Hello everyone. Pinephone user here, now Pinetab user. 
I'm new to the Pinetab and came to checkout the Pinetab forum today. Saw a few posts asking how to open it. Was saddened to see a poll asking how many other ppl broke their screen trying to open their Pinetab. I know how bad it feels to break a screen.
So I made this video. Hope it helps someone out there:
EDIT: Had to open the Pinetab back up, this time caught entire opening on video, here: https://youtu.be/V-C6JzXhXbA (better instructional demo video than the 'tips' one above)

I'm new to the Pinetab and came to checkout the Pinetab forum today. Saw a few posts asking how to open it. Was saddened to see a poll asking how many other ppl broke their screen trying to open their Pinetab. I know how bad it feels to break a screen.

So I made this video. Hope it helps someone out there:
EDIT: Had to open the Pinetab back up, this time caught entire opening on video, here: https://youtu.be/V-C6JzXhXbA (better instructional demo video than the 'tips' one above)
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few." -Shunryu Suzuki
[ Pinephone Original | Pinetab v1 / v2 Enjoyer ]
Linux Device Privacy / Security Playlist
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few." -Shunryu Suzuki
[ Pinephone Original | Pinetab v1 / v2 Enjoyer ]
Linux Device Privacy / Security Playlist