Ubuntu Touch with OTA updates
someone posted a script for switching between speakers and headphones, i will try it later.
Any news on what's going on in the dev branch? Is GPS working yet?
Just installed new dev version on UBports edition. Now have speaker phone in phone calls (although its a little buggy) and things generally seem to be running smoother. Calls working with verizon!

(08-07-2020, 09:46 PM)Djhg2000 Wrote: Any news on what's going on in the dev branch? Is GPS working yet?
Don't think GPS is enabled by default yet. But in the tinkering thread you can see how to enable GPS.
(05-05-2020, 04:06 PM)Luke Wrote: Hello everyone,

Here are the UT images you should use from now on, as these images include OTA updates (obviously, get the latest one).
OTA updates can be found under settings -> updates
You download the update and press "install & reboot", the update process including reboots is completely automatic - you don't need to do anything.

You no longer have to reflash your UT image, just use the OTA updates from now on.

[edit] Stable OTA pushed on 18 June, 2020 includes crust and support for incoming / outgoing phone calls as well as much refinement, fixes and extras.

Is anyone having issue Flashing the Images for this? I have been trying for weeks and still will not flash to my sd card. Please help.

Thank You
One easy way is to extract the file (img.xz) and use balena etcher to transfer it to the sd card. I haven't tried the newer images though.
(12-04-2020, 05:35 AM)Nooblife Wrote: One easy way is to extract the file (img.xz) and use balena etcher to transfer it to the sd card. I haven't tried the newer images though.

Balena Etcher  "Auto-extracts"  

Simply download the desired image to your download folder.

Then use Balena to flash your sd card.

Here is the latest release :

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Just to be sure I haven't missed something: OTA updates are NOT available on the Pinephone, right? The UT announcement of OTA-16, for example, says it's not going to the PP.

Will the PP ever be an officially supported device? With everything working and OTA updates?

Thank you for your time and work.
OTA/on the air updates are working, they just aren't following the release cycle the other devices have. I think the endgame is to get pinephone on that release cycle aswell, but they have allot of work to do, and few developers. The pinephone priority right now is to get kernel 10 working, and phone calls stable. Ubports is working towards moving from ubuntu 16.04 to 20.04 and that takes allot of time. Manjaro, mobian and postmarket is mainly focusing on supporting the pinephone and that's why they are moving along at a faster pace. (this information i got from the regular q&a they do)

If you want to try ubports i'd recommend the development channel. It get's regularly updated and works ok on my phone.
(04-20-2021, 03:54 AM)Nooblife Wrote: If you want to try ubports i'd recommend the development channel. It get's regularly updated and works ok on my phone.
Would I get it from here:
hm, i'm not certain. I started with the stable image: https://ci.ubports.com/job/rootfs/job/ro...stemimage/ and then changed the update channel to development. As long as you pick a recent image, you are supposed to be able to switch between those update channels anyway. Ubports is still not ready for daily driving because the modem often disconnect during sleep/crust.

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