Trouble connecting to my home wifi
I've previously connected to my wifi fine. For some reason I cannot any longer. It hangs at connecting and I'm prompted to re enter the password. Connects to other networks fine. Signal strength says 59% from where I'm sitting. Any way to diagnose? Even did a fresh install of manjaro incase I screwed something up. And yes, the password I'm entering is correct.
Temporarily change the SSID on your access point and try again.
(09-24-2020, 06:28 PM)KC9UDX Wrote: Temporarily change the SSID on your access point and try again.
Really? Ok I'll try it but I've never heard that before.
from a previous post, also refusing password
(my 'hunch',, something to do with kwallet)

Try an alternative to networkManager? Sometimes (very occasionally) NM screws up
old school, wpa_supplicant,, wicd,, connman
usually, these apps are "jealous" ,, insist on being the 'one and only'
Have you tried a wifi dongle?

You could try,, systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
(09-25-2020, 07:14 AM)wdt Wrote: from a previous post, also refusing password
(my 'hunch',, something to do with kwallet)

Try an alternative to networkManager? Sometimes (very occasionally) NM screws up
old school, wpa_supplicant,, wicd,, connman
usually, these apps are "jealous" ,, insist on being the 'one and only'
Have you tried a wifi dongle?

You could try,, systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
Don't have a wifi dongle. I tried restart network manager but that didn't solve the problem unfortunately. I read somewhere the pbp had problems on certain wifi bands specifically 5ghz? Correct me if I'm won't. I'm going to try and change the network name a little later.
I'm not much of a Linux user, I more familiar with Unix/Solaris/BSD. But in my experience with linux, I find Network Manager to be unreliable at times. When you do change your network SSID, I recommend stopping Network Manager and use wpa_supplicant directly. Unless you know how to do this, or should someone else be able to explain it, you're at the mercy of the manuals or the web; because I can't explain how to do this in Linux off the top of my head.
(09-26-2020, 05:15 PM)KC9UDX Wrote: I'm not much of a Linux user, I more familiar with Unix/Solaris/BSD.  But in my experience with linux, I find Network Manager to be unreliable at times.  When you do change your network SSID, I recommend stopping Network Manager and use wpa_supplicant directly.  Unless you know how to do this, or should someone else be able to explain it, you're at the mercy of the manuals or the web; because I can't explain how to do this in Linux off the top of my head.
Hmm. Ok. Worth a read. This is the thread where I read about the wifi issue. I'll try the downgrade listed on the thread to see if it works for me also.
Also, if you have a spare SD card (highly recommended anyway), install the Debian for PBP image on it, and try that. Debian seems to be more robust that Manjaro, but not quite as functionally complete.
Yes indeed, forgot about firmware,
I am still on earlier version, pinned (2020.01-1)
FYI, it is called ap6256-firmware
I strongly reccomend mrfixit's distro, as a recovery
(on smallest, cheapest uSD, 8G or >, do
use nmcli to remove the saved network and connect with nmcli

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