I bought it to run Ubuntu MATE, but it does not do that.
The audio volume is so low that it is mostly useless to me. And as a new Linux user, I did not anticipate the differences in Manjaro and Ubuntu.
Provide Ubuntu MATE support and maybe I can use external speakers. But oh - was there a problem with audio and video sync also?
I have not run a Linux distru on mine in some time. My wife still runs Manjaro, but I suspect the reason that I never have to fix it is that I have only updated it once in the past year.
I have found that NetBSD with KDE4 does everything that I need my PBP to do, albeit the inbuilt WiFi still does not work.
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Debian Sid here. Almost stock - just extra acpid hackery for speakers muting/unmuting on headphones plugging/unplugging, WiFi/BT firmware, asound.state with immutable flag. Oh, and u-boot-rockchip from Debian Experimental. The only thing that doesn't work is deep sleep.
I installed mine completely manually, doing essentially the same thing that debootstrap does automatically, but official SD card image with u-boot from experimental should work too, though partitioning would likely need to be done manually and u-boot also needs to be installed separately from experimental.
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Manjaro & i3.
Find it to be pretty snappy, and the Manjaro i3 ISO has some nice defaults and everything works.
Debian 11 Bullseye (aka Testing, but will remain with it after release) + Mate. It covers all my needs.
Better to ask us which one is right for you. In that case, please tell is what you already prefer.
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