11-02-2021, 10:10 AM
I'm planning to order a PinePhone soon. One thing I'd like to have a guarantee of is that the device will be delivered to my door and I'm not asked to go pick it up. To be honest this is mainly due to the whole COVID paranoia going on... let's just say I'm not a fan of the new norm and am not looking to pick fights in mass transit because someone expects me to wear NWO accessories on my face, I prefer staying in my home having little to do with the outside world and only going out to local shops when needed. The problem is that based on my experiences ordering from eBay in the past that some products arrive at a post office in the city center, I often had to go there to pick it up and they'd ask for additional money to be paid upfront, it's very far so there's no way of getting there on foot. I live in Romania, Bucharest (the capital).
Can people from different countries (especially Europe and Romania) share their experience with the delivery process please? Did you receive a notice by mail to go somewhere and pick up the device, or did the mailman bring it at your doorstep as I'm hoping will be the case here? It seems the huge additional shipping fees are calculated when placing an order for the PinePhone on the website (150$ becomes 200$ for this reason) so I'm hoping it includes any and every fee anyone could possibly want.
issue is pinephone, not pinephone parts.
it depends heavily on DHL, how dhl handles packages in that country. in finland i took second pinephone to the door and first one i diverted to the local delivery point for collection, in that time it was 50 meters away from my workplace. you should check dhl website for details and there might be extra chages for rural delivery.
for that anti-vaccine nonsense, it doesn't belong here. this forum sounds sometimes too much like actual paranoid crazies sometimes. i remember before coronavirus pandemic in another forum, which discusses mostly about windows and mood is mostly, how to avoid telemetry, windows data collection and forced automatic updates. one user said that "that" forum is bunch of paranoids. i start to have similar feeling now in here for different reasons.
maybe those forum rules needs to be clarified little bit.
btw, take paranoia only in moderation.
11-02-2021, 11:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-02-2021, 11:56 AM by MirceaKitsune.)
Thanks for your response. Yeah don't wanna dive into those things here for sure, it was just for some background... bottom line is I'd like it to be delivered directly if that's possible. Sounds like it's up to luck whether it will; Unless the Pine delivery team can ask for a preferred method and have it be respected by the mail system, it will probably be up to what local authorities decide based on how they handle shipments for mobile devices... not sure if the delivery operator used will make a difference or there's a choice which to use if so.
(11-02-2021, 10:10 AM)MirceaKitsune Wrote: I'm planning to order a PinePhone soon. One thing I'd like to have a guarantee of is that the device will be delivered to my door and I'm not asked to go pick it up. To be honest this is mainly due to the whole COVID paranoia going on... let's just say I'm not a fan of the new norm and am not looking to pick fights in mass transit because someone expects me to wear NWO accessories on my face, I prefer staying in my home having little to do with the outside world and only going out to local shops when needed. The problem is that based on my experiences ordering from eBay in the past that some products arrive at a post office in the city center, I often had to go there to pick it up and they'd ask for additional money to be paid upfront, it's very far so there's no way of getting there on foot. I live in Romania, Bucharest (the capital).
Can people from different countries (especially Europe and Romania) share their experience with the delivery process please? Did you receive a notice by mail to go somewhere and pick up the device, or did the mailman bring it at your doorstep as I'm hoping will be the case here? It seems the huge additional shipping fees are calculated when placing an order for the PinePhone on the website (150$ becomes 200$ for this reason) so I'm hoping it includes any and every fee anyone could possibly want.
I think it rather depends on the person handling the delivery.
Since you said you're in Romania, I would have assumed that the people there aren't as likely to believe in the whole convid psyop, so pretty surprised they're not acting normal there ("new normal" = abnormal).
I myself don't live in Europe or any western country, but I get everything delivered at the door with no problem at all, nobody ever even requests me to wear a mask which I never wear.
Sometimes when Amazon handles the delivery themselves they'd put the item in front of my door and just sends out an email confirming delivery, but for the most part it's still just like in the pre-clownworld era (aka, before 2020).
So again, this all depends on either the individual delivering, or the delivery company, so not something Pine64 can really do about.
Thank you for that Ryo... we do what we can  I assume the only thing the PinePhone team can do is use a delivery service that's more likely to deliver directly. But can the person placing the order ask the Pine team to make that choice, and how do we even know which choice is most likely to do it? I didn't see an option for delivery provider, thus I'm assuming there isn't anything I can do but hope it gets delivered the easiest way.
(11-03-2021, 07:57 AM)MirceaKitsune Wrote: Thank you for that Ryo... we do what we can I assume the only thing the PinePhone team can do is use a delivery service that's more likely to deliver directly. But can the person placing the order ask the Pine team to make that choice, and how do we even know which choice is most likely to do it? I didn't see an option for delivery provider, thus I'm assuming there isn't anything I can do but hope it gets delivered the easiest way.
Maybe if you pressure @ Luke into a response, because the Pine64 team is notorious to not responding to emails unless publicly pressured in doing so.
I think delivery provider option is only available to Americans, can't confirm though.
But since Romania is still part of the EU, maybe you might try to find contact information of the Poland-based warehouse, since that's where Pine64 distributes everything from to EU customers.
For Europe, I think mine Pinephone BE got delivered to the given address without additional fees. I ordered it this year after they started sending devices from Poland.
For other small purchases from Pine64 I choose the more expensive DHL delivery service which also delivers to an address. DHL also takes care for customs fees in those cases.
Quote:for that anti-vaccine nonsense, it doesn't belong here.
You're the first one to mention anything on the topic. Please, don't jump to conclusions about what other people are saying and read more carefully. The guy just wants information about how the delivery system works.
Quote:Maybe if you pressure @Luke into a response, because the Pine64 team is notorious to not responding to emails unless publicly pressured in doing so.
Why bother him about non-issue like this? For Europe there's an option to use DHL and I don't think they require you to go to a some other place to get your package
(11-04-2021, 07:27 AM)bosi564 Wrote: Quote:for that anti-vaccine nonsense, it doesn't belong here.
You're the first one to mention anything on the topic. Please, don't jump to conclusions about what other people are saying and read more carefully. The guy just wants information about how the delivery system works.
Adding @ zetabeta for this reply.
The sad thing about current year is that pro-vax vs anti-vax became the new Russia vs America, or black vs white, or Jew vs Muslim, or North Korea vs South Korea, or however you want to see 2 completely opposing groups that seemingly can't get along with one other.
As a result, pro-vaxxers/news watchers see anti-vaxxers as "crazy" and "dangerous" while anti-vaxxers/critical thinkers see pro-vaxxers as "brainwashed" and "zombies", and the mods take the whole thread down in the end, so I think it's just better to not respond whenever either side brings up their point about this rather controversial topic, which by the way would avoid breaking the rules anyway.
(11-04-2021, 07:27 AM)bosi564 Wrote: Quote:Maybe if you pressure @Luke into a response, because the Pine64 team is notorious to not responding to emails unless publicly pressured in doing so.
Why bother him about non-issue like this? For Europe there's an option to use DHL and I don't think they require you to go to a some other place to get your package
Maybe I shouldn't have put it as drastically.
The problem is rather he doesn't know whether whatever delivery guy would deliver to his door or some place else, I already said it's not something Pine64 can do about.
So perhaps a better way to just threaten kindly ask DHL to explicitely deliver to the door, or else.
11-16-2021, 08:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-16-2021, 08:24 AM by MirceaKitsune.)
Oh boy I may have started things. I fully agree with Ryo but anyway: Was going to open a new thread to ask about an alternative that came to mind, figured I'd do it here first. Are resellers an option, and is it allowed and practical to ask about one on this forum? Might actually be useful if the forum had a section for that really.
What I mean is: Suppose someone doesn't want to worry about the official order and delivery process. Are there people in different countries and cities that sell brand new PinePhone devices, who you can contact and arrange to have them meet you in person, pay them upfront get the box and that's it?
If I'm lucky this might mean I can escape part of the crazy shipping fees too: They turn the 150$ PinePhone into 200$ just because of shipment... if for an entire quarter of the price I don't even have the promise the post service won't put me through trouble it really feels like too much, the gas and time for someone in the same city to drive over would definitely be less. I'd also be rid of the concern that the shipment will get lost and I may have to wait how many months to get it, something I hear happens frequently with overseas orders in general.
There are a few worries with this option of course. One is being sure the device is new and the owner didn't break it or install something spooky on it, would have to check the box carefully and ideally be sure it's someone trusted by the community. My other concern was whether this means my money still goes to PinePhone since I want to support the team for the amazing things they did...in the end I figure it does as the reseller bought the device for me to get it, indirectly I'm still buying the PP from its creators.
So far I looked on OLX, our country's version of Ebay / Craigslist: No results come up for PinePhone unfortunately, prolly stuff related to Christmas trees if I type just Pine heh. We also have online stores such as Emag which is like the US's Amazon: They don't sell them as expected.
Something interesting I just noticed. I looked at the Beta Edition page again and saw an interesting message:
The EU PinePhone orders will dispatch weekly from Poland transit warehouse. For non EU PinePhone orders estimated dispatch from Hong Kong warehouse in late November 2021.
So mine would be coming from Poland, which is almost a neighbor of Romania and very close. This makes me feel a bit better about it though I'm still unsure. If I order before December I'm hoping it arrives before Christmas, three weeks should be enough right? Will wait for more opinions.