08-27-2017, 12:55 PM
Hi from Czech Republic, i am satisfied with my Pinebook 14", running original Linux MATE, however as I was changing slide bar of the screen brightness via touchpad, as i think there is no hardware shortcut like "Fn+something", i accidentally moved it to zero % and then manually switched off the Pinebook via long hold of the power button, so the screen is now after every log-in totally dark. I can run up Guest session, but once I log into my account, it becomes dark. External HDMI does not run (i never tested before, just tried now and TV says no signal). I know i can run up Terminal via shortcut CTRL+ALT+T, however what next then, step by step pls.? I tried to play with "xbacklight" advise in Guest session and also my account, but i am not sure i am doing the steps in correct synchronizations (blind typing, lack of Guest password knowledge, lack of knowledge if xbacklight is installed or not, etc.). Thx to experts to let me know fast!