instructions on how to flash the eMMC you have plugged into the USB slot. It's the same process as flashing an SD card.
- Once Etcher is complete, reinstall the eMMC in the PBP and close it up.
- Power up!
- After your PBP boots up (you'll see the OS logo screen twice), log in using the rock/rock username/password combo.
- Make sure the PBP has internet access so you can run the updates.
- When the updates finish, follow the instructions on how to update the trackpad firmware. https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=8407
- After the second reboot, during the trackpad upgrade, you should be good to go